Greg Reed Wins WWCCA 200-yd Score Match

Lee Hachigian

Active member
Greg Reed won the WWCCA 200-yard Score match this morning, in fairly tricky conditions, and moderately cool weather. No one stayed clean (we had 16 shooters).

The temps were around mid-to-high 20's, and the wind was switching from south west to north west (moved the bullet around 2.5" if you weren't sharp).

Great shooting Greg!!!

Top Ten - 200-Yards:
Greg Reed, 249-8x
Lee Hachigian, 248-8x :D
Dominic Grunas, 248-5x
Rich Quigly, 248-5x
Kurt Kurg, 248-4x
Ron Robovitski, 247-6x
Tom Majewski, 246-6x
Wallace Beauford, 244-1x
Walt Clinansmith, 242-2x
Joe Krupa, 241-2x

Some Pic's:

Fairly Warm Temps!

Greg Reed & Walt Clinansmith warming up in the sun

Setting Flags

Tom Majewski Reviews the Michigan 2009 Score Challenge

After the match discussions and having a few sodas in the WWCCA Club House

Another fun day in sunny Michigan.
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I had just returned from China on Friday, and needed something to nock off the jet lag fog. The local conditions at WWCCA helped solve that problem!

Joel - the hat was for technical reasons - the flaps would catch the wind and made it easied to read the conditions.

Joel - the hat was for technical reasons - the flaps would catch the wind and made it easied to read the conditions.


Why is it that I believe that, EH!!!
Youse guys are nutz...

What time do you start nowadays?

Then... I'll wait till it warms up at least 30 or 40 degrees.;)

Good shooting Greg!

Pete, the benches are portable. They are heavy and stable. We use a hydraulic lift and move them back about 15 feet so the High Power shooters can shoot on the same range. It's a great range to hold a match. Target crew, range office and scorer are all located in the office that over see the range. There is a covered loading are right behind the benches, and a very large loading area 30 yards away. Really no problem supporting 50+ shooters with a very good loading area.

[ Target crew, range office and scorer are all located in the office that over see the range.

Which has Central heat and air conditioning,