
third party

I know that this thought will not be received well, but here it goes.
Each election we run scared about which candidate to pick and we pick the least of 2 evils,and we keep losing,and we keep wining.
Because picking the least of 2 evils is not winning its stagnating.
If every rifle match had top shooters and you know you can't win,just stay home thats what your saying about the third party.Thats like why have sports if the underdog team thinks their going to lose, why play, stay home and drink beer on the money you save from not playing.
The third party I'm sure doesn't have unlimited funds like the other parties if they have 10% of the funds of either party I would be surprised.
You my not like the candidate very much, but you don't really like who your voting for anyway.
What do you think the other parties would think if the third party got 30% of the votes.Think it might have them worried for a change.
Rudy Manuel:confused::confused::confused:
Amen Rudy

I won't argue with anyone over this, but the only reason the third party doesn't stand a chance is because so many people just like yourselves say they don't have a chance and just keep their heads aimed forward into their stalls and keep right on eating sour oats and vote Republican or Democrat!!!!

You have the right to choose, status qou that has gotten this country to the point it is in now, or do something about it to shake it up!!!! The responsibility is yours to choose your own fate.
Does voting do any good any more?? (Does any one not remember the "FLORIDA FARSE?) I do it all the time, but doubt very much its doing anything. They know damn well who they(BIG OIL, AND Other SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS) are are putting in office long before we vote.:mad:
The almighty dollar has bought and payed for the USA long ago. If you aint rich, you dont count.:(