Got my second dose

Pete Wass

Well-known member
of Covid juice yesterday. When I awoke my arm was sore and I had Flue like symptoms stronger than those I had last time and a day earlier. I got up and took some industrial strength Alive and in three hours I felt Normal. I hope this is the extent of the backlash.

of Covid juice yesterday. When I awoke my arm was sore and I had Flue like symptoms stronger than those I had last time and a day earlier. I got up and took some industrial strength Alive and in three hours I felt Normal. I hope this is the extent of the backlash.


Got my second last Friday. No pain no symptoms. Hmm, did they shoot me with water?
I had COVID last April and was sick for 5 weeks. Still have some antibodies and I was told to expect a reaction to the first shot. Got the Pfizer first shot and was fine over night. Next morning a real mess, which lasted two days. I get the second on on the 27th and I will be there for it. At my age and with my medical history, I was surprised I survived to begin with and want to do everything I can to keep it that way.

It ain't

of Covid juice yesterday. When I awoke my arm was sore and I had Flue like symptoms stronger than those I had last time and a day earlier. I got up and took some industrial strength Alive and in three hours I felt Normal. I hope this is the extent of the backlash.


but a blip symptom wise vs. should you catch covid. :)
I caught a dose when I was nineteen and never cared for a second. Oh wait, that wasn't the kind of dose you were talking about......Never mind.

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No reaction to vaccine

I had both vaccine shots with no side effects. However, it is not known if
we have to get the vaccine every year due to mutations of the virus.
There will be millions

I had both vaccine shots with no side effects. However, it is not known if
we have to get the vaccine every year due to mutations of the virus.

who will walk through this "Pandemic" unscathed. Some contract it and never realize they were infected. Case in Point; The neighbors of a close friend, husband and wife went for Covid tests. Both showed antibodies for Covid 19. They sort of questioned the results. The people they were taking to said well, we'll give you $50. for your plasma and want it bad. You can donate every three days as long as you want, so they are doing two sessions each week. Smellin like a Rose or what?

They initially offered to buy mine until they took a look at my RX list again and then said, sorry no deal.
Smartest thing I've heard yet by the least likely of sources. "If I don't get the shot, and I don't get the virus, I'll probably live"... Who said that?

Ozzy Osborne.

He and Kieth Richards should go on an advertising campeign with that.
Figure both the wife and I had the "plague thing" back in late November or December of 2019. Lasted about a month. Not real bad but enough to remember having it. The wife had swelling neck glands so was concerned. Went to the Dr. Dr. said, some kind of a virus, live with it a bit longer. (she was already on the mend) Within a week, both of us good to go.
Pretty good medical conditions for both of us. Not sure if we'll get the shot or not.
Eldest Daughter (an RN) get a flu shot OR wear a mask all day at work. (she does administrative work)
Got a flu shot and was sick for a week!!!
Me get a vaccine shot???? Don't even do flu shots so not really sure. Stand in line and hope I get a shot before they ruin out???
Vaccine centers

Book the number of people on any one day based on the vaccine supply they have on hand.
Figure both the wife and I had the "plague thing" back in late November or December of 2019. Lasted about a month. Not real bad but enough to remember having it. The wife had swelling neck glands so was concerned. Went to the Dr. Dr. said, some kind of a virus, live with it a bit longer. (she was already on the mend) Within a week, both of us good to go.
Pretty good medical conditions for both of us. Not sure if we'll get the shot or not.
Eldest Daughter (an RN) get a flu shot OR wear a mask all day at work. (she does administrative work)
Got a flu shot and was sick for a week!!!
Me get a vaccine shot???? Don't even do flu shots so not really sure. Stand in line and hope I get a shot before they ruin out???

So did you pas this condition on to anyone else during the time you had it?

I had something of a cold the last half of Feb 2020. I usually get one a year. Wife said she had a lot of the symptoms of COVID-09 around that time. I went to a coin show last weekend of Feb still having a cold. That would have been something of a superspreader event with mostly older folks. I don't recall there ever being any indication of cases being in the county so IF I had it I could have unknowingly passed it on to someone else. Pretty sure that neither of us had it.
When we went into the Dr's. office, the gals behind the desk were hacking and coughing. I mentioned that they had the same crap we had.
We had some of the same symptoms of the virus.
Feeling pretty crappy kept us pretty close to home so not much of a chance of passing it around.
And about the same time, other family members got the same thing.
Anywhere from 300 miles south east of us, (Sac area) 300 miles north (Eureka) and 1500 miles to the east. (MN)
There was CRAP going around but at the time, but nobody knew what it was.
Dr. said some kind of a virus and you'll have to live with it a bit longer. I guess it was Trump's fault? Can't say CHINA. That would be racist.:rolleyes:
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I had both vaccine shots with no side effects. However, it is not known if
we have to get the vaccine every year due to mutations of the virus.

The common cold is caused by a Coronavirus.
It is very unstable.
Looks like Covid19 might be similar.