Harley Baker,2009 IBS Group Shooter of the Year


This is Harley's third year in a row in first place! Congratulations !
Shooters have asked me "doesn't it bother you getting beat out by Harley year after year ?" "not at all" I reply.I can assure you that Harley and I are good friends as well as fellow competitors,why just last year he agreed to let me develop and market a line of "Harley Baker" endorsed products as long as I promised to quit bothering him about it.
Now,after a year of work the goods are available.The following is a list of products and retailers where they may be purchased.

Bobblehead Harley (extra heavy spring to support head)
Monty's Collectables

the "Hulaharleyhoop" ( makes a whining sound as it goes around)
Finger Lakes Rehabilitation
Naples NY

"Big Kahuna"clothing line (paisley shirts and plaid shorts)
Alternative Men's Apparel
Polk Street

"Little Kahuna"clothing line(childrens sizes)
Spanky's Closet

"Harley Doody"(a ventriliquist's hand puppet)
Magic Bob's Costumes & Things
Davenport, IA

"Doggy Doody Harley Scoop"(basically a "Harley Doody" with the puppet control stick moved to the top of the head)
Larry's Pet World

"Rambo Baker Torture Chamber"( an action figure play set where kids can make a captive Harley "talk")(12 volt car battery and pkg of hotdogs not included)
Mickey's Army & Navy
Warren OH

and last but not least-------

"Baker Boingo"(a game for toddlers where a big headed Harley keeps popping out of his loading trailer and you whack him back in with a red plastic mallet)
Halley's Dept. Store
Cleveland OH
Harley baker

HARLEY Congrats"
Way to go again.

By the way did Nader get a hair cut yet?
Couldn't happen to a nicer, nor spiffier dressed, guy!!

Love ya Harley.

Grats buddy!!!

(Are you going to market any JNHF commemorative coins with this collection?)
Congratulations Harley !

Joel, put me down for one of the Baker Boingos. They will be a good way to relieve stress at the range.

Harley baker

I'll take the bubble head Harley Joel.
It will look nice on my dashboard'
Softer spring Please"
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Harley Baker

Harley, Congratulations on your benchrest shooting acheivements. You certainly worked hard and deserve the 2009 IBS Group Shooter of the Year.

Joel, Congratulations on 2nd place.

Jack, Congratulations on 3rd place!

See you at CCC.

Way to go Harley!!!

About an hour after I almost died laughing at Nader I got a call from Jeff Dunham. He is thinking about adding Harley Doody to his show and teaming him up with "Akmed" the Dead Terrorist. These guys in show business keep up with what is going on in the world.
Truth is, I really don't mind finishing behind you ! If it wasn't for teaming up with you in 2004, I wouldn't be as far along in my shooting as I am today.It's been a constant learning curve, a great time and always a lot of laughs! Looking forward to 2010.
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Truth is, I really don't mind finishing behind you ! If it wasn't for teaming up with you in 2004, I wouldn't be as far along in my shooting as I am today.It's been a constant learning curve, a great time and always a lot of laughs! Looking forward to 2010.

Joel: That sounds just like the brainwashing that comes out of Washington. Tony
Comedy Central is interested

About an hour after I almost died laughing at Nader I got a call from Jeff Dunham. He is thinking about adding Harley Doody to his show and teaming him up with "Akmed" the Dead Terrorist. These guys in show business keep up with what is going on in the world.

I can see it now. Harley Doody telling Akmed your bomb is not in tune. You also got to watch the wind flags. Akmed gives him a quick look then screams SILENCE I'll kill you. Doody responds I see this didn't work well the last time you tried that. You sure choked on that bowling ball. Akmed's eyes are buggin out by now. As his arm falls off and turn to Jeff for help. In the background we hear Jack(peanut)Neary more powder!!!!!!! )
It seems that Harley's celebrity has reached farther and wider than we first imagined.In a recent report from Mt.Rushmore National Park; A woman in a rather sedate international tour group pointed at the mountain and exclaimed "Dat not Teddy Roos-a-belt,Dat Ha-ree Bake-ah"! This caused all hell to break loose as the mob stormed the gift shop and demanded to purchase Harley Baker souvenirs.
The shop clerk(fearing for his life)cleverly grabbed a box of Hershey bars,a roll of masking tape and a sharpie marker.He re-labled the candy as "Harley" bars,thus quieting the crowd who are now back on their bus and happily en route to the Grand Canyon.
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