FYI - Bob Vail


cook and bottle washer
Bob Vail, I believe he posts here as "smoke", is in serious condition. He had back surgery that lasted several hours and came out of that OK but as I understand some kind of respiratory problem arose that has him on a respirator and I believe in an induced coma.
Please send your prayers for Bob's recovery

Bob's wife, Ann, called us to inform us that Bob's major back surgery on Thursday January 21st took eight hours. The surgery went well and Bob was up walking earlier this week. She noted that he did not even need to take the pain medication. Ann had expected Bob to come home Tuesday afternoon. However, Monday evening, Bob came down with some sort of virus (not H1N1) that attacked both lungs. No antibiotics have helped. Bob has been placed on a ventilator and is in an induced coma.

Bob introduced Karen and me to rimfire benchrest shooting in 2005. He has been a good friend and mentor. Many of you out there know Bob, and are aware he takes his shooting very seriously. Please pray for his recovery.

Paul & Karen Steinman
Olympia, WA
Get well old man!!!

Bob has kicked my butt in many a match and I sure hope to see him back here to do it again! Bob and Ann are most gracious hosts and always made us feel at home when we traveled to the Washington matches.

Very best of wishes to both of you.

Dennis DiFeo
Bob's is a wonderful fellow, and I always enjoy visiting with him at matches whenever I get the chance. Get well Bob! We're all pulling for you to make a quick recovery. You'll be in our prayers.
Get well quick.The shooting season is coming fast and it won't be the same without you.
You're in our prayers.

Thoughts and prayers with you. Get well soon. I look forward to shooting with you again.

Ken Henderson

You and Ann are in our thoughts and prayers.
You are a great mentor to all your shooting buddies.
Get Well my friend!

Jeff Lewis
Bob, I don't know you, but get well buddy. I had my 5th back surgery this Tuesday and fortunatly am back in the shop.
I will certainly pray for you.
Update on Bob Vail

Information from Bob's wife, Ann, indicates that Bob is still in ICU in Critical but stable condition. He has been in a sedated coma for over a week now. Every time they attempt to reduce the sedative Bob has problems. A pulmonary specialist from the University of Virginia has been called in to help with Bob's pneumonia/respiratory problems. Ann says the medical staff is doing an outstanding job. Hopes were up that the ventilator would be removed today (Tuesday the 2nd) but Bob took a bad turn yesterday afternoon and the doctors will not consider removing the ventilator until Thursday at the earliest.

Waynesboro, VA where Bob and Ann now live has been experiencing record snow storms which have made traveling back and forth to the hospital difficult. Ann has been spending 15 hours a day at the hospital and the strain physically and emotionally are taking their toll on her. She appreciates all the thoughts and prayers for Bob and her.

Please keep those prayers coming!

I will try to provide status reports on Bob as I receive them.
A little background info on Bob while we await his recovery

Many of you out there have not had the opportunity to meet and get to know Bob Vail yet. So allow me to tell some tales about Bob, hopefully he will correct any inaccuracies I may make as soon as he recovers. Bob graduated from VMI in the mid fifties ( I think that was the nineteen fifties but I am not sure because I recall Stonewall Jackson being one of his instructors.) Bob served in Viet Nam and several other postings before he retired from the Army. His next career was with a construction company in Tacoma,WA. The past several years have been devoted to competitive shooting. Bob is almost a "legend" here in the NorthWest. Bob's shooting creed is: "The wind is my friend". To reinforce that point, let me tell you about a IR 50 State Championship Match held at Wenatchee, WA. a couple of years ago. Wenatchee is notorious for its wind. While the rest of us shooters were trying to keep the bullets on our OWN target, Bob shot a 250! Bob used to give introductory clinics to new recruits for rimfire benchrest at our local range at the beginning of each season. On one occasion I recall Bob was emphasizing the effect the wind has on your bullet and he stated:" If a frog farts it will effect your bullet!" Bob has a dry sense of humor.

Bob is an excellent mentor to new shooters, giving them valuable tips and loaning his equipment to get them started. His encouragement and attitude towards new shooters has always been a blessing that is appreciated.

Bob and Ann moved to Waynesboro,VA last June. Bob was all excited to get to his first match as an East Coast shooter. That match was the PSL match held at Kettlefoot. All of us here in the NW were rooting for Bob. The evening after the match was held I received a surprise phone call from Bob. He wanted me know that he had not had a heart attack nor had he dropped his rifle but had come in way back in the pack. This was not something Bob was used to. He kept me apprised of all the matches he shot during this past season and summed up the season by telling me that this had been one of the most humbling experiences in his shooting career. Bob is not one to retreat and has just recently had a new Turbo Sporter built for next season. He has only test fired it a couple of times but is excited with its potential.

May a healing wind blow on my friend. Please keep Bob in your prayers.
Update on Bob Vail

I received the following E mail message from Ann this afternoon ....

"Dear friends and family - I'm using this technique to message everyone so my apology but time and energy are certainly a factor. Bob continues on ventilator and doctors continue to try and wean him off of it but it now looks like maybe Friday. It's such an up and down time that it is beyond description. Yesterday he knew me and Mike and literally 2 minutes later we had major crisis and that was followed by another. So far today they are resting him and continue to work on clearing his lungs. Problem is very complex but simply put they have to be sure that he has the strength to cough up the junk when the tube is removed and so far they haven't reached that point. There are some plans but too complex to explain just now. Mike left this afternoon and Susie arrives tomorrow evening ahead of yet another major snow storm. We had 5 inches last night but roads are fine - no problem today but Friday/Sat looks to be another problem. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since surgery and his 8th day in ICU and on ventilator since last Thursday. My very best to all and so appreciate the concern and love from all. I'll do my best to update and hopefully soon I'll have some good news. We are all tired at this point - Bob most of all. Love & Hugs, Ann"
another update on Bob

Just received the following message from Bob's wife a few minutes ago:

"Hi there to all. Snow is upon us here with up to 30 inches expected but I do have some good news on this end. I so appreciate all the wishes and concern you have all shown. Susie and I were at the hospital at 6:15 AM and able to spend 4 hours with Bob before the storm forced us to leave. I'm SO happy to report to all that during those 4 hours they did remove Bob from the ventilator which was wonderful news. Now we just need to hope that his lungs will keep up and he will improve from here. He can talk and mentally tracking with only minor confusion which is normal for someone vented for so long. He is able to swallow and has had some fluids which are all good signs. Darn storm - I need to be there and I'm stuck here so we'll see how quickly they can clear the roads enough for us to get to the airport. I'll keep you posted as I know anything but whew - we were so due good news. What a long 15 days this has been. Love you all - Ann"
Thanks for the update, that's good news. Be sure to say hi and get well soon for all of us here.

Great news!

It must be some kind of terrible to be under the gun and two feet of snow coming.
That is GREAT news! I'm so glad to hear he's doing better. Get well Bob, it'll be shooting season again soon.
Back to square one!

I just checked my E-mail to find the following message from Bob's wife:

"Hi to all - This will be brief as it's been another roller coaster and I'm sorry to share the news that Bob was not able to sustain his oxygen levels and cough junk up from his lungs....At 1:00AM this morning they had a crisis situation and reinserted the ventilator tube. We are now back to where we were 10 days ago. He is sedated and they are resting the lungs once again. Several plans in mind but as of now we don't quite know what will happen when. It's up to Bob's body and the doctors as to what course they will take. Susie and I are doing well and sharing with the 3 boys so good unit of five! Ended up with 20 inches of snow and yesterday the ER sent transportation to pick us up so we could see Bob and then brought us home late last night. Thanks for all the love and caring each of you have shown and know how much I appreciate. Please share the news with others as we are tired and going to turn in early. Love & Hugs, Ann."

Note: This is a very serious situation. I have been hospitalized twice with pneumonia. Once when I was 19 years old and again when I was 40 years old. My body was in a whole lot better shape than Bob's and recuperating was no picnic even back then. Bob is 74 years old and has had MAJOR back surgery. Please keep my friend Bob in your thoughts and prayers.