Friend Dan Killough, Calfee

I'm really confused about all of this. Dan, I don't think that I sell much of anything to the rimfire guys. I know that I will never get my small amount of sponsorship money out of this, but that wasn't the reason that I sent it to Dan. Why are some of you guys beating on us? Lapua may not be the go to ammo today, but they may step up to the plate. Their name alone lends credibility to the PSL.
I think Dan and whatever help and helpers that he has, have done a wonderful job. I think it has a wonderful opportunity to blossom into something much greater. It would really help if Dan had your support and a hell of a lot less whining.
I talked to Hooters today and guess what they are thinking about sponsoring the lunch when we shoot at St Louis if Brian and Dennis promise to behave themselves. Ive tried to no avail to keep them in line I sure could use some help. So if anyone has any suggestion they would be greatly appreciated.
Friend Dan Killough

Friend Dan:

I've been at modern rimfire benchrest from the first day it started back in 1988...with one loves this game, or its people, more than Bill Calfee.....

A story.....

Last fall I decided to help my firends Ray and Donna Brown.....they've run the Crosswinds range, in Missouri, for amost 20 years......with the economy like it is, the high price of gas, high price of bullets and equipment, their attendence was falling off as had a lot of places .......

I made an offer to pay the entry fee of one shooter, $65.00 and give $1,000.00 if anyone at the their year-end tournament could shoot a 2500 ARA.......tough, but 2500's are becoming more and more common...

I could have offered both the entry fee and the thousand dollars to "Calfee" only shooters.......but Dan, there's no way I could have one of two shooters, shooting Calfee guns, have six chances for a thousand dollars while the rest of the folks couldn't.........

So I offered the entry fee and the thousand dollars to everyone, no matter who made the gun or what ammo they shot....

Mrs. Brown called me after the shoot......a pretty big shoot by the way...she said it was an exciting day...each of those competitors had six chances for the thousand dollars and the $65.00 entry fee.......she said she heard comments like a shooter who had a run going then dropped a 50 who said " dang it" ( might have used more explicit words) "there went my thousand dollars".....

In other words it was a great match at a time this sport needed a great match.......

I admire all the folks who have donated to the PSL with no strings attached.

I admire you for all your hard work starting the PSL and I've stated so in the past.......

Friend Dan, I will quote from your post above: "If this does become a success, Mr. Calfee you stand to gain a great deal."

No my friend, I stand to gain nothing from the PSL. At my advanced age and health I'm booked for life with my work....there's no way I can ever get caught up....

Finally my friend, one last quote from your post above: "Your rifles and your services will become even more valuable than they already are while you have not done anything."

My friend, Calfee rifles WILL become more and more valuable, but Dan, and I mean no disrespect to you, or anyone, when I say this; Neither you, nor the PSL nor Lapua nor any of the fine folks you listed above will have had anything to do with their value increasing.

Dan, you've started something great. Good luck

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Mr. Calfee, I have to disagree with you.

You are a great gunsmith, and you have built some great rifles, but I must disagree with you on this matter.
This reminds me of an old saying that I've heard all my life (Give'm enough rope and they will hang theirself)

Not having anything in this arguement I just have one thing to say " You would think that if Mr. Calfee was so proud of his guns that he would join in the sponsership program with added bonus money himself. This might help bring in more money for the PSL."
The one thing that I have figured out that Bill is BETTER at than building rifles is "stiring POOP". And the one thing about that is it always stinks.

Friend Bill...........
Is only a friend to himself. Once again i got sucked in to reading a post started by that "ole carney"...i never seem to learn! Oh well...."EYE POKE"!
You know what's really sad about all of the more common threads over hear and on the centerfire page is how to attract new shooters.
This ain't it. Arguing, I mean.
Looks like you're doing a great thing, Dan. Wish you luck, and I hope all this garbage doesn't interfere with the potential success of the league.
Friend Mel Eck

Friend Mel:

I quote form you: "Bill did you ever trap Foxe,s?"

Friend Mel, I love rimfire benchrest more than life itself......I love rimfire accuracy more than life itself..........

I'm one of them little guys, that wants to be part of this wonderful game we call rimfire benchrest, but struggle to do it....

Mel, I get so much correspondence from folks, young folks a lot of the time, with familes and kids, and house payments and car payments.......

Them young folks is just like me and you......we love these little rimfire 22's, for what ever the reason, we love them....and we want to show the world that we can compete with folks with a like mind.....

But this game, rimfire benchrest is a bunch of the little folks, just like me, can't afford to "live their dream"..........

Bill Calfee is for the "little folks" cause I'm a little folk......

I do not wish to offend anyone on this fine forum, but, as long as GOD allows Bill Calfee to draw a breath, I'm going to do all I can to make as many of those "little folks" dreams come true, as I can.......

See Mel, if we can give those "little folks" a chance, then one day some may grow up to be another DJ Hepler, or another Harry Deneen, or another Steve Arnold, or another Mike Sherrill, or another Graig Young, or another Danny Hepler, or another Hoke Kerns, or another Macky Locklin, or another Travis Ruhlow, or another Stever Turner, or another Sandee Hurley............... I could go on and on and on with all the awesome folks who have allowed Bill Calfee to assist them with their many awesome shooters.....I've left so many out, I apologize my dear friends.....

Mel, rimfire benchrest is the greatest shooting sport in the world....there is nothing that comes close..

Mel: I quote from you again my friend: "Bill did you ever trap Foxe,s?"

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Everyone who shoots 22 benchrest knows of Bill Calfee. He has made his mark on this sport. Fifty years from now the name Bill Calfee will be used when discussing the giants of our game. Bill has done his part. He has contributed.

Even we don't know each other at all, I would like to consider Bill as a friend.

Concho Bill
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Friend jGEE

My friend:

Obtain copies of my articles in Precision Shooting November, 2005, "Take this job and slug it", and June, 2006, "Take this jop and slug it, Chapter 2"....

Study these......then follow directions....if you follow my instructions, you will be able to determine where to chamber and crown any rifle barrel to gain it's max potential.

Friend jGEE....I spent 5 years writing for Precision Shooting Magazine....I did this for one reason, certainly not for monetary gain, but to leave what little knowledge I've aquired over the years to folks, just like me, and you, and thousands of others all over the World, who love accuracy.......if my efforts have helped, those five years will not have been in vain...

Now try to obtain those issues and get to work...and good luck..

Your friend, Bill Calfee
bill do you believe that everything you wrote before still holds
true today. most people over time learn new ways of doing things
and sometimes realize things they thought were so aren't now. ex.
i'm sure some of your thoughts on tuning have changed over the years.
thanks tom
Check with Joe F

On that Lilja barrel, you need to ask Joe Fredrich on why it's marked as it is. I believe that barrel has already been slugged and is marked where to cut, chamber and crown.
In any profession there are always just a few experts at the top of the game -for us "commoners" or lil people -we ain't NEVER gonna get to talk to them much less ask a question that would require a techinal answer. Us commoners are left to sort thru tons of useless bullsh*t, akin to a mine field, doesn't matter what the profession is.

In a rare instance the "commoner" gets the opportunity to ask the expert a question, the answer is just not for one's self but for the good of the community. It does seem to me for the expert to write page after page of usless drivel -maybe an answer other than "go google" would be more helpful. But like i said most "commoners" will NEVER get to ask the expert a question because they are just too busy patting themselves on the back all the time...

I got a thread going with pics explaineing my mistakes so maybe others coming down the same path won't make them. It don't matter what you done 5 years ago, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LATELY" maybe sometimes "break us off a piece" without making us beg, no disrespect intended.... but hey maybe it's just me -joe:)

When you first started posting here, I thought you were a little bit of a butthole, but I've since changed my mind. You seem like a pretty decent guy and you just seem interested in learning the processes needed to build a winning rifle.

If your last post refers to fact that Bill Calfee won't just tell you what the marks are for, he probably can't. He didn't mark the barrel. I suppose he could assume what they are for, but he couldn't be sure he's telling you correctly. Fred gave you good advice. You need to ask Joe Freidrich assuming he marked the barrel. I would guess that it's a mark indicating where to cut for chamber and crown. It may or may not be the best place for those cuts.
The barrel was slugged and marked per Bill's instructions. Joe is willing to learn and hope he slugs it for himself. I forgot to mention this to Joe when he bought the barrel, and Joe I apologize for any confusion. Joe if you have any questions on that barrel shoot me an email.

To me i'm on an adventure, not a safari in africa but a rimfire adventure -what makes 'em tic. Maybe i have wrongly assumed some of the members here could point out, Hey joe there is an elephant over there. I think it more hey joe that elephant is about to step on you, lol.

Mr Joe i appreciate the Lilja, i assumed it came from Lilja marked that way -that shows to go you how much i know. I just figured some of the Smiths on here were familiar with Lilja would know what the marks ment.

I'm handy enough with a camera and posting pics i kinda figured some of the new members here might be interested also, thats why i posted the pics and questions. I have learned a lot from you guys and the guys over at Rimfire Central.
I want to have fun on my adventure and maybe take a few of you along with me. I don't have a clue how far i can go but today "i'm on it".

I did manage to rechamber the Shilen i got from mr Fred and it's working pretty nice... i gotta tune my cone, doesn't extract all the time. Maybe when i can get a little more exact with head spacing i will cut the factory extractor notches.
No disrespect to Mr. Shilen he just happened to get elected for my guniepig. I want to save the Lilja a few more days for when i'm an expert!! thanks guys for tolerating me, if you see that elephant about to step on me, just holla!!!. joe
JoeG, what a coincidence, It just so happens I have those two (actually 3) articles and as a matter of fact my wife is taking them to her work tomorrow to make copies for a friend of mine. I will tell her to make two sets and I'll mail you one. Thanks, Douglas

PS: are you sure you don't want that junk barrel? (inside joke)
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