Good "go to" for accurate 223 Rem loads?



I've got a Cooper model 21 in 223 Remington coming today. I'm ready to do some load development. I know there are thousands of good 223 Rem loads available, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of a link or forum where they describe in detail the particulars of loads? For instance, there is a huge difference between great loads for a 9 versus a 14 twist.

Here's what I THINK my new rifle has (seller did know know all for sure):
-Cooper model 21 action/barrel
-24 inch barrel
-1 in 14 twist

I'm anticipating using the lighter bullets with this rifle. The longer barrel means nothing to me as I only will mainly this rifle at 100 yards......very infrequently at 200 yards. I only plan to kill paper, so terminal ballistics are NA for me. I like Sierra and Hornady's "match" bullets, but I will probably try some Bergers also, at least until I see how accurate I can go with the "inexpensive" bullets. For powder I generally use Varget, Benchmark, H322, and Vit. 133 so will plan to use those to start.......well, probably only H322 and Vit. 133 as I'm about out of everything else! I think I also have some W748(?) on the reloading bench.......

Thanks for any suggestions guys.
Lapua match brass
25.5gr H335
Rem 7 1/2 SR BR primers
Rem 52gr BR bullets (use 52 or 53gr Sierra MKs)

In my Cooper 21 I use 26.3 grs or VV-133, 40 gr Nosler ballistic tips, Win primers (although any diference in primer brand seems to have a neligable influence on group size in my rifle). I seat to just touch the lands, this load gives me consistent on-half inch or less groups for 5 shots at 100 yds.

I have also had good success with H4895 at the uppper end of load recommendations. I have played with H335 quite a bit because I like the way it meters but I have never had the consistency from it that I get from the VV-133 and H4895.

The above cited VV-133 load has become my "go-to" load for 223's, it has performed well in every 223 I have tried it in.

Good shooting - enjoy a great rifle.

Paper_Sniper: The load I am about to relay to you has been exceptionally accurate in several 223 Remington Varmint type Rifles I own.

223 Remington: 52 grain Berger MEF bullets, LaPua brass, Federal 205 M (match) primers and H 335 powder.

Best of luck with the Cooper Rifle.

By the way "Mr." Cooper is still on my "black list" for his blatant support of hussein obama during last falls election!
Imagine my glee when I found out that the Cooper Company would have "representatives" at the Ennis, Montana 15th annual "Hunters Rendevous" last August 22nd & 23rd!
Well "Mr." Cooper was NO WHERE TO BE SEEN!
In fact the "factory rep" there was a somewhat naive lady!
I spoke with her but did not let her know how incensed I was at Mr. Coopers stance supporting hussein obama!

Again best of luck with the "used" Cooper.
Hold into the wind

VG - There is no reason that Dan Cooper should have or would be there representing Cooper, he is no longer the owner of the company. It sold around the first of the year.

I am curious as in what sense the young lady representing Cooper rifles seemed naive. The reason I ask this is that I am pretty sure I know who was there representing them and if you are referring to her as being naive in regards to the rifles I believe you may be badly mistaken, I am quite sure that she knows more about them than you do.

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My 223 go to accuracy load
Lapua Brass
Vitvh N133, 24.8-25.0 grs
Rem(or) Fed 205 GM Primer
52 gr Fowler(Scheider Accuracy) Bullet seated to jump .030-.065

if you don't want to spring for Lapua Brass, R-P, FC, LC or Win neck skimmed to uniform necks will work too, H335 powder ain't bad either, I've got a Savage LRPV & a Tikka T-3. both shoot about anything 50-55 gr. the Tikka does a good job on whitetails with Sierra 55 gr GameKing Spitzer #1365,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Federal Brass
23.7Gr H4895
CCI 400 Primers
55gr Hornady Spire Point or Vmax
2.255" OAL
Your lucky........... The 223 is not too finicky...
Still ya gotta do some leg work for YOUR gun...

Will say this, if you have no way of reading the wind.... Count on inconsistent groups... Fact.

52gr Sierra / Berger 52...... H335, H322, 4895... Ramshot Exterminator, VV 133... All very capable in wide temp/humidity ranges.

Drover: It was not my intent to "insult" your lady friend by referring to her as naive.
But your comment about her Rifle knowledge in this case is unfounded. She IS naive and not well versed in the products she had in front of her!
I watched her interact and try to answer questions from several "customers" before and after I talked with her - my impression - just about anyone could have "represented" those firearms in a more efficient and professional manner.
To me its not worth your arguing over - accept my assessment of her or don't - I could care less. But if you think the woman there had more knowledge of Rifles than I do then you are way out in left field - no, make that way out in outer space!
That is good news though, that the hussein obama supporter "Mr" Cooper is no longer affiliated with Cooper Arms though!
Hold into the wind
Best I remember our board leader Wilbur does not want us posting specific load data but I'll say 52 grain Sierras and a stiff dose of Benchmark works really well in mine. VV-133 is another great choice. :D
Many accurate loads.

It will shock you at how Accurate the Sierra 50g lead tip and Blitz are, not blitz kings.

Also, the Nosler Ballistic tips are nothing to sneeze at either in accuracy when you are wanting bug hole groups.

I Shot a lot of high volume p. dogs. You will get longer barrel life from ball powder vs some of the stick powders, h4895 is very easy on barrels due to the very low pressures that it operates at.

I started using N 133 which is unreal accurate, I consider it a barrel eater compared to H335 and Win 748.

If your rifle will not shoot H335 and Win 748 with the 50-55g bullets of of your choice, you have a bad barrel.

23.5g of H322 with the 50's is also unreal accurate, does not eat barrels like n133.

I shoot 27.5g of Win 748 with the Nosler 50g Ballistic tip and 50g Sierra Blitz into very tiny groups that eat up the moth ball on a Br target. My rifle also likes H335 just as well, but I have that keg dedicated for another rifle.

Lapua and IMI brass is worth the money, never look back for punching paper.

I post my very safe loads because saying that I use Xyz powder with gumba bullet is the = of saying that I get better accuracy by driving a Ford to the rifle range.
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.223 go to load

44 kliks on a Culver powder maeasur...(aprox. 25gr) of half 4198 and half 322with any good 50-52 gr. bullet .....I have used it in bolt guns ...rattle guns...TC pistols name works ....Roger
Lapua match brass
25.5gr H335
Rem 7 1/2 SR BR primers
Rem 52gr BR bullets (use 52 or 53gr Sierra MKs)

Thanks. I've filed this one away with the others that were kindly posted. I've not used H335 lately, but I might have a half can around here somewhere. I was recently able to find 223 Rem Sierra MKs at Midway in stock and for a great price so I ordered 700......probably should have done more! I also use this bullet in my 22 BR.

Thanks again.
In my Cooper 21 I use 26.3 grs or VV-133, 40 gr Nosler ballistic tips............

The above cited VV-133 load has become my "go-to" load for 223's, it has performed well in every 223 I have tried it in.

Good shooting - enjoy a great rifle.


Thanks. Good to hear from a fellow Cooper owner. I have not used such light bullets in the past, but I plan to get some to try with this 14 twist rifle.
My 223 go to accuracy load
Lapua Brass
Vitvh N133, 24.8-25.0 grs
Rem(or) Fed 205 GM Primer
52 gr Fowler(Scheider Accuracy) Bullet seated to jump .030-.065


Thanks, David. I will give that a try. I did decide to go with non-Lapua brass, although I use it with my 6 and 22 BR custom rifles. I had really good luck with it, but then they had Rem 223 brass on sale locally so bought that - it's just the Scot in me I suppose.

Glad to get more loads for Vitvh N133 as I used that with a recently sold 6ppc and I still have about 8 lbs of that. It was a good powder for the 6ppc and meters ok, etc.

I will have to find some Fowler bullets. I have used their 6mm ones along with Euber's in the 6ppc and they worked very well.
Your lucky........... The 223 is not too finicky...
Still ya gotta do some leg work for YOUR gun...

Will say this, if you have no way of reading the wind.... Count on inconsistent groups... Fact.

52gr Sierra / Berger 52...... H335, H322, 4895... Ramshot Exterminator, VV 133... All very capable in wide temp/humidity ranges.


Oh you bet! I have a few other 223 rifles and have been reloading for them for many years! In particular I have this Savage 12 BVSS, but it's got a much faster twist, and a Howa with about a 10 ro 12 twist, I can't remember. Yep, wind is an issue with these light guys. But I shot at 100 yards 99% of the time and use use "Police - Do Not Cross" yellow tape "flags" which helps a bit!

Assuming folks are addressing my 14 twist in this rifle, the 52-53 bullets seem to be in most recommendations, which sounds good to me. I was out of them until last night - ordered 700 from Midway. They finally got something in stock! I have not used 4895 and need to keep an eye out for that one.
Best I remember our board leader Wilbur does not want us posting specific load data but I'll say 52 grain Sierras and a stiff dose of Benchmark works really well in mine. VV-133 is another great choice. :D

Really? We're not supposed to post load data?:confused: Since this forum is used probably 99% for those who reload that sounds odd!

I found that my 22 BR likes Benchmark, as does my Ruger Mini-14. I have not used it in my other bolt 223's, but I like the way it meters. Oddly enough the 22 BR likes a fairly stout charge of Benchmark also.

I am surprised Varmint powder isn't showing up in recommendations here. I have used a lot of that over the years, but I am out now and can't find it anyway. It's on my "wish list" so hopefully in a few months I can find some!
It will shock you at how Accurate the Sierra 50g lead tip and Blitz are......
Also, the Nosler Ballistic tips are nothing to sneeze at either........

longer barrel life from ball powder vs some of the stick powders........I started using N 133 which is unreal accurate, I consider it a barrel eater compared to H335 and Win 748.

23.5g of H322 with the 50's is also unreal accurate, does not eat barrels like n133.

I shoot 27.5g of Win 748 with the Nosler 50g Ballistic tip and 50g Sierra Blitz into very tiny groups that eat up the moth ball on a Br target........

saying that I get better accuracy by driving a Ford to the rifle range.

Roger than on the Ford! My truck gets 19 mpg not towing, but pulling my "house" it gets only 11 mpg! Pretty much "oh really..." information, eh? :D

I have not used lead-tipped bullets except for a few hundred 223 Rem loads for my Ruger Mini-14, but then it's not designed for punching paper. In general I avoid those as I do not hunt, and it's always seemed that lead tip would deform a little an hurt accuracy.

Very good info on the powder recommendations. Eating up my barrel is a consideration of course. I try to keep my loads fairly tame, and all but my 22BR shoot loads around the 80% max better than hot ones. I don't know why, but that's how they work! That 22 BR likes a very stiff load of Benchmark or H322.

Thanks for the W748 load, I have some of that I need to try it in the Cooper. It was mediocre in my Savage 12 BVSS. That rifle likes Varget a lot more.
44 kliks on a Culver powder maeasur...(aprox. 25gr) of half 4198 and half 322with any good 50-52 gr. bullet .....I have used it in bolt guns ...rattle guns...TC pistols name works ....Roger

I have always been warned not to mix powders so I probably won't try that one, but it's good to know it works consistently for you. I have always lusted for a Culver meter, but I'm getting by with my two old Redding meters. :cool:
223 Load

I get excellant results with 25.5 grains of VV N133,Sierra 52,Rem brass and the Russian small rifle primer.Will