Friend Dan Killough, Calfee

Instead of trying to get EVERYONE to get a Mossberg and win a PSL match, maybe he should have said "I will give $10,000 to the first 2500 shot with a Mossberg".

Or, maybe he is playing the hugely popular game of politics.
I thought this really was a Eley verses Lapua discussion in a "Kathy the Riddler disguise!?

I could be wrong but I think it was Bill's way of saying, OK boys, quit piddling and step up with some BIG $$$! :eek:

just kidding fred i didn't get it either. i've seen a couple of 144's that
set up right would do fair.
My friends

My friends:

Dan Killough has invented, developed, what ever the proper term is, a great idea.....THE PROFESSIONAL SHOOTING LEAGUE...

The first tournament was a hugh I suspect the others will be.

What does it really mean to support Dan's effort, by equipment makers or regular folks?

An example: If Eley decided they wanted to contrubute to Dan's effort, and anounced they would give X amount of money to the shooter who won, if Eley ammo was used........based on the first PSL match, Eley would have a 91% chance that they would cough up.....pardon my language....beause 91% of the shooters at the first PSL match use Eley........

The other, non Eley, ammo makers at the first PSL match had 9% of the shooters...and only one in the top 20........which means there's a 91% chance that they, the non-Eley ammo makers, could offer a million dollars to the winner, and not have to cough's easy to make big claims, like my $10,000 Mossburg offer, when you know you don't have a chance of it costing you anything....ain't it...

IF YOU WISH TO CONTRUBUTE TO DAN'S IDEA......Then contribute, no strings attached......when you attach strings, you ain't doing it for Dan, or, rimfire benchrest, you're doing it for you...

Your friend, Bill Calfee
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It took thirty posts this time, you're slipping! Thanks, Douglas
DK likes it.

Dan Killough has come out in favor of Lapua's contingency money, and has described the "skins game" type of structure they have come up with to reward folks who use their ammo. Dan has started a thread thanking Lapua for their support and pledge of $$$. Pappas Rests has come up with a similar contingency plan to reward shooters who use their products.

Kathy has come out and slammed these sponsors for the same thing that Dan Killough has praised them for. That's the funny part.

Kathy - if you want to support the PSL and Dan Killough, stop bashing the sponsors of the league. In order to have a Professional league, the money has to come from somewhere - that means sponsors.

If the rest of you can't see that what I've described above is 100% truthful, then you msut have had too much Kool Aid.

First read Dan's thread thanking Lapua, then read Kathy's thread bashing the sponsors.

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Kathy I thought that was what you were getting at

Seems like Lapua could offer the sun, moon and stars, but if nobody is winning with it our universe is pretty safe. ;)
My 2 Cents from the CHEAP SEATS

What you guys and Mr. Dan have done with the PSL is a great thing. The hardest thing to do is "get the snowball" rolling.

Attracting a tittle sponsor like Lapua gives the event creditability. Not too many companies have the courage to step up and be first. What if the first PSL event would have been a failure, Lapua would have a black eye. You damage your corporate image and you can get fired. Somebody went out on a Limb for you guys. Mr. Pappas was trying to help, he didn't need the "ink", you guys will buy his rest anyway.

Getting those first few sponsors is critical. Everyone wants to join a winning team, just nobody wants to take a chance with an unknown. Sure Lapua wants something back -they want sales, that ain't no crime. Seems they believe in their product enough to stick their neck out. The great thing about "targets" they don't lie. It don't matter how much Lapua, Eley or anyone else wants to HYPE their stuff, them targets ain't gonna lie.

It is a great thing Laupa is in here wtih you guys, they are coming in when you need them the most -at the start. You guys want to futher your sport be glad to have them. Maybe you would rather have Victoria Secrets sponsor your events, ain't gonna happen at this stage. In a few years when that snoball is rolling -blazin down hill, ESPN got cameras in your way, just might have some of them pretty models hangin targets for you crusty guys.

Oh No! The wife is going to be real mad to see that I went and stole her grocery money for next month out of the coffee jar and spent it to buy a Mossberg. I had thought I could get the money to buy little Katy the treatment for her hairlip that she so badly needed. I guess she's going to have to live life with a disfigured face and we'll have to have only squirrel for groceries next month. Guess I'm not going home with the whole beef critter like Alviin.
Oh No! The wife is going to be real mad to see that I went and stole her grocery money for next month out of the coffee jar and spent it to buy a Mossberg. I had thought I could get the money to buy little Katy the treatment for her hairlip that she so badly needed. I guess she's going to have to live life with a disfigured face and we'll have to have only squirrel for groceries next month. Guess I'm not going home with the whole beef critter like Alviin.

WhelenMan, I feel for you buddy....Luckily Lapau has stepped up to the plate and made a generious offer.....for now, just like the eley, you don't have to have the top dollar stuff to win, Mr. Scott still has some of that. You can still get little Katys hairlip fixed you will just have to win some matchs with Lapua.;)

For now just tell her to quite trimming her mustache and no one will ever notice her hairlip. :eek:

Thanks Lapua

All joking aside!

My hat is off to Lapua. As Joe says, they were there at the beginning with financial help. Their products are legion for accuracy. I have a CZ 452 that shoots best with their ammo. It could be that part of the problem with their rimfire ammo is that so many of the custom benchrest rifles are chambered for Eley. Because of their participation with PSL I feel I should try some Lapua out for my 40X before I buy my next supply of ammo.

Others may follow their lead, and their help will be appreciated, but we will remember that Lapua was first.

Concho Bill
I'll also add "my hat is off to Lapua". I appreciate their support of Dan's initiative to raise interest in our sport. I have never bought Lapua until getting a couple of test boxes at the PSL. I will buy and support Killough Shooting Sports, Lapua and any others that promote precision shooting. Adding professional level does raise interest and participation in a venue. And, unfortunately there are negative people that oppose everything, just to be contrary or down right hateful. So, indeed my hat is off to any & all that support this PSL venture at what ever level they can.

My 2ct's
Mr. Calfee,

I apologize, in my earlier post I thought you were just making a joke. I did not realize what you were saying.

Lapua, James Pappas, Joe Friedrich, Jim Peightal, Charlie Peters, Butch Lambert and others have put up money with no strings attached.
Lapua, James Pappas, Don Stith, and Ken Fulghum have also agreed to pay contingency fees to winners using their equipment.

In order for the PSL to be successful we must have a large number of competitors at each event and we must have advertisers so that the payout will be large. The rimfire shooters are doing their part. The advertisers I mentioned above are doing their part. If this does become a success, Mr. Calfee you stand to gain a great deal. Your rifles and your services will become even more valuable than they already are while you have not done anything. You will gain this because Lapua and the individuals already mentioned, stepped up with the money and took a chance. I think the least you could do is leave them alone.