Global Warming

I should know better than to argue global warming to this group! But, having started ...

Agree entirely about consumption. Not using energy in the first place takes less resources and causes less damage. And I'm fine with the concept of fossil fuels being technically "renewable," though it's not on a time scale relevant to human history.

It is also true that the "machinery" of renewable energy systems takes energy to make. But there is positive payback. For photovoltaics, it takes 1-4 years for the panels to produce as much energy as it took to manufacture them: After that time, the energy they produce is "free" in the sense that their energy debt has been paid for whatever carbon may have been emitted to produce them. For a typical house, the energy required to produce the materials represents about 10% of the energy that the house uses over its lifetime. So adding insulation and passive solar features to save energy are good investments. Wind turbines pay back in 3-6 months. They have an energy return on investment (EROI) of 25 on average, which means they produce 25 times more energy over their lifetimes than it took to make them:
... why do the environmentalists feel that a greener earth is a bad thing?

There are winners and losers with climate change. Its probably good for Canada, Russia and other cold areas. Bad for the US, due to draught across the plains, heat across the south, and more severe storms everywhere. With higher sea levels, much of Florida will be underwater. New Orleans may be a lost cause. Even New York and Boston will be affected. Humans can adapt to climate change, but it will be expensive, more expensive than stopping it.
Long term prognosis

Lets assume the hard core greenies are correct and the worst case scenario occurs. So what. It's still only short term.
One day that little star that feeds us called the sun will begin to reach the end of its life and become a red giant. Its atmosphere will expand out to about where mars orbits now. All the issues we have now including global warming will cease to exist. Almost like the planet and everything that happened on it never took place. So get in as many bench rest shoots as you can. Nothing lasts forever.

PS Do the greenies have a solution for that one ?
I can remember that I use to tell you when Winter was starting and when it was over by when the ground froze. If the ground froze by the 1st of Sept, it was going to be a long hard winter. If the ground was frozen by Oct 1st ect. Here it is Dec 22nd and the ground is still not frozen, and won't be by Jan 1st. OH WELL what do I know? I can remember about 60 years ago the ground freezing as of Sept 1st.
I"m sorry I'm late. Which leader of the world or group says the earth temperature has to be set at plus or minus 2 or 3 degree different than it is now?
We haven't been around long enough to make those kind of rules.
I might like the earth 3 or 4 degrees warmer or colder , still doesn't let Al Gore any right to tell me squat, I make my own choice and don't try to make money off others in the way of the matter.
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After 4.5 billon years, mankind knows with only 100 or so years of data what the best temperature of the should be?
I arrived here in 65 , the tourist paved the way for the yuppies. Now we all drink kale juice and talk about tatoos
To help with global warming, my plan is reduce my powder charge from 32.4 gn to 32.2 gn and then re-adjust my tuner.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
I should know better than to argue global warming to this group! But, having started ...

Agree entirely about consumption. Not using energy in the first place takes less resources and causes less damage. And I'm fine with the concept of fossil fuels being technically "renewable," though it's not on a time scale relevant to human history.

It is also true that the "machinery" of renewable energy systems takes energy to make. But there is positive payback. For photovoltaics, it takes 1-4 years for the panels to produce as much energy as it took to manufacture them: After that time, the energy they produce is "free" in the sense that their energy debt has been paid for whatever carbon may have been emitted to produce them. For a typical house, the energy required to produce the materials represents about 10% of the energy that the house uses over its lifetime. So adding insulation and passive solar features to save energy are good investments. Wind turbines pay back in 3-6 months. They have an energy return on investment (EROI) of 25 on average, which means they produce 25 times more energy over their lifetimes than it took to make them:

OK...... I'll just reply this once, ONLY because it's obvious from your answer that you're getting your information from The Innertube VS spending hard-earned cash to TRY THIS STUFF.

(((Wilbur's chastised me enough and I have no idea where the "lines" are currently drawn :) )))

As you know, my mantra is TRY THIS STUFF FOLKS!!! DON'T BELIEVE ME OR ANYBODY!!!

So, I do try stuff..... I've personally spent over $10,000.00 on solar panels and hang out with people who've through various means procured/installed and use over $3,000,000.00 (That's 3 Million dollars) in solar panels. I could fly you over my area and show you acres of panels. These people do it/have done it because they're "Wealthy Rednecks", that is, successful small business owners who are well-meaning and nice people.......trying to "do their part". Or, in the case of 3 of them they actually DO have the capability to live off the grid. Heck, my baby sister has been living off-grid on a farm in northern Idaho for going on her third winter......while raising 4 is REAL to them, not information from the net. Unlike most they're truly off-grid. The closest power line is miles away.

And the sorry FACT is that while solar panels may well "pay for themselves" over a number of years, THEY HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING YET!......except "pay for themselves!" And once't they're "paid for" the pittance they produce is laughable. My aunt and uncle retired off-grid in AZ and last time I saw him he was buggin' about "having to replace $12,000.00 worth of badd'ries" and "me having to take my bath on Wednesday so's Momma has water for her bath on Sat so's we k'in get to church Sunday Morning"......and he retired with "money in the bank"...

I could go on, but the simple fact is that solar is only sufficient for subsistence level survival and then only if you get it free, cast-off or from a govt program......OR, like some of my friends you simply have $250,000.00-$750,000.00 to spare...... and you dump it into solar while the subsidies are good. Don't believe me?? Spend the money.....and THEN tell me how you're reapin'....

And the stuff the sellers DON'T tell you??? #1, solar installations KILL the earth below them. Kill, by robbing the earth of it's life-giving sustenance. And when I say KILL, I mean blight the earth. If you were a history buff you'd know what the phrase "salt the earth"'s most often used in the same sentence as "cursing unto the 3rd and 4th generation.... And putting solar panels over the ground is akin to salting the earth. The ground is KILLED, like the bugs die. The WORMS die....

And if you put them on your house they wreck the home...

And your phrase "wind turbines pay back in XXX months" is further proof that you've never DONE it.... My brother in law on a windy hilltop in The Yoop, My friend Richard, my uncle Jim, 15 other friends and acquaintances with personal generators....I'm pouring bases for a latest gen vertical turbine for a guy up the road next week....REAL people, REAL dollars... millions of real dollars.....

Use that sense of reason, IF (insert item here) PAYS BACK over time, it becomes a becomes REAL. I know people with hundreds of millions of dollars tied up in all sorts of businesses, in many cases they don't even KNOW the businesses, but they're REAL. They "pay back"

If a thing, ANY thing, "pays back" then it becomes "business"

Windmills ain't business

All the trumped up returns in all the gin-joints in all the world can't replace the FACTS of the billions of dollars worth of stopped turbines and idling windfarms the world over.....they keep re-selling the idea'r to stupid people and making more at a criminal rate but they don't pay. Your link, your cite is a blinding example of marketing to the stupid people..... there's always one little key phrase that make everything "believable" and from this the entire edifice is built....the key phrase will be "the survey says" or "studies suggest" or "proposed returns are" and once this is in place the figures can be what ever you want them to be.

But in the end, REAL people with REAL money and REAL experience produce REAL facts

And like my buddy Jesse sez...."ya' jus' kain't ARGUE with facts!"

JUS' sayin'.....

(((and BTW, most of us here on this site know what an EROI is.....from real life......we don't need 'splained to....and that "article" (it's actually an opinion piece) is as believable as AlGore Hissownself...just sayin')))
There are winners and losers with climate change. Its probably good for Canada, Russia and other cold areas. Bad for the US, due to draught across the plains, heat across the south, and more severe storms everywhere. With higher sea levels, much of Florida will be underwater. New Orleans may be a lost cause. Even New York and Boston will be affected. Humans can adapt to climate change, but it will be expensive, more expensive than stopping it.

HOlee KOwww.....

Humans can adapt to climate change, but it will be expensive, more expensive than stopping it.

I just went back to catch up and read this.....

"stopping it?"


I'm sorry, I'm wasting precious resources, namely my typing fingers

I'll sneak back under my rock now

That sucker has some horsepower! I'll bet it doesn't run on batteries, either.

A couple of years ago I went up to tour the wind farm on Lowell Mountain, in Vermont. Those turbines are immense, and so is the damage they did to the mountain top to get them up there. It's sad for the animals and birds that used that habitat, and all the birds that are killed by the blades. It's doubly sad for the people who live on the downwind side and have to listen to that noise bore into their homes, making some of them almost uninhabitable.

People say that it's not much noise. Well, it depends on the strength of the wind and the overall atmospheric conditions. Some days it's bad, and some not so bad.

Let's say there are two houses 100 yards apart with a dog house just about in the middle. The dog barks a lot. One neighbor hates the barking and the other doesn't notice. Guess which one owns the dog? It's kind of that way with wind turbines. If you think they're saving the planet, the noise might not bother you. If not, it's another story.
In 2016, more than 60% of new electric generation capacity was wind and solar. Wind and solar now produce more electricity than nuclear. Sounds like "business" to me.

I feel for your friends who bought PV several years ago. Prices have come down tremendously. They deserve credit for being pioneers.

Thanks for playing :)

I have a friend who has a son who went to business school.....

He doesn't have a job.

But he has a computer, and a dream.

He frantically emails guys like me "guaranteeing" that if I let him into my business he'll "streamline my business, re-direct my focus and save me huge money"....... for which of course I'm supposed to "pay him a fair price."

He can't help me...... He has absolutely no freaking idea how to run a business, how to successfully make people happy for years and years......He doesn't even know what "guarantee" means.... I'd love to educate him because he's a FRIEND

But I cannot.

I pray that life will.
Wind and solar now produce more electricity than nuclear. Sounds like "business" to me.

I feel the same way about this statement.

That's not "business" that's a tragedy...... and I pray that life will show you why.

Please keep searching for TRUTH, never settle.

Try stuff.
It is WARM here, the weather went up to 32 degrees, (that’s Fahrenheit friends), which is a far cry from the 1 above zero that we had yesterday, but did we ever get hammered with snow. OH WELL. The snow blower and I worked for about 3 hours this morning. Just to show you that I am not lying.


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wind turbines saving the planet

That sucker has some horsepower! I'll bet it doesn't run on batteries, either.

A couple of years ago I went up to tour the wind farm on Lowell Mountain, in Vermont. Those turbines are immense, and so is the damage they did to the mountain top to get them up there. It's sad for the animals and birds that used that habitat, and all the birds that are killed by the blades. It's doubly sad for the people who live on the downwind side and have to listen to that noise bore into their homes, making some of them almost uninhabitable.

People say that it's not much noise. Well, it depends on the strength of the wind and the overall atmospheric conditions. Some days it's bad, and some not so bad.

Let's say there are two houses 100 yards apart with a dog house just about in the middle. The dog barks a lot. One neighbor hates the barking and the other doesn't notice. Guess which one owns the dog? It's kind of that way with wind turbines. If you think they're saving the planet, the noise might not bother you. If not, it's another story.

no. they are possible only because of huge tax incentives to build them. most average income homes would never opt for wind power if they had to pay the true cost. Better to incent the nuclear industry. wind energy will never be the answer to large scale power demands, but you know that. Our former governor and now Independent(he votes with the dems 99% of the time) Senator in Washington, Angus King, made a fortune in the winterization business(off of government grants) and in the wind turbine building business, using his contacts as an asset. We call him Anguish King.
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