Good "go to" for accurate 223 Rem loads?


I have been away to a match and have just returned home, and to computer access, I just finished reading your reply to my question.

Yikes!!! Am I ever surprised to find out that you have elevated the young lady who represented Cooper at the open house from someone that "that I am pretty sure I know" to the status of "your lady friend". I hope her husband doesn't find out about this - heck! until I read your reply I didn't even know that she was a lady friend.

Egads!!! You may want to read my post again - if you notice the subject of the paragraph is Cooper rifles - my reply to you was -

"I am curious as in what sense the young lady representing Cooper rifles seemed naive. The reason I ask this is that I am pretty sure I know who was there representing them and if you are referring to her as being naive in regards to the rifles I believe you may be badly mistaken. I am quite sure that she knows more about them than you do."

It seems quite clear that I am referring to her knowing more about Cooper rifles than you do. You have posted numerous times that you have never owned a Cooper, nor do you intend to so therefore your exposure to them is at best somewhat limited, wheras she works at the Cooper facility, she is exposed to them every day and Cooper management has enough confidence in her knowledge to have her represent them.

Gadzooks!!! Can't you reply to a post without an attempt to denigrate the person that you reply to??? Was it really necessary to put this into the post - "But if you think the woman there had more knowledge of Rifles than I do then you are way out in left field - no, make that way out in outer space!", are you that insecure??

Sheesh!!! Keep spitting into the wind VG.

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Drover: I see that as of today (9-4-09) you "EDITED" your original outrageous post (of 9-27-09) to completely CHANGE its original intent and content!
You poor pathetic lout!
That is the same as outright lying IS IT NOT?
I just checked my Rifle inventory and I currently own 149 Rifles!
I just returned from a Gunshow where I am dealing on another expensive addition to my gun vaults!
I hope to add that arm to my arsenal by tomorrow or Sunday.
I have been a student of Rifles for more that 50 years!
I have forgotten MORE about Rifles than your lady friend ever knew - of that I am quite certain!
Your original post was baseless blather BEFORE, and NOW, after you edited it!
Shame on you drover!
Distorting your original post to try to make yourself look credible or believeable is naive and immature - just like your original post (BEFORE your edit of today 9-04-09!) was naive and immature!
"I" am curious as to why you would do something so underhanded in a public forum?
You "drover" have "denigrated" YOURSELF - all by yourself, with your deceitful edit of your original post and your subsequent post.
No need for me to add anything to that type indiscretion on your part!
Hold into the wind
VerboseGuy -
Now let me see - The post was edited to correct a spelling error and somehow you have managed to twist that to imply that I am a liar. If you quit running off your mouth and read the post you will see that nothing was changed. If you think something was changed then just exactly what was it? Please point out what in my post was distorted, and exactly what in the post is naive and immature.
And you refer to me as a “poor pathetic lout” - perhaps you need to take a look in the mirror to see the real pathetic lout.

Your owning 149 rifles (Yeah! - Right!) Says nothing about how much you know about rifles, and Cooper rifles in particular, only that you own them, although I am sure a psychiatrist could have a field day with your fixation.
Also, because you have "been a student of rifles for more than 50 years" does not give you any special knowledge or credence, it is a statement - nothing more, nothing less.

Does your saying - "I have forgotten MORE about Rifles than your lady friend ever knew - of that I am quite certain!" supposed to validate your statement of knowledge? If so on what basis???
Although I truly believe the portion of your statement that you have forgotten a lot about rifles.

In your original post it is quite clear that you have an agenda with Cooper since you hoped to confront Dan Cooper. I truly wish that you could have happened; I have seen him put intelligent, articulate persons in their place in a minute or two. In your case it would have taken him less than 15 seconds - my only regret would be in not being there to witness it.
It is also clear that you went there in a confrontational mood, and in such a state of mind it is virtually impossible not to be biased to find fault with anything that was said, or to have a favorable “impression”.
Your opinion or impression is just that - yours. And just because it is yours does not make it correct or valid regardless of how much you rant, rave, and verbally bully.

Since you have insinuated that I am a liar I will come right out and say that the only teller of tall takes here is you. Your tall tales here, and on other forums are well known and often joked and laughed about, as are your tactics of challenging and abasing.

We both know that your reply was not to answer my question about the representative, it was only answered to give you an excuse for you to launch another personal attack against me or you would have answered my question with having added “then you are way out in left field - no, make that way out in outer space!.”
I am often reluctant to replying to one of your posts knowing that if the opinion differs from yours you become incapable of carrying on a civil discourse an invariably you will begin personal attacks, assault verbally and in general act like a schoolyard bully. But, I never was scared of bullies!

Keep spitting into the wind VG.


P.S. - If you wish to continue this verbal battling then let's take it to the Private Messages and quit cluttering up the forum.
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Friday, I did a .488in with 52gr Sierra and AA 2230 and a .6 with 75gr Hornady BTHP and AA2230. These are 5shot groups at 100 yards on nice, but hot and humid day in my stock DPMS Panther Bull 20 with 1:9 barrel from a rest.

I use R-P brass that has been cut to length, necks cleaned up, primer pocket bottomed, flashhole deburred, fl-sized with Redding bushing die, and bullet set with Redding comp die.

Fed 205 primer. Now moving to Rem 7.5. It's been what I can find. Had no issues with the 205's.

AA2230 has been great in bullets from 36gr to 75gr for .223. My SD is very low. I have been cautioned to test each lot. So buy a 1lb and if it is good, then buy 2 8lbers. :)
Thanks for the suggested load. I am the OP and appreciate getting the information for which I asked instead of the political stuff that's too prevalent in this thread I started. :(

I didn't realize asking for a good load on a shooting forum would be so politically sensitive...............:(

When you mention " ..I use R-P brass that has been cut to length....." are you trimming to 1.750? I recently bought (factory) 200 RP cases, and their length varied from about 1.749 to 1.756 inch or so. I did not bother to trim them for load development, but I did segregate the cases into two groups, and have only used the shorter cases (probably 90% 1.750-1.753 inch). I have not yet shot those loads, but I wonder what trim length segregation process you use. If I were more industrious I'd have trimmed all to 1.750, but I got lazy! <g>

Thanks for the tips on 2230. I have used it a little before, mainly with 22-250 loads. I don't have a lot of experience with it.

Thanks for the suggestions, although I'll not be shooting any 75 grainers out of this rifle with it's 14 twist!:cool:
Try 26.5 -27.0 grains of Win. 748, Fed 205GM primer, prepped brass of your choice and BR quality match bullets 50-52 grains. This combo always seems to work in slower twist barrels. Also, depending on the particular lot, 50 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips or Hornady V Max can sometimes give amazing results, but aren't as consistent box to box as the BR quality bullets. Good shooting!
748 with the 50's

I have shot many thousands of p. dogs with 27.5g of 748 with a 50g Sierra Blitz or 50g Ballistic tip in a 14 twist 223, tiny groups at 3475-3500 fps.

My partner had one barrel that liked 28.0g with a different lot# of powder.

We always used the thicker cupped 7 1/2 primers.
I have shot many thousands of p. dogs with 27.5g of 748 with a 50g Sierra Blitz or 50g Ballistic tip in a 14 twist 223, tiny groups at 3475-3500 fps.

My partner had one barrel that liked 28.0g with a different lot# of powder.

We always used the thicker cupped 7 1/2 primers.

Thanks, tiny groups sound good, although I a not a hunter and would ordinarily pass on those bullets. I'll keep my eye and pick up a box of the 50 gr Sierra's Blitz or BTs. I will also need to get some W748; I though I had about a half pound, but I must have used it up last year.....

I just got several boxes of Sierra #1410, their 52 gr BT MatchKings that I might try with W748 also.

Darn it, I have not even shot my Cooper 223 Remington yet! I'm currently doing load development on a custom 22BR and it's taking most of my spare time.....well, that and setting up a 22 LR for my grandson.:cool:
223 is SAMMI registered for 55,000 psi average peak pressure.
The max usable pressure is ~ 72,000 psi.

Hodgdon website: 223 Rem, H335, 25.3 GR. 55 GR. SPR SP, 2.200", 24"
barrel, 3203 fps, 49,300 CUP

The threshold of long brass life with that load is between 29 and 30 gr.
At 31 gr, one can see from the fired brass with the naked eye that it is an overload.


Here is a pic of unfired, 28 gr, 29 gr, 30 gr, and 31 gr.

Contrast that with the 270 Win that is registered at 65,000 psi and has a practical limit of 65,000 psi for a handloader in a particular rifle.

Can you imagine what 19% extra H335 in a 270 would look like?


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It will shock you at how Accurate the Sierra 50g lead tip and Blitz are, not blitz kings.

Also, the Nosler Ballistic tips are nothing to sneeze at either in accuracy when you are wanting bug hole groups.

I Shot a lot of high volume p. dogs. You will get longer barrel life from ball powder vs some of the stick powders, h4895 is very easy on barrels due to the very low pressures that it operates at.

I started using N 133 which is unreal accurate, I consider it a barrel eater compared to H335 and Win 748.

If your rifle will not shoot H335 and Win 748 with the 50-55g bullets of of your choice, you have a bad barrel.

23.5g of H322 with the 50's is also unreal accurate, does not eat barrels like n133.

I shoot 27.5g of Win 748 with the Nosler 50g Ballistic tip and 50g Sierra Blitz into very tiny groups that eat up the moth ball on a Br target. My rifle also likes H335 just as well, but I have that keg dedicated for another rifle.

Lapua and IMI brass is worth the money, never look back for punching paper.

I post my very safe loads because saying that I use Xyz powder with gumba bullet is the = of saying that I get better accuracy by driving a Ford to the rifle range.

Good post Keith. I agree with everything there,except I refuse to drive a phord:D
.223 load for Cooper Model 21 Montana Varminter

I have been having good success shooting IBS factory class this year with my Cooper Model 21 Montana Varminter using 24.1 grains of H335 pushing a 52 grain Berger Match bullet. I only use Lapua brass for competition. I use Remington 71/2 small rifle benchrest primers.

I hope you have as much fun with your Cooper as I am having with mine.
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first i would agree with 31gr looking like an overload.
also from the pics i would suggest getting your firing pin hole bushed on your bolt. those firing pin craters can be cured easily with that procedure. Fred
accuracy load

You stated that you believe you have a 14 twist barrel. Assuming you are correct, my suggestion would be 24.5 grains of VV N133 and the 40 grain bullet of your choice.

If my hunch is correct and you have a 12 twist barrel. My suggestion is 25 grains of VV N133 and the a 50 grain bullet of your choice.

Modern .223 caliber bolt guns are not really picky about what you feed them. Just pick a powder, just about any brand primer, top it with a bullet appropriate to your twist rate, and the gun will most likely shoot better than the shooter.

I personally prefer the Hornandy Vmax bullets. My Howa 1500 will put a whole box of Hornaday 40 grain vmax bullets into a 1.5 inch hole. I know an 1.5 inch hole is nothing to brag about on a bench rest forum, but remember I'm talking about 20 shots from a budget rifle with a factory barrel and the first 5 were less than half an inch.

My own custom load consists of 50 grain vmax bullets, Winchester Brass, Wolf .223 primers, and 25 grains of N133. OAL is 2.3. Cases are trimed to 1.7. I went to a heavier bullet because I shoot vermin and paper with the same gun and wanted to use one load.