Eric, really, my mind isn't closed. I probably didn't write clearly enough. As to the consistency difference in the long-range bullets, I believe this is in large measure due to the design, not manufacturing technique. I tried to indicate we were comparing apples with oranges, but failed, I guess.
The rest is just a matter of enough testing, or enough wins, to overcome some particular mindset. Those mindsets may be proven right or wrong. But the internet is full of them, mine, yours, Pete Wass' and a host of people. For example one of the few things I share with Tony Boyer is not measuring the bearing surface of bullets I shoot in a match, at least for short range, because I (we?) don't think it matters.
Someday, very probably, I believe it will be technically possible to make machine-made bullets that are equal to or superior to hand-made bullets. Dunno if it will be economically possible, but I'll bet if we can figure out how, we can also figure out affordable. I don't even say we aren't there now, with Berger bullets, I just say not yet proven -- and I could be wrong, it sure wouldn't be the first time.
We are all better off that you & Walt Berger believe that machine-made bullets can be as good, simply becasue if you didn't, you wouldn't try, and if you don't try, we'll never get there.
Good luck to you, and all the best.