Francis Broussard

Good luck getting

your target even found. You are not one of the "Good Ole Boys". If you were a shooter of a Tony Boyer caliber this target would have been handled accordingly instead of having to look for it nearly 8 months later.:confused:
your target even found. You are not one of the "Good Ole Boys". If you were a shooter of a Tony Boyer caliber this target would have been handled accordingly instead of having to look for it nearly 8 months later.:confused:
That's not an accurate statement in the least. I am one of the people who measure targets submitted for record and when I get one I have no idea who shot it. It's just another target to me. I measure it, record my measurements and send it to whoever is supposed to get it next.

I just got a certified letter from a shooter in Texas who believes he shot a world record target in 2007. If I got the target it was measured and mailed. The shooter's name is nowhere on the target and I have never heard of him to my recollection. I can't remember the last target I measured but have not measured one in the past few months so his target has not gotten to me. I'm not allowed to measure targets shot in my region but I'm not in the Gulf Coast Region.

There are two shooters who have targets submitted that cannot be located. I don't have a clue where they are or what happened to them. Even if I had measured them I would not know to whom they belonged so your assertion that favorites are played in this game is ludicrous.

So what is the process on a missing target? The Pres, Vice Pres and Regional director of the NBRSA all measured the target. It is not the fault of the shooter that the target went missing nor should he lose out on this achievement, agree? This organization needs a process in place so accomplishments of this sort don't get delayed, mishandled, misplaced or even lost forever......Bryn
That's not an accurate statement in the least. I am one of the people who measure targets submitted for record and when I get one I have no idea who shot it. It's just another target to me. I measure it, record my measurements and send it to whoever is supposed to get it next.

I just got a certified letter from a shooter in Texas who believes he shot a world record target in 2007. If I got the target it was measured and mailed. The shooter's name is nowhere on the target and I have never heard of him to my recollection. I can't remember the last target I measured but have not measured one in the past few months so his target has not gotten to me. I'm not allowed to measure targets shot in my region but I'm not in the Gulf Coast Region.

There are two shooters who have targets submitted that cannot be located. I don't have a clue where they are or what happened to them. Even if I had measured them I would not know to whom they belonged so your assertion that favorites are played in this game is ludicrous.

Hi Mickey,

You sound as well versed in the "record target verification" process as anyone.............what is the "tracibility process" that is used to track record target submissions thru the measurement process, to prevent loss or forgotten submissions?

Why are some "records" verified in a couple of weeks time frame, while others take several months?.................Don
I've told you about all I know about the process. I'm just a little fish in this pond and can only speak on a limited range of things. All I know is that from time to time I'll get a target or some targets to measure along with the forms to record and sign and the name of the person to receive them next.

I do know for a fact that the shooter's name or region is never given nor do I care. I measure targets for all our matches and when you're in the 'pit' measuring targets they're all pieces of paper with holes in them. Only after I print the results do I know who has done what. The record procedure is purposely kept secretive from each scorer just to eliminate any favoritism.

When I score targets nobody gets any freebies. Nobody. I hate 'em all equally. ;)

As to why some are processed faster than others it depends on the workload of the scorers. For instance, if a target has been sent to Lester Bruno in the past couple of weeks it probably won't even get looked at until he gets back from the Super Shoot. If I got a target in today to measure it would be here at least two weeks before I could get to it. I'm leaving Saturday for the Super Shoot. I know the person who shot the potential record is anxious to get the recognition but, sadly, the world places demands on us that slow us down at times.
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So what is the process on a missing target? The Pres, Vice Pres and Regional director of the NBRSA all measured the target. It is not the fault of the shooter that the target went missing nor should he lose out on this achievement, agree? This organization needs a process in place so accomplishments of this sort don't get delayed, mishandled, misplaced or even lost forever......Bryn
Bryn, I can't answer that question simply because I've never been in charge of it and have absolutely no desire for the responsibility. I just don't know but sometimes things just get lost. Granted, it seems odd that two sets of targets go missing but I have no clue as to what happened.

Not offended, I started this thread hoping Francis would answer or someone would give him a message that I wanted to talk to him. I just want to get down to the bottom of this. Other than that the only comment that was directed to me (not on BRC forum) was, "No target No record", which is BS and pissed me off worse. I truly believe if I didn't start asking question 6 months after the possible record was shot, nobody else would have. You know why that is, because there is not a process in place. I am planning to be all over this like flies on s**t. The NBRSA needs a documented process to eliminate errors like this. I will go even further, how about a third party measuring certification company. Even if the cost was to come out of the pocket of the possible record holder, less chance for errors.. Bryn

I do not for one minute think that any scorer would score the target differenty from one shooter to another. I was trying to imply that maybe more precautions would be taken for a well known (renowned) shooter. Bryn, I think you have an excellent idea as far as getting the measuring done outside of the"NBRSA Organization" and into the hands of someone independent that could score all possible records, maybe with an optical measuring machine to eliminate human error. Mr.Coleman, I aplogize if infact you beleive I was questioning your integrity or anyone on the scoring panel. The fact is I know no one personally on the committee. Maybe all correspondence should be done with certified mailings and with a time limit of say 4 weeks per scorer. This would mean all possible records would be granted or rejected with X months depending on how many scorers there are. To not to burden the NBRSA financialy, let the shooter pay for the certified mail. FB
I do not for one minute think that any scorer would score the target differenty from one shooter to another. I was trying to imply that maybe more precautions would be taken for a well known (renowned) shooter. Bryn, I think you have an excellent idea as far as getting the measuring done outside of the"NBRSA Organization" and into the hands of someone independent that could score all possible records, maybe with an optical measuring machine to eliminate human error. Mr.Coleman, I aplogize if infact you beleive I was questioning your integrity or anyone on the scoring panel. The fact is I know no one personally on the committee. Maybe all correspondence should be done with certified mailings and with a time limit of say 4 weeks per scorer. This would mean all possible records would be granted or rejected with X months depending on how many scorers there are. To not to burden the NBRSA financialy, let the shooter pay for the certified mail. FB
I was not offended in the least but you were obviously under the impression that the identity of the shooter was known by the measuring committee members and the 'big names' in benchrest got preferential treatment. There was no other interpretation available for anyone who understands the English language. I merely pointed out that the shooter's identity is never revealed and all I know when I measure a target is the target was not shot in the southeastern region.
Kind of sounds like "BR records" have been treated somewhat like "Hall of Fame" recognition, neither seem to have been planned for or developed in the originating charters and rulebooks many decades ago, and over time have taken on a developement of their own, probably because neither was a primary focus or major activity of the every day tournament BR competition.......................Don
Some Info

We were informed at our Region Meeting that Gene Bukys has been appointed the new head of the records committee, and at this time is assembling the team of scorers within the Regions.
Unlike the the Hall of Fame, the records are a function of the NBRSA, and have always been treated as such........jackie
Myself and Eric Stanton have record targets that were submitted by our
Regional Director last July ,2007, and we still have heard nothing. I think they are also in the " nobody knows where they are" catagory. Our Director has made several inquiries all to no avail! Hell of a system huh.

Steve Kostanich
Lost paper

Seems as thou everyone on the left coast wants to grieve over the loss of this target and place ALL the blame on the measuring committee.

a couple of years ago the US POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT lost my renewal form and check for my FFL. As a result my license expired and put me out of business. Everyone at the USPS was SOOOOOO Sorry but did nothing to rectify the situation.

So here I sit no license, and no business and i'm suppose to feel sorry because BYRN feels cheated about the loss of a target. Get real. Hell a small group record is nothing but four mistakes happening in the same place over a relatively short span of time.

I had a 200/300 yd record agg thrown out because the backer didn't move.
That was in the days prior to the internet and I had no forum to bleed on.
Woe is me.

Maybe Marcelli would agree to plead this matter with the board.

NBRSA Record Procedures

Larry Kuse asked me to post the Official NBRSA Record Procedures as of the July 2000 board meeting.

Hope they will come thru for you...if not send me an email and I will forward them to you.

pilgrim2 (at)


  • NBRSA Record Procedure.doc
    28 KB · Views: 199
Seems as thou everyone on the left coast wants to grieve over the loss of this target and place ALL the blame on the measuring committee.

a couple of years ago the US POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT lost my renewal form and check for my FFL. As a result my license expired and put me out of business. Everyone at the USPS was SOOOOOO Sorry but did nothing to rectify the situation.

So here I sit no license, and no business and i'm suppose to feel sorry because BYRN feels cheated about the loss of a target. Get real. Hell a small group record is nothing but four mistakes happening in the same place over a relatively short span of time.

I had a 200/300 yd record agg thrown out because the backer didn't move.
That was in the days prior to the internet and I had no forum to bleed on.
Woe is me.

Maybe Marcelli would agree to plead this matter with the board.


Well that helped a lot.

It seems like it would be a pretty simple matter to follow the chain of Custody.
Who did xxxxxxxx give it to? Who did he give it to and so on until they find the last guy who signed for it. I am sure that when they are mailed they are sent with some tracking measure such as registered mail or FEDEX.
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Larry Kuse asked me to post the Official NBRSA Record Procedures as of the July 2000 board meeting.

Hope they will come thru for you...if not send me an email and I will forward them to you.

pilgrim2 (at)

Seems like these procedures need to be revised to include instructions on "traceability" and "time frame limitations".

I know over the years I have had 3 different "record target" submissions, and all 3 have disappeared without ever having been heard from or returned.

I am not all that into "records" recognition, so I never followed up on their where abouts..............but for those individuals who are more involved/interested in the "records" process, it would seem better "traceability" and "time frame" instructions should be adopted to ensure a better, more thorough, and accountable "Records Procedure Process"...........................Don