Great Turnout At Tomball Club Match

jackie schmidt

New member
We had a beautiful day in Tomball today, 41 shooters came out for our second Club Match of the Season.

The conditions were typical Tomball,.... aggravating. One of those days where a shooter could nail 20X's but drop a point to go out of contention.

The results:

Factory Class:
Paul King.......241 10x
Brent Westbrook.....226 2x

Modified Class:
Scott Deal........250 18x:D
Glenn Oaks.......250 14x
Steve Stewart..248 12x

Benchrest Class:
Vic Smith........250 19x
Eddie Carter....250 18x (Tie Breaker)
Renard Alexander...250 18x
Carl Easton........250 18x
Geramo Villareal...250 17x
Faron Frederick....250 17x

Our Club Matches are getting a pretty good following, shooters are traveling as far as 300 miles to attend, it seems to be a pretty good format, sort of laid back, but good competition.

Our next Match is the first Sunday in June, when we will shoot 200 yards. Thanks to all of those who came out..........jackie
Another great day of shooting at Tomball Jackie.
Thank you for managing such a smooth event. (AGAIN!)
Blake Perry
Jackie, I sure had a GOOD time. On the 25th shot I dropped a point. Man that was FUN!!!!!! That really made my day!

You run a good match. Win, lose, or draw everybody has a good time.

Congratulation to Vic for keeping it together.

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As they say Gary, not even God all Mighty can turn a "9" into a "10". In 10,000 years, if they are doing an archeological dig in Houston, and find your target, it will still be a "9".

I speak from experience.:D........jackie
I suppose your getting such a good turn out because Houston has that warm weather in the late winter/early spring time frame.
We shoud think about of a good GULF COAST 2 day match during the winter and maybe we can get some snow birds.
Ted, I think shooters like the idea of just driving over and shooting an agg and going home. No marathon event.

Some where years ago it was ordained that the "Two Gun Format" over an entire week end was the way to shoot Benchrest. For working people, that means driving all night, shooting two days, and then driving all night to get back to work the next Monday. Well, that is fun when you are real young, or retired and have nothing else to do. Heck, I remember going to Boat Races back in the '70's where I did the same thing. I seemed to be able to live on 20 hours worth of sleep a week.

Since I shoot a lot of Registered Matches, I do this a lot. But as I get older, I am finding that being tired all the time is not what it is cracked up to be.

The Score Format that we are shooting at our Club Matches is perfect for what we are doing. The Club allows us to tie the range up untill about 1:00PM, we so we couldn't shoot a Grand Agg if we wanted too.

If you think about it, 4 to 5 hours of intense shooting is really pretty satisfying. Unless someone comes from really far away, there are no hotels involved, you might have to get up a little early, but most are back home by late afternoon.

The competition is exactly the same as if you were at a Registered event, and it only cost $15 to enter. The rules are relaxed enough to where shooters don't have to worry about every little detail, and everybody seems to be having a good time. By offerring a Factory and Modified Class, we are giving shooters an opportunity to "shoot Benchrest" without having to take out a second mortage. (although, it seems a good Modified cost about the same as an all out Benchrest Rifle).

Sure, the Club isn't making a lot of money, but we are offerring a venue for shooters to come out, lay it all on the line, and compete for something that we all know is pricless, that being, the "bragging rights" for a few days among their friends. And if you have fun doing it, that is iceing on the cake.

Sure, I am hoping that through our Club Match Program, we will inspire shooters to join the NBRSA or IBS and start shooting in some Registered Competition. Many shooters who started out in our Club Matches are already making some of the NBRSA Varmint for Score Matches. But that is not our primary goal at The Tomball Gun Club. Our primary goal is to give all shooters a place to compete with what ever they have on hand. And I mean that literally. The rules in our top class, the "Benchrest Class" are, "any legal firearm".

That is about as liberal as you can get.

Keep in mind, The Tomball Gun Club still host three NBRSA Registered Matches, the upcomming Gulf Coast Region HV and 10-shot Unlimited Two Gun, The Crawfish LV-HV Two Gun, and the NBRSA Varmint for Score and HBR two day event later this year........jackie
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Hey...great shooting Paul, Scott, and Vic. And for all who attended. I guess Carl solved his equipment problem that plagued him at Austin. Great work by all. looks like there will be plenty of shooting opportunity around the gulf this summer. And...plenty of sales opportunity for the bullet and powder vendors too. Ha!!

Well bye for now and hope to see some of you guys at New Braunfels on Mar 20th.
