Forum attitudes

Sorry Montana Pete, that you have had bad luck on this site. I would like to counter your advice to newbies by saying that I have learned a lot about this sport and its many nuances all mostly due to the help of people like Jackie Schmidt,Gene Beggs, Vic Smith, Bill Myers, Gerry, Butch, Don and many more. There are a lot of these guys that will help you, I know they did for me and continue to do so. That's one of the reasons I keep playing and trying to learn the game. I know I have asked some dumb questions but no one has ever jumped my case about it. I know some of the advice comes across as a little strong on an internet forum, but it's hard to catch all the inflections off of a printed word. Half the fun of going to the registered shoots is to visit with the likes of these guys and learn and have a good time. I have belonged to a lot of groups over the years but none of them quite compare to these characters, and life is more fun with characters in it. I have left out more names but I am trying to keep this kind'a brief.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
To me, the benefit of the knowledge gained on this websight by some really experienced folks in this sport will far out weigh a periodic snide or condescending remark. Most guys will back off from caustic remarks or dialogue when you call them on it. Others just say annoying things, but really didn't mean anything by it. (You do have a wife, right?) And yes, sometimes you don't get the answer that you were looking for. (It's a good thing that the consulting charges here are cheap!! ) But, in the rare instance that you find that you're dealing with an aggressive or argumentative kind of individual and they continue to hurt your feelings (that's where I draw the line).....hell.....just put them on the ignore list and let em talk to themselves. Problem solved! I've only had to do that with 2 individuals here over the years, and have by and large come to enjoy having a dialogue or listening in with everybody else here.

But, I don't know open a thread to kind of declare your displeasure with the whole place..... ???
Think this was bad? Try asking a question on a Oracle or Sun message board! Some of those guys only mission in life is to belittle others.
I had very bad luck on this forum some while ago. Six or eight of the "old hands' on the forum came back to my posting as very insulting. The forum's manager himself posted me that I was "ignorant," and that my comment just showed a lot of ignorance. This is "piling on," as they say in football. Someone (like me, I suppose) shows a lack of understanding, and one by one, the old timers come on and use the guy as a punching bag.

This is about the most unpleasant shooting forum I've ever visited, and I belong to several.

There's some baloney out there that members of this forum want to help newcomers get into the sport. Please don't believe it.

I rarely visit any more, and even more rarely do I risk posting anything.

Montana Pete,
I read and re-read the post that you speak about and isn't bad. Pertaining to short range benchrest, you got very good answers. Sometimes I think people that post just want their already decided upon opinion agreed with. Once more info was provided, the ship (thread) turned the direction that it should have. Jackie was the guy that said you might be ignorant to BR. But I think you took the message all wrong. Look up the definition of ignorant and heck, I'm ignorant about a lot of things. It's just that people have been sensitized in this country to many words, and that if used, they must be mean and degrading. Well, that's not necessarily true. I think 99%+ of the members on this website will agreed that Jackie is a very important part of this website and provides a lot of information and sound advice. Most of which has cost him a lot of money. And he doesn't ask for anything in return.

At times, I get a little thin skinned also. And I've had a few heated disagreements on this website. And for the most part (other than one former forum member which I will only refer to a "D", so not to mention his name), when I go to shoots and see a name on the entry list that I recognize, I beat a path to find them and introduce myself. I have had other to do the same with me. And you know what, heck, it's like cousins at a reunion.

Many get their feelings hurt on here because member are just trying to save them money. And there are a few keyboard shooters on here (like Mr. Goodgrouper said), also a few A type personalities. Just don't confuse the "A" type personalities with those who are trying to save you money.

Hope to see you at a shoot sometime.

No actually the first responder mentioned that the issue was more of a rimfire one " that your buddy probably was reffering" to in an incorrect example relating to large caliber, hence the reference to BPCR site which would show you that nobody really loads subsonic. It seemed like a pretty direct answer/refrence. This was before you lapsed into "fragile little rose blossom" defcon 2, so I'd guess the attempt at clarification is of little merit.
Just to clarify, the word "ignorant" is not a derogatory term, it simply means the lack of knowledge concerning a particular subject. Once you absorb the information, and as we say "learn", then you are no longer ignorant............jackie
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Just to clarify. All from an old dictionary.
Ignorant: Lack of education.
Dumb: Inability to learn.
Stupid: You know better. BUT, do it anyway.
Or something like that.
Please try not to confuse them.
Zippy, I guess we assume that everybody we speak with on these sites has some command of the language.

My Dad always said, "it is no crime to be ignorant, that simply means that you have not obtained the knowledge that is required to complete a task". "But, if you are presented with that knowledege, and insist on continuing down the wrong path, then you are just #*@&)$^ stupid.

This was said most often, years ago, when he was trying to instill into my thick skull some of the basic tenants of good, sound ,machine shop practice.:D.........jackie
I wish I was more into physics so I could explain accuratly and in detail the answer to the original question but from what I have read from those that do understand is, the defelction is in relation to the de-exceleration of the bullet. A heavy slow bullet de-excelerates at a slower percentage rate then a faster lighter bullet. Somehow this faster slow down is affected more by any outside interferance then a slower slow down. When I read the physics books I thnik I understand but when I try to explain what I read I soon realize I dont know as much as I thought I did. Hope this helps at least a little
............ If you tried that with a stranger, well, on this forum, you'd be called something other than a fourth grader.

As usual, fFffFFBBrrRrrAAANNSsSsSscCCCIISSSS!!!!! has nailed it down.

The Bible asks us to "put the best construction on what your neighbor says/does." Because I believe in this teaching, I gener'ly consider everyone in the room as a friend and a peer, someone who BY DINT OF BEING IN THIS SAME ROOM WITH ME is my equal and friend.

Because we're in this room we generally share interests....

Because we're in this room we're generally walking the same road......

BECAUSE WE'RE IN THIS ROOM we are setting side-by-side like FfrBranNs (well you know) and Steve......

There are exceptions. And these exceptions WILL OUT. One would be the fellow who came on briefly as "Mr D" for example. Gener'ly these folks leave the room.


the question at hand is this......

Should F-n-Steve be forced to NOT dig at each other because someone might be offended??? Someone's "feelings might be hurt?"

Not to make this political BUT.... IMO this is an American question.

Do we continue to flip each other crap as peers?

Or do we dumb down the room? (the nation)

And furthermore fFffFFBBrrRrrAAANNSsSsSscCCCIISSSS!!!!!, my old buddy Jeff Foxworthy has proven to the world at large that it's demeaning TO THE FOURTH GRADER to make comparisons as you have.


I see all this from this point of view. I used to feel the same way but i no longer do!! There are some really good folks here that are passionate about this sport. They have to be or the sport will die. Also keep in mind that most if not all the men here have worked hard for what they have and for there families and have some sort of accomplishment in there lives. You don't gain these types of accomplishments or any type of accomplishment in life by being a push over or even passive. These folks will tell you how it is, like it or not. thats how they live there lives and just not here. Now thats not to say that the fellas here wont go out of there way to help someone if they feel it is warranted. These men here have helped me more than i will ever be able to thank them for. And the only real way to thank them anyway is to stay real and at least try your best from the info provided. Have i fallen short of that a time or to, you bet! But i am willing to listen and i am willing to try! My advise is to try and show these good people that you do want to learn the ropes, and dont post cry baby he hurt my feelings crap on here. that will get you know where fast,and not only here, but in any area of your life!! Stand tall my friend!! Lee
I never minded a good argument.
Only reason I don't visit more often is a software conflict that makes posting here much more difficult than on other forums.
My PC anti spyware rejects the cookies here after only a minute or so. I have to compose my posts, then copy, then repeat my login and post quickly before the login fades out.

If there no hair pulling and foot stomping then usually the subject isn't that interesting.
I never minded a good argument.
Only reason I don't visit more often is a software conflict that makes posting here much more difficult than on other forums.
My PC anti spyware rejects the cookies here after only a minute or so. I have to compose my posts, then copy, then repeat my login and post quickly before the login fades out.

If there no hair pulling and foot stomping then usually the subject isn't that interesting.

so you're a forum cripple???


(he can't answer very good so I can get away with it!)

kick 'im when he's down



There are many personalities in this world. The bottom line is the internet is NOT the place to judge a persons character. There are people who are gifted with putting words on paper or in this case we could say the pc. It is not natural for some. At times ones thoughts may not be conveyed in the right manner so we take it the wrong way.

I live buy taking things with a grain of salt and the ability to talk to so many of these great people in person.

Peace to you all.

Time for a fresh shot of GREAT CANADIAN Forty Creek Whiskey and the Nation Wide race from Texas...............

And if you do not get the responses you expected to your post, you can always delete it!! Right?

And if you do not get the responses you expected to your post, you can always delete it!! Right?


I think you got deleted by a moderator (or maybe even a "Super Moderator!" LOL) because the post was "political." I wrote a scalding indictment of socialism and the "average american" starting with "first of all, Louie's right!" and pointing out that "they already paid!" before I realized....... "I'd better not post this, it's been disallowed."

Along with pictures of food.......

Somehow chinabashing posts and GM are exempt from the inquisition but you never know.

It's best to stick with shooting paper.

I posted a question yesterday about why wind deflection was greater as the velocity increased, especially at the trans sonic zone..
I won't attempt to explain your question about human behavior.
To answer your question about wind deflection, in 1859 the French Ballistician Didion published this equation:

Z= Vw (t - (X/Vo))
Where Z = bullet deflection at distance X
Vw is crosswind velocity
t is actual time of flight from the muzzle to distance X
X is the distance from the muzzle.
Vo is the muzzle velocity.
Units of time and distance must be consistent.

In words wind deflection is equal to crosswind velocity (Vw) multiplied by difference in the actual time of flight (t) minus the time of flight the bullet would have in a vacuum(X/Vo).

This and other other equations related to wind are well covered in Robert McCoy's book "Modern Exterior Ballistics". Didion's equation used in just about all commercial (and free) ballistics calculators and computer programs.

Didion's equation does not predict that wind deflection necessarily increases or decreases with respect to a bullet's initial velocity. Whether it does depends on the bullet's drag function relative to it's velocity as it slows on the way to the target. It's easy to find examples where it can increase or decrease. Even with the same bullet depending in the initial velocity or the distance to the target.
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