Francis Broussard

Hello to all,

I guess I would think that losing a potential world record target is a big deal, especially to the guy who shot it. I am very new here and do not wish to offend but an individual picking on a fella for his vigilance and follow up to compensate for lack of same is questionable to me. One could argue that if the same follow up were applied to ones FFL(and livelyhood) as is being applied to this lost target, one might not be out of business and still angry about it. An ounce of prevention....


This is the 3d mandated from the NBRSA Rule Book:

"To standardize on a National Basis the entire Benchrest Shooting Program so that the targets, ranges, scoring methods, RECORDS, and match records will be uniform and comparable".

I emphasized "Records" for the obvious reason. We might be lax in a lot of things, and we might not care about what we just did once the equipment is loaded and trophys handed out, but dammit, if someone is fortunate enough to achieve a record, EVERY precaution should be in play to see that it does not go un-noticed.

Think how you would feel if you had shot a record, it never made it through committee, and the only excuse that came forth was, "we think the targets got miss-placed"..........jackie
In Truth

I agree with what Jackie just said.However not stirring but there are no world records except mebe WBC records.There are IBS, NBRSA, SSAA,and however many more sanctioned BR bodies records.Until the rules are uniform world wide this will remain the case.Why don't all the sanctioning bodies get together & adopt WBC rules world wide.
To the guys that had there targets "mis-placed" WOW,pure negligence it isn't only a target thats lost its a record,a part of the reason we play, they deserve the credit when its due.
just my take on it Jim:(
Record Target

I'm sorry to read about mipolalced aor lost target. I know you are a great shot. Not much to go by but I know it was shot. Michael
Seems as thou everyone on the left coast wants to grieve over the loss of this target and place ALL the blame on the measuring committee.

a couple of years ago the US POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT lost my renewal form and check for my FFL. As a result my license expired and put me out of business. Everyone at the USPS was SOOOOOO Sorry but did nothing to rectify the situation.

So here I sit no license, and no business and i'm suppose to feel sorry because BYRN feels cheated about the loss of a target. Get real. Hell a small group record is nothing but four mistakes happening in the same place over a relatively short span of time.

I had a 200/300 yd record agg thrown out because the backer didn't move.
That was in the days prior to the internet and I had no forum to bleed on.
Woe is me.

Maybe Marcelli would agree to plead this matter with the board.


If I had shot a possible .025 group, I would want to know where my target was. I would bet that if the governing body had your same attitude for misplacing HOF points, that the whole system would go down the drain in time-They do a great job by the way. We are all trying make "four mistakes happening at the same time". That's the nature of the game. So now your saying it doesn't matter, it's no big deal. Why even shoot anymore other than visiting your friends? You have a great attitude for furthering benchrest-thank goodness you aren't running things at the NBRSA or IBS.

Sorry about your renewel on your Licensing, but don't take it out on others because your pissed off. As for whatever coast any record is being shot on-what difference does it make??? Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder for West Coast shooters. BTW-I'm not a West Coast shooter.

-Mike Paul
I talked with Gene Bukys.....

a few minutes ago and it sounds like the NBRSA is going to solve this problem but it may take a little time.

Gene has taken over as head of the target committee and the NBRSA has formed a totally new committee. Gene came to me and asked if I was aware of that and I was not. As a member of the committee Gene was not sure of my reaction to being replaced but it suits me fine. The pay sucks. ;) As I posted earlier I don't know where the lost targets are but I surely do know where they are not. They've never been in my possession so far as I can remember. That position allows for the possibility that I measured some of them over the past couple of years and they got 'lost' after they left me.

This is probably the only way the NBRSA could have handled the situation. By 'cleaning house' they have removed the problem without singling any one person out for the blame. I, for one, certainly am not offended by their action. For those who have possible records pending don't despair. Gene Bukys is a fine man and I'm sure he'll get it all worked out.
Might I make a suggestion? I don't think that it would be too much to ask that targets that are being shipped around to be measured to see if they are a new record be shipped in some way that can be tracked and that they be signed for by the person that they are being shipped to. I would be really upset if my target got lost (Yes, I know...fat chance, I's have to shoot one first.)
Thanks MColeman

a few minutes ago and it sounds like the NBRSA is going to solve this problem but it may take a little time.

Gene has taken over as head of the target committee and the NBRSA has formed a totally new committee. Gene came to me and asked if I was aware of that and I was not. As a member of the committee Gene was not sure of my reaction to being replaced but it suits me fine. The pay sucks. ;) As I posted earlier I don't know where the lost targets are but I surely do know where they are not. They've never been in my possession so far as I can remember. That position allows for the possibility that I measured some of them over the past couple of years and they got 'lost' after they left me.

This is probably the only way the NBRSA could have handled the situation. By 'cleaning house' they have removed the problem without singling any one person out for the blame. I, for one, certainly am not offended by their action. For those who have possible records pending don't despair. Gene Bukys is a fine man and I'm sure he'll get it all worked out.

That is a good piece of information and I'm glad it's being worked on, because all I heard earlier from NBRSA board members was "No target, No record". When I stated this post it was not to find blame on an individual, it was to find my target. I am not upset with the records committee or the people on the committee. It is the process in place by the NBRSA for record certification that is insufficient. I have only been shooting 3 years and enjoy the sport and the people. Records and accomplishment do mean something to me as it does to the vast majority of shooters. Botton line, the NBRSA needs to change the process and have a backup plan in place. I believe an outside independent certification process is still the best solution...... Bryn