
The only problem with voting 3rd party is if your vote allows the greater of the two evils to get elected. Some who voted for a 3rd party in 2000 might have liked to change their vote to Gore if they could go back. Of course that assumes having the most votes would ever win Florida! :rolleyes:
I think we have clear cut choices with the two parties now. You can vote for the democrat or the republican. There cannot be more of a difference.:)

Can anyone remember the last time we had a President from a third party?

Concho Bill
Lots of merit

Great idea! I've been thinking, my wife always follows that with an "OO" if enough citizens demanded a "None of the above" as a choice on election day then the powers to be would recognise that a few million people are unhappy with our only two choices. This might give some group incentive to create a third party. Where there is a demand there should be a supply. Or, it might force both parties to rethink their strategies.
Crazy idea or is there some merit to the thought?

In Aus, we were given that choice, only to have it ripped away, and the party leader jailed. The One Nation party and its leader Pauline Hanson,
wanted a lot of good things for our country, sensible, fair and heart felt with the grass roots working people and any one who wanted a level playing field, and a fair go. These ideas were not well received by the two major parties or
bleeding heart lib's, special interest groups, any one on dole or benefits, vested interest in status quo, which was personally beneficial, and that group who's ears are only painted onto the sides of their heads.
The twisting of statement. Misrepresentation. Lies. Irrational fear based on these 3 points was something to behold.
Utopian ideals seem to have no place in real world politics, run by economists and banks.
U.S. elections reverberate around the globe.
I pray we will be OK.
Great Post Bill.....

I think we have clear cut choices with the two parties now. You can vote for the democrat or the republican. There cannot be more of a difference.:)

Can anyone remember the last time we had a President from a third party?

Concho Bill

....I have no problem w/ a 3rd party candidate but they MUST have a chance to WIN and have a Reagan like conservative view to have any chance of receiving my vote.

My main problem with 3rd party candidates is I think they KNOW they cannot win (as do their voters) and have other motives. I have said this before, but if 3rd party becomes the standard and we end up splitting the popular vote 3 ways, then it's time to have run offs!!!!!!!!!!! No president should be in office with say 45% or less of popular vote and that may be the case if 3rd party joins in the fun.

Unfortunatly, I think the 3rd party will get us obama for this election. THAT is scary and wish the 3rd party guys would think about the next round of scotus and what they want for that life time appointment.

Third party

You guys are right a third party doesn't stand a chance.
Why? Could it be because they aren't taking money from the top special interest groups or lobbyist.
As long as we keep voting the same why, we'll keep getting the same kind of candidates,by the way we vote we are just condoning them.
I know earlier in a post I said that i would vote third party again as i have in the past, but this year I have to vote for the less of two evils, Johnnie boy.
I just wish they would give out free anal lube, so it won't hurt so bad the next four years,but then again, they already know we like it,so why change.
Rudy Manuel
P.S. And you think California is the gay State.
All right y'all let it fly I can take the heat!!!!!!
I know we have two clear cut choices but for me McCain certainly doesn't support my hard core conservative issues he's too moderate and Obama doesn't support my moderate issues he's as left as they come. My thinking is this: Lets say 8 million people decide not to vote because they don't like either candidate. 8 Million votes unaccounted for. Why not let those voices be heard with a "a none of the above" choice in the voting booth?. This could, I repeat could have a positive effect on the two parties.


If understand what you said, your figuring on more unhappy Republicans voting "None of the above" then you are Dems. Am I right. That being so Obama would win.
I guess a third party candidate would have to fall in the middle forcing the Republicans to nominate a true conservative and the Democrats having to nominate a JFK style Liberal.
Too complicated for me!
You guys are right a third party doesn't stand a chance.
Why? Could it be because they aren't taking money from the top special interest groups or lobbyist.
As long as we keep voting the same why, we'll keep getting the same kind of candidates,by the way we vote we are just condoning them.
I know earlier in a post I said that i would vote third party again as i have in the past, but this year I have to vote for the less of two evils, Johnnie boy.
I just wish they would give out free anal lube, so it won't hurt so bad the next four years,but then again, they already know we like it,so why change.
Rudy Manuel
P.S. And you think California is the gay State.
All right y'all let it fly I can take the heat!!!!!!

Thanks for the laugh, thats funny!!!!!
Sad part is YOUR RIGHT!
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I have to disagree myself. If enough people voted against the two parties, said third party canidate would win hands down. No where is it written that we have to vote democrat or republican!!

I think our country would be so much better off if we did away with the party system and just voted for the better canidate. I don't vote a party in any of the elections I vote on, I simply pick the best man or woman running. In our local elections, they run on a party ticket there as well and I cannot tell you who is what because I don't care. I have voted for people of both parties simply because I knew them and liked them better.

I simply think if we don't send them a message, they will never change except for the worse. You can either follow along like sheep or take a stand and send a message. Not voting doesn't send one at all, it only means less votes to count. Voting for a third party is no different than voting for the other two choices, take a stand vote no matter who you vote for!!


If understand what you said, your figuring on more unhappy Republicans voting "None of the above" then you are Dems. Am I right. That being so Obama would win.
I guess a third party candidate would have to fall in the middle forcing the Republicans to nominate a true conservative and the Democrats having to nominate a JFK style Liberal.
Too complicated for me!

I think you are correct that the nut will pull mostly JM votes on this election. My requirement to get my vote is to have views that are in line w/ my conservative way of thinking & I could care less what party they were. Show me a solid Dem who is less govt., lower taxes, pro gun / life etc and I'll throw one that way or for them or the 3rd party....I don't care, BUT they must have a shot at winning & throwing a vote to #3 just out of disgust when there is no evidence the candidate has a shot is ignorant in my opinion and I am sorry if I step on toes with that comment.

I hate polls but we have to admit that some of the more reliable ones usually get pretty close. If #3 is showing only 10% of the vote coming down the home stretch, what should the candidate and voter do?? A candidate of character would throw their support behind the lesser of evils & tell his supporters why and to help him get the word out so he can come back stronger in 4 years. THAT would impress me!! If they stay in the race w/ no chance of winning, then it tells me they have other motives than the moral high road & what is best for the U.S. Just another politician who is just in it for themself or to sabatoge the election.

I would think Mr. Barr is that conservative that you described when you said he would have to meet your requirements of Reagan like conservative.

It is your vote just as it is everyone elses and you vote it the way you feel best doing. I just do not believe that a man should pull out simply because a poll says he is not going to win though. Once you enter, you have the right to stick it out! I would rather see a canidate take a thumping than to see him or her bow out gracefully myself. Shows the the moxy that I would like to see one of them have if you ask me, not the turn tail and run type of attitude so many of them have.

I really don't know anything about the man....the only time I see or hear of Barr is on the couple of forums I visit like this one.

I read the paper daily(and beginning to hate it)....he sure isn't doing much to get his message across. Is he saving all his money for TV adds the week before the election?? If he has any chance, I would like to see him stirring the pot now....just a little confused to his strategy and thought process to get elected. Is he even on the campaign trail?? I would think the national media would throw us a bone every now and then or he's saving his contributions for his retirement??

I can't answer that question for you but I sure can check into it for you and report back what I find.
Well I emailed and asked his group that very question and will give you their repsonse as soon as I get it. You can check him out at the following link:


He gave a very good response to those that say what was suggested here that he drop out of the race on his website. He said it is kind of funny that this far out anyone would have an excuse already as to why they lost.

I like the man and plan on casting my vote for him!

.....I just don't see how he can win if he's not trying to get in the lime light this close to the election Jeff. I agree and think a 3rd party win would wake up all our elected officials but Barr is way too relaxed on his approach.

I hate to sound negative on the man but it looks to me he knows he can't win and doesn't or isn't willing to spend the money to reach the voters. The fact he is not in the news raises flags to his true intentions. I would say watch / follow the $$$$ and he is either saving it for retirement or for a more serious 2012 run when we are REALLY in the toilet??

I don't like his strategy & won't throw my vote away unless I see some action on his part. I still think JM is the only logical vote as of today.

Paul, he has been in the news lately, the national papers have been silent on him, but he has been active in his campaign and been on the national networks as late as of the 4th. I am not sure if that is his fault or theirs, but I sent an email and will wait to see what they say. I'll let you know what they tell me whether or not it is just more of the same as you spoke of or what.

I realize that he may not be the choice for you and that is ok!! I just think he may be a viable choice for those of us that do not want to cast a ballot for either of the two shake and bakes they have up for the office. Both know rhetoric but neither have had a genuine thought or idea during this whole campaign and I just choose to not participate in their game anymore.

Let's play out a scenario if you will: Let's say we start a movement and elect who we want no matter what the two parties say about it. Reckon what message that would send them? It might just tell them we are fed up with them and can do without them. Then we do the same thing in congressional elections as well as state elections, pretty soon we might just take back our country and set it back on the right path!!!!!

I know its a tall step, but Rome wasn't built in a day and I doubt anything worthwhile is either. Sure would be nice though wouldn't it???:D
Guys.............................................. ...................

Barr are any other third party vote is a waste....how many have ever won the big prize. Most of this is just a plan by the lib's to give Osama the presidency....don't bite on it!! Send your money to McCain and Nader.
Guys.............................................. ...................

Barr are any other third party vote is a waste....how many have ever won the big prize? Most of this is just a plan by the lib's to give Osama the presidency....don't bite on it!! Send your money to McCain and Nader.
vicvanb........................................... ...............

Why can the oil producing countries bankrupt the country??? Because the dem's won't let us drill here!!! Remember the caribou can't pay your bills.
Simplistic Solutions!

And drilling ANWR may not pay your bills.

No one knows if ANWR has a liitle or a lot of oil. The oil exploration data there are secret. Big oil is not talking. The government estimates have a very large range.

Even if ANWR has the maximum estimates of oil it won't eliminate our dependence on foreign imports.

Your solution of drill everything in sight with no regard for other values is short-sighted. Oil is finite and using it up ASAP will create more problems than it solves.