Hearing aids anybody

Well I am about it embark down the road to see about getting hearing aids. I can see any provider has lots of manufacturers to recommend. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I really hate to find out after I bought something that I should have done something else. Suggestions?
Well, I have had 2 of them, and the one thing I would recommend is staying away from outfits like Miracle Ear, you will pay twice what its worth! Second find a local hearing aid provider, buy a brand name like Seimens, and depending on your type of hearing loss, purchase one with discrimination circutry. The reson you want this feature is in a restaurant or noise enviroment you can toggle the switch to eliminate most of the backround noise, and focus on the conversation. All hearing aids are kinda of annoying during the summer months as while its in your ear it sweats, and gets a wax build up so cleanliness of the ear canal is very important. Lastly make sure it fits well there is nothing more annoying than bending over to tie a shoe or retrieve something you dropped and having it squeal in your ear because it does not fit the canal correctly. I would think a quality aid should run you somewhere between $1200-1500.00
Hearing Protection while Shooting

If you are a member of the NRA, one of the member benefits is device that quinches a noise at 85 dec. and above. Check with them.
While it may not be for everyone, I had great success with America Hears over the internet Got Speaker in ear type so I'm not plugged up.
Came with all kinds of stuff, they can program and change over your computer or do it yourself.
I had them program one of the spare channels up 5 DB so I could increase sound easy when needed.
Prices will be a LOT cheaper for you. Of course your mileage may vary.
Thanks for the good advice and information.
I received an e-mail from the NRA Hearing section and have begun checking it out.
Been saying Huh? for several years now.
I have gotten my aids from the VA, I second the brand Seimens. My first pair were the in the ear canal type, most everything sounded like it was in a barrel and they squealed when holding a phone to the ear. My second type were the behind the ear with the small tube that goes into the ear canal. These work perfect and are almost the same as natural hearing. My VA Dr. said I could try them for 6 months and if I didn't like them exchange them for another kind. .
I have had four sets of hearing aids over the last 25 or 30 years so I know of what I speak. The first ones were more trouble than I could handle (background noise). Each pair have been better than the last as the technology improves. The pair I have now are by far the best. They are the behind the ear type as were the others.

You should not expect results for hearing aids for the ears like you get from a pair of glasses for the eyes. With improvements in electronic hearing aids come some problems. These problems are part of what you pay for the benifit that you gain. It is nice to hear what other people are saying.

I would advise anyone not to go to a place whose only business is to sell hearing aids Rather go to professionals who will advise you based on your hearing loss and fit you with a hearing aid tuned for you if needed.

FYI: My last pair cost me about $6,000 and because they work well I consider them a bargain.
Behind the ear

I have the behind the ear with a tube going into ear, but have an open plug. The first setup was with a closed molded plug. The open ear design works better for me, as it is programed to only ampify the high pitched sounds. The closed one had to ampify all tone levels and was annoying. Try both, but the open ear design can be fit easyer. A good audioligist will be able to program it to even get rid of the tinnitus ringing. It will take a couple of visits to get the programing right.
Hearing aids and Shooting

My friend has hearing problems, was recommended hearing aids. He is 84years. Two doctors have told him to give up shooting. The big question is......with ear muffs and earplugs can he do anymore damage? He'd love to be able to even shoot .22lr rifle and pistol. None of the doctors have had any shooting experience. He's really heartbroken over this.

Any words of wisdom?Please!

Costco is the only place for hearing aids. 100% money back guarentee if not satisfied. Mine are "behing the ear" with open inserts into the ear. Of course I do not wear them shooting. I do use electronic muffs with foam plugs when shooting.

Don Carper
To answer your question about your fried, there is probably no reason at his age he would or should stop shooting. Hearing damamge is defined into two categories, Conductive hearing loss (bone decay or damage to hammer, anvil or stirrup) or Nerve Damage. Medically speaking nerve damage is irreversible, and conductive hearing loss can have positive gains through surgery. Tympano plastoidectomy is a procedure where they can place a prostetic device ( like a plastic hammer or stirrup) after removing your original equipment hammer and stirrup. also behind your ear the crannium normally has a honeycombed area that helps conduct sound,and as we age the honeycombed area decays and fills in the honeycomb area and sometimes the clean out(drill out this area to restore its ability to conduct sound.
If your friend uses a good set of ear muffs, he should be fine, I protect my good ear when shooting by using an earplug style device plus a good set of ear muffs.
I have had 3 surgery's on my left ear, conductive loss initially, and the doctors twice put in prostectic devices which each failed about 18-20 months after surgery the last time they said there wqas nothing left that they could attach the new prostetics too, and leaned the hammer up against the ear drum and provided me with a hearing aid. When they put the new aid into my ear and turned it on there was a lady and her son sitting a good 3o feet away and I could actually hear her whispering to her son they are phenominal pieces of technology and like someone else said they get better every year. Good luck.
My friend has hearing problems, was recommended hearing aids. He is 84years. Two doctors have told him to give up shooting. The big question is......with ear muffs and earplugs can he do anymore damage? He'd love to be able to even shoot .22lr rifle and pistol. None of the doctors have had any shooting experience. He's really heartbroken over this.

Any words of wisdom?Please!

Ted, I have been advised to continue using hearing protection even though the guns are not as loud to me because of hearing loss. Even though you might not feel the pain of muzzle blasts like you did in the past, you are still having damage without hearing protection.

As for your friend, He should ask another doctor who shoots and is aware of the noise and the protection available then do what he thinks best.
Here at work I am monitered by an industrial hygenist, she says plugs and muffs. We shoot more than most of you do, .50cal BMG in a indoor concrete range.

Mil if I remember correctly some years ago I saw some pistol type rifles shooting competition.
The shooters were using a type of Bell helmet to help keep things quiet and lessen the concussion from the ajacent shooters.