Heavy Varmint Postal Match, USA and South Aftica

Thanks for the pictures, and report Ammion. By the looks of those flags, you guys had a real tough wind condition to shoot in... great shooting for those tough conditions. Next time just fly over here to shoot with us in the cold fog instead:) Cold, and breezy, but not that windy, those tails are straight out. They looked a little like the flags today at our Pistol Field target meet, but we had a high of about 38 degrees but with a wind chill, it was close to freezing. We'll play around tomorrow shooting BR with a couple guys, and see if it's a little warmer.

Wacky Wayne
Hi to all from SA and USA . Good shooting, I hope all had fun as I did . Hay Niekie i see that you and me both are looking for the hidden 250 s to come out . ( in side Worlds joke ) . I hope that we all have more chances to do more shooting . Rick
Thought you guys would want to know that we scored all 72 odd 25 meter targets with the scanner and James Mitchell's program. Scanning took about an hour and the scoring was done in about 5 minutes if all is taken into account.

I heard no grumbling from competitors so I have to assume that the scorer was doing a good job.

So this was our first official electronic scoring run.


Electronic scoring is available today and is highly accurate, fast and easy. The cost of the scanner still remains an obstacle. Thanks for sharing that fact. Hopefully the world organization will take notice.
Open Grove USA Team 3 CA

Good luck with your shoot tomorrow. Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!

Paul Bendix
There will be a change in the line up. John Carter has been in the hospital, and Brian will be out of town. Jim Drury, and Dale Herrick will take their place. Thanksgiving was great, Thanks Paul.

Go California! May you shoot your best, and Good luck! It looks like the weather will be great today, as usual for sunny southern California. I hope that some show up to add to the "individuals" list too. Hey Joe, get a score up there too!

Although it's not a true comparison.... this "postal match" thing, it's still fun to play and list the scores. If we do it often enough, the conditions might even out a little over time:)... maybe.. but fun none the less:)

Let's think about a three different location postal match... (or at least two different locations). Each team has to shoot in 3 different locations over a 30 day period. Now that would be more of a challenge, and average out the "condition" issue a little anyway!

Wacky Wayne,
Match Director,
Ashland Air Rifle Range
What a beautiful morning to start off, but it didn't last when the Santa Ana winds started for their second and third cards. Overall the guys shot good and happy with the outcome.


Jim Herrick, 245-11x, 247-10x, 247-7x,== 739-28x
Dale Herrick, 244-6x, 241-8x, 240-5x,== 725-19x
Jim Drury, 238-8x, 234-5x, 237-7x,==709-20x

Total Team Score, 2173-67x


Thank you for putting this match together. Everyone shot great.

01.) 744 26x - Ron Silveira (USA Team 1)
02.) 743 29x - Mike Hopkins (USA Team 1)
03.) 739 28x - Jim Herrick (USA Team 3)
04.) 737 31x - Chris Lovitt (USA)
05.) 731 22x - Wayne Burns (USA Team 1)
06.) 729 21x - Eugene du Plessis (SA Team 2)
06.) 729 21x - Tiaan Broodryk (SA Team 2)
08.) 729 20x - Paul van Gass (SA Team 1)
09.) 727 24x - Dan Brown (USA Team 2)
10.) 725 19x - Dale Herrick (USA Team 3)
11.) 724 20x - Doug Shea (USA)
12.) 723 20x - Cuan Robinson (SA Team 2)
13.) 718 12x - Willie Visser (SA)
14.) 715 07x - Gert van Wyk (SA Team 1)
15.) 714 11x - Daniel Finney (USA Team 2)
16.) 712 18x - James Mitchell (SA Team 3)
17.) 712 13x - Niekie van Dyk (SA Team 3)
18.) 711 21x - Rick Ingraham (USA Team 2)
19.) 709 20x - Jim Drury (USA Team 3)
20.) 707 14x - Paul Bendix (USA)
21.) 707 11x - Ruth Penmann (SA Team 3)
22.) 699 07x - Pieter Grundligh (SA Team 1)
23.) 689 14x - Grieta Mitchell (SA)
24.) 673 06x - John Dean (SA)
25.) 671 12x - David Shattuck (USA)
26.) 628 12x - Mark Normandin (USA)
27.) 624 05x - Norm Liebner (USA)


1.) 2218 77x - USA Team 1
2.) 2181 62x - SA Team 2
3.) 2173 67x - USA Team 3
4.) 2152 56x - USA Team 2
5.) 2143 34x - SA Team 1
6.) 2131 42x - SA Team 3
Once again, thank you for compiling the scores.

On behalf of United States Air Rifle Benchrest, I would like to thank the teams and shooters who participated in this great event. I would also like to thank the match organizers and those who volunteered to score all of the targets. A big thank you goes to South Africa for teaching us how accurate, fast and easy electronic scoring can be with available technology..

This was a great event, with 27 shooters in 2 hemispheres from opposite sides of the globe competing with nothing more than the truest sense of sportsmanship. Hopefully, this will only be the beginning in a series of matches with teams and shooters from around the world.

Congratulations to all.
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Well done everybody - that was fun.

Congratulations to USA Team 1 - very good scores.

Next time we can make it a 3 way postal with Australia.
