Friend Jackie Schmidt

i was talking to jeff cochran last week and he suggested using a reverse taper and sliding the tuner on from the chamber end with a matching taper.the recoil would just tighten the fit.when the removal was needed just take a plastic or rubber mallet smack the end to remove it. i hope bill reads this and gives an opinion on if this could work. tim in tx

Would the taper would induce "choke" in the barrel when it tightened up with recoil... in theory it would... Bill would probably say it does... and then is that good or bad? I know he doesn't like bore dimension changes... but wouldn't the muzzle have to be over allowable rule size in order for the tuner to clear the breech end of the barrel...
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Taper lock

type used in industrial & automotive applications.But i think the vibes would eventually loosen the taper if not retained.It would still have a inward force creating a constriction?
I was All the time thinking

that even Bill likes a bit of constriction in the muzzle end of a barrel. Looking back at my size for size post, if one shrunk the tuner on with a .001 shrink, it might not reduce the size of the bore that much and with some Red locktite along with the shrink, it wouldn't go anywhere and there would be plenty of metal to metal contact; dampening ability. Mebby.
Just a little tuner history-
Don Jackson put tuners on several barrels that had not previously been capable of competitive aggs and improved their average performance by about.050. these were simple tuners that threaded directly onto the barrels and which were secured with lock nuts. Jackie's tuners make his rifles shoot better or I am sure that he would not be using them. They thread directly on their barrels. I have tried one of his and it worked for me. I also have a clamp-on tuner similar to the one that Dick Wright has reported so glowingly on and it seems to work for me and not have a problem with moving. All of the above examples were 10.5# PPCs. Maybe threading, or cuttting a small diameter reduction (to .900) at the muzzle of a CF barrel is not as big a deal as it is on a rimfire barrel. Maybe it would be a good idea to have a problem before worrying about how to fix it.:D
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My friends

My friends:

Just ran my last test on the new Rva Solid Body muzzle device, (tuner)...

I'm sure Roger will report before long.....

Some stuff, in no order of importance....

A mechanically induced choke don't seem to work.....why? I ain't sure...

Friend Vibe: A're the best, in the world, at putting them squares around quotes.....

Threading muzzles? I'm a dumb old guy my friends....a rifle barrel is like a piece of (soft) bump it hard and you hurt the bore....

This is, I think, benchrest shooting.......I always thought us benchresters done everything possible to obtain accuracy.....even going to some extremes that other folks think are nuts......but, I see folks on this "benchrest forum" defending some of what I have to call "blacksmith" ideas.....sorry.

I mean my friends, if there is a chance in hell (sorry, that's a dirty word), that threading the muzzle of a killer rifle barrel may hurt accuracy, I ain't about to do!

My friends: Roger von Aherns has an idea for attaching muzzle devices, (tuners).......his idea will allow my good friend Gene Beggs to use his jam nut style muzzle device, (tuner), that is behind the will allow my dear friend Jackie Schmidt to use his style muzzle device, (tuner), and will allow any other muzzle device, (tuner) produced by anyone...that uses a threaded attachment at the be used.....

All these folks can use their ideas to their heart's content....BUT....THEY WILL NOT HAVE TO THREAD THE MUZZLES OF THEIR BARRELS ANY LONGER....

Roger is testing now.....

OH, If any of you folks need squares around your quotes, VIBE BE THE MAN....HE'S AWESOME! ( Vibe, you know I'm funning you my friend...I wouldn't hurt your's, or anyone's else's feelings, for the mommy and daddy always told me if you can't say something good about someone, don't say nothing).

Your friend, Bill Calfee
A mechanically induced choke don't seem to work.....why? I ain't sure...
I would suspect that it might not be staying true with the rest of the bore of the barrel. It would depend upon how it was induced, and how much was applied.

Friend Vibe: A're the best, in the world, at putting them squares around quotes.....
Thanks (On a shooting forum, being good at a completely nonessential skill is not much of a complement - but I'll take what little I can get. :D)

Threading muzzles? I'm a dumb old guy my friends....a rifle barrel is like a piece of (soft) bump it hard and you hurt the bore....
Bill. You know me, I'll be the first in line to correct you when I think you are wrong. :D After all, when you are after accuracy - you have to be just as accurate in your theories (if not more so) as you are in your machine work.

But on this point your are NOT mistaken. Barrel steel is soft enough that it is amazing how much you can mash it around, and how little it really takes to do it.

This is, I think, benchrest shooting.......I always thought us benchresters done everything possible to obtain accuracy.....even going to some extremes that other folks think are nuts......but, I see folks on this "benchrest forum" defending some of what I have to call "blacksmith" ideas.....sorry.

I mean my friends, if there is a chance in hell (sorry, that's a dirty word), that threading the muzzle of a killer rifle barrel may hurt accuracy, I ain't about to do!
I agree. Now if you can just see that it's not just the metalwork where this is happening. You will start to understand some of the points I've been talking about. :D

OH, If any of you folks need squares around your quotes, VIBE BE THE MAN....HE'S AWESOME! ( Vibe, you know I'm funning you my friend...I wouldn't hurt your's, or anyone's else's feelings, for the mommy and daddy always told me if you can't say something good about someone, don't say nothing).

Your friend, Bill Calfee
It's a bit strange - sayin' "Nothin" is more in your style. :D (Which is a big part of why folks here are always going of on tangents trying to figgure out what it is you are trying to say).
I take it that, at least, I got you to thinkin'. :D (Sorry if it hit a nerve)
:D No hurt feelings here. (Even though I recognize a backhanded complement when I see one - you did have to stretch just a bit for that one).

Want to know how to put degrees after a number? Cause some of what you are saying is about 6° out of kilter. :D

Your friend
David Epperson
AKA Vibe
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Hey Guys!! Hey Guys!!

I ain't said nothing to nobody, and all of a sudden you are attacking us Blacksmiths. I take great pride in making and fitting horseshoes to hard running and troting horses. It's hard work. OK, OK, it may not be the precision you guys are work with but I'm working on a live animal. Horses will litterily kick you right out of business if you screw up and nail his foot. If you guys screw up the customer may not be happy but neither he nor the rifle is likey to kick the crap out of you!!:p:p
Don Neilson

Don, you need to talk to my wife about that one.LOL

She is a structural engineer. I'll try to corner her on this one and see if she would be willing to get involved.

Surely she would accomodate the guy who makes the finest neck turning tool made anywhere. One that I own. Actually 2 of them.

Rich in Ca.
The glue thing sounds difficult

I apologize if I missed it in there amongst the posts but how do you deal with the existing barrel taper other than a tapered tuner hole that matches to some extent?
Something along these lines Lynn ??

Seems pretty simple, only a couple of internal diameters need to be reasonably accurate to suit a particular barrel.


Hold down the " Alt" key, and type 167 :)
º =Alt 167......90º
° =Alt 248......90°
Subtle difference.
Either will get the point across I would think.
The Forum software likes the 167 better. In the editor there's not much difference.
º =Alt 167......90º
° =Alt 248......90°
Subtle difference.
Either will get the point across I would think.
The Forum software likes the 167 better. In the editor there's not much difference.

It doesn't matter what I do... it does nothing...