Gene Beggs Wind Probe Collecting Water


Has anyone come up with a method to prevent water from collecting on the Solo cups and the arrow shaft while it is raining? Mine just leans over to the far right or left once it starts to rain due to the rain drops collecting on the surfaces of the Solo cups and the arrow shaft.

Has anyone come up with a method to prevent water from collecting on the Solo cups and the arrow shaft while it is raining? Mine just leans over to the far right or left once it starts to rain due to the rain drops collecting on the surfaces of the Solo cups and the arrow shaft.


Try installing the shaft piston side facing down, this will prevent water getting into the piston & gumming it up.

Has anyone come up with a method to prevent water from collecting on the Solo cups and the arrow shaft while it is raining? Mine just leans over to the far right or left once it starts to rain due to the rain drops collecting on the surfaces of the Solo cups and the arrow shaft.


all you can do is wax them. Its an issue with any probe style device in steady rain.
I like the wax idea but you could also try Rain-X. It works good on windshields.
Just a thought

probably an even better idea.

Matt, You might try a round, flat piece of plastic a bit larger in diameter than the bottom of the cup.
Try finding an o-ring to put below this piece of plastic to keep it from going concave.