Gateway Results 1/07/12



Seven hardy souls braved the winter weather to shoot today.
Our 9:00 am start was a chilly 59 degrees and when we finished our six targets at 1:00 pm the temp had risen to a pleasant 75 degrees.
Congratulations to Lou Beaudrot for his winning 250 in sporter.
Doug bell was hot with his new Shilen barreled Falcon action shooting a 750 Agg. in unlimited.
Bill Smith ran a good match and we were on our way home at 1:15.
Rachel should have complete results posted shortly.
Nothing going on next week.January 22nd is a double match at Manatee.
Ernie.....Hate to take a victory away from Lou, but he came in second place in Sporter. It was a nice 250 he had, but not enough X's.
Lou had 250-15X....I had a 250-20X. DJB
Ernie.....Hate to take a victory away from Lou, but he came in second place in Sporter. It was a nice 250 he had, but not enough X's.
Lou had 250-15X....I had a 250-20X. DJB

Wow Doug a 20x in sporter is a huge score congrats.
Seven hardy souls braved the winter weather to shoot today.
Our 9:00 am start was a chilly 59 degrees and when we finished our six targets at 1:00 pm the temp had risen to a pleasant 75 degrees.
Congratulations to Lou Beaudrot for his winning 250 in sporter.
Doug bell was hot with his new Shilen barreled Falcon action shooting a 750 Agg. in unlimited.
Bill Smith ran a good match and we were on our way home at 1:15.
Rachel should have complete results posted shortly.
Nothing going on next week.January 22nd is a double match at Manatee.

Seven people was a match? Considering the very warm temps for January, that is a pretty slim turnout.
Seven people was a match? Considering the very warm temps for January, that is a pretty slim turnout.

In a state that only has a dozen or so competitors and some of them are down with medical issues then 7 ain't that bad. One of the competitors drove over 4 hours each way to be there. Florida is a different state with regard to the numbers of competitors. There are folks with the proper equipment but many of them don't seem interested in Sanctioned Competition and it's a big state as well in terms of travel distances, not that other states aren't.
Doug Bell had a Big Day:

He shot 5-250's and won both the 3 Gun agg and had a 750-51 Unlimited agg. Quite a day indeed! Congratulations Doug ! I will try to get the full resuts posted in the morning.

Thanks guys. My Hall sporter and the Falcon are shooting very well. Dick.... I am sad to say that the old lot of Tenex is just about gone. Only 3 boxes left. Been looking for something else that shoots as good, but so far nothing else shoots as well. DJB
Yesterday's Scores:

Sporter: 10.5 lb 13.5 lb 3 Gun

Doug Bell 250-20 Doug Bell 250-16 Vick Sharp 249-11 Doug Bell 748-49

Lew Beaudrot 250-15 Ernie Jenderko 250-14 Brenda Aldridge 249-11 Lew Beaudrot 746-41

Ernie Jenderko 248-11 Pete Wass 248-10 Ernie Jenderko 248-16 Ernie Jenderko 746-41
Pete Wass 248-11 Lew Beaudrot 248-9 Doug Bell 248-13 Pete Wass 744-31
Brenda Aldridge 248-9 Brenda Aldridge 246-8 Lew Beaudrot 248-13 Brenda Aldridge 743-28

Bill Smith 244-10 Vick Sharp 243-8 Pete Wass 248-10 Bill Smith 728-36

Vick Sharp 231-5 Bill Smith 237-11 Bill Smith 247-15 Vick Sharp 723-24

UL 1 UL 2 UL 3 UL Agg

Ernie Jenderko 250-17 Doug Bell 250-18 Doug Bell 250-16 Doug Bell 750-51

Doug Bell 250-17 Ernie Jenderko 249-17 Ernie Jenderko 249-20 Ernie Jenderko 748-54

Brenda Aldridge 249-11 Brenda Aldridge 249-14 Brenda Aldridge 247-11 Brenda Aldridge 745-36

Bill Smith 247-8 Vick Sharp 246-10 Bill Smith 245-8 Bill Smith 737-22

Pete Wass 246-11 Bill Smith 245-6 Pete Wass 244-11 Pete Wass 736-29

Vick Sharp 247-8 Pete Wass 244-7 Vick Sharp 243-11 Vick Sharp 733-38

Hopefully the Staples Calculator worked correctly and I punched in everything correctly.

Sorry this came out garbled, I wrote it up in columns and if there is a way to make that come out here, I don't know how to do it.
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Thanks guys. My Hall sporter and the Falcon are shooting very well. Dick.... I am sad to say that the old lot of Tenex is just about gone. Only 3 boxes left. Been looking for something else that shoots as good, but so far nothing else shoots as well. DJB

Don't worry Doug.I have some killer SK Standard Plus. I'll give you a brick to use at Manatee.
Ernie Jenderko__250-17__ Doug Bell______250-18__ Doug Bell______250-16__ Doug Bell______ 750-51

Doug Bell______250-17___Ernie Jenderko__249-17__Ernie Jenderko__249-20__Ernie Jenderko___748-54

Brenda Aldridge 249-11___ Brenda Aldridge 249-14__ Brenda Aldridge 247-11__ Brenda Aldridge _745-36

Bill Smith_____ 247-8____ Vick Sharp____ 246-10__ Bill Smith_____ 245-8____ Bill Smith_____ 737-22

Pete Wass____ 246-11___ Bill Smith_____ 245-6 ___Pete Wass_____ 244-11___ Pete Wass ____736-29

Vick Sharp____ 247-8____ Pete Wass ____244-7 ___Vick Sharp_____ 243-11 ___Vick Sharp ___733-38

Pete, when you straighten it up like this, it looks like you took a pretty good butt woopen...8>)
Pete, If you got a Pellet rifle? - practice -practice-practice : It can not hurt!

I woulda done as well with my Pellet Rifle in the Unlimited. I lost my way after the 3 gun somehow. I had the feeling that the rifle had gone out of tune as the temps went up. I know it's blasphemy to say that but there it is. It ain't like it the first time for me, is it?
I do have one. You shouldn't be so paranoid about these little ole Pellet guns, they won't hurt anything or anyone. It's just another game to play is all it is and these are are only games, after all. They have their own Org which also has a RF component to it and they seem to survive it all.
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Ernie Jenderko__250-17__ Doug Bell______250-18__ Doug Bell______250-16__ Doug Bell______ 750-51

Doug Bell______250-17___Ernie Jenderko__249-17__Ernie Jenderko__249-20__Ernie Jenderko___748-54

Brenda Aldridge 249-11___ Brenda Aldridge 249-14__ Brenda Aldridge 247-11__ Brenda Aldridge _745-36

Bill Smith_____ 247-8____ Vick Sharp____ 246-10__ Bill Smith_____ 245-8____ Bill Smith_____ 737-22

Pete Wass____ 246-11___ Bill Smith_____ 245-6 ___Pete Wass_____ 244-11___ Pete Wass ____736-29

Vick Sharp____ 247-8____ Pete Wass ____244-7 ___Vick Sharp_____ 243-11 ___Vick Sharp ___733-38

Pete, when you straighten it up like this, it looks like you took a pretty good butt woopen...8>)

Appreciate you pointing this out. Hopefully you will be as gracious if I ever manage to win one. :)
Thanks for all the assistance in getting the scores in, Ernie, Doug, and Pete, you guys are not only quick on the draw, but did some pretty darn good shooting this past Saturday. Doug Bell, our "Snowbird" from WI gave us all lessons in "how to" with a screaming 748, 49X in 3-gun and superb 750, 51X in Unlimited, which is now our new Club record. That Falcon is not only in tune, it sings upon request! Doug will definately be one to contend with at this years "Crawfish" Shoot in April. Congrats to the other 250 Shooters, Lew Beaudrot in Sporter, and Ernie in 10.5 lb. Competition was tough and friendship and fun abounded. Congrats again Doug, Ernie, and Lew, great shooting. Thumper
Nice shooting Dougie. Hope you get some of those big scores out of your system before you head North this spring so the rest of us have a chance. By the way, was that you who bought up Tony's ammo stash?

Hi Bill.....I have to say that some of the good shooting was because of your guidance in the past. You are always there to help anybody that needs help, and I thank you. You ran a very good match and I will see you next month. DJB
Hi Dave......I am just getting started, and have all winter to make a few more improvements (more X's), and hope I can give you northern guys a little run for your money. I just might have a tiny edge on your great shooting 40X. Fl has been good to me, and it will be nice to see you guys again...... I sold that ammo stash to Tony. Just didn't have enough x's in it. DJB
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