

Active member
I am thinking very seriously about taking my hobby to the next level. However if I do, I want to be 100 percent legal.

I have been reading about whats all is involved in getting an ffl. From some of the details I have read, it sounds as if I need a gunsmith certification. Is this true, or is this just someone wanting to sell me a bull crap ffl kit?

Do I need any type of gunsmith certification to do barrel work for other people, with a class 1 ffl?

Im not interested in making a living doing any of this. I have had several fellas asking me if I can help them with there barrel projects, and of course I have to say no.

Id like to help a few. Maybe enough to buy powder, bullets, and barrels for myself.

Dad wants to get involved a little as well, and we have decided it time to get the ffl. I just don't know what steps to take. everything I read, reads differently.

I suppose a call to the ATF this week is in order. any advise on the hole gunsmithing part of the ffl? Lee
Someone's feeding you a line. Your Great Aunt Agnes can get an FFL.
In fact, she'll be better at it than you :) it's just paperwork,
ZERO "gunsmith certification" required. Believe me, the
Walmart dude ain't a gunsmith. Shucks, Our local
monster gunstore could USE some certification
since 3 times I know of they've sold guys the
wrong ammunition for their guns! It's just
goobermint paperwork, no training req.

so I can legally do barrel work with a class 1 ffl? Lee

how did you know I had a great ant Agnes? Lmfao!! True story!!
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Step one is call the ATF, they are very helpful, easy to talk to and can get you the answers you need.
Yo Skeeter...... I got an 07 FFL for one reason, prototyping at my leisure, in my own time frame.......IF YOU BUY AND STOCK ACTIONS or even certain receiver parts which you then assemble and sell as guns you're classified as a manufacturer. I don't buy and sell guns for profit. I don't offer a storefront. I mainly prototype stuff and build stuff on spec, selling it only when it's been proven to work.

As I understand it;

As long as the action you work on is owned by someone else you can do rebarreling work with an 01 FFL

If you buy the action and assemble it to a barrel for someone and sell it to them, you need an 07 FFL

The STUPID thing is, if, as an 01 FFL holder you receive an action from a mfgr, transfer it to a client ("sell it to him") and then put a barrel on it YOU ARE IN VIOLATION. Now, if you sell it to him, he takes it home and drives back to your house with his action........

You see why I say "STUPID?"

Maybe I'm misunderstanding either the action or the intent here but THIS is why I got the 07

You need to check with your local county/city zoning ofc to make sure you don't have to jump thru hoops for them to be able to have a ffl at your location. owlshop
We all need to support ANY efforts to repeal GCA 68. The NRA is our best support.

If you own guns or A gun, you need to belong to the NRA.

The ITAR? Thank you Gerald R Ford!
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Bummer. I'll dig deep and get everything figured out. I hope anyway. Lee
NRA number 0001403xxxxx.
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Bummer. I'll dig deep and get everything figured out. I hope anyway. Lee
NRA number 0001403xxxxx.

Skeet, go to the ATF website and order the Federal Firearms Regulations Reference Guide and any pertinent forms that seem relevant. They are free and you are under no obligation. You can take your time, read everything, and know what you are getting in to. There is so much misinformation floating around it is scary. Having an FFL for a hobby business is perfectly acceptable if your local zoning regulations allow. Some areas that have laws that seem to prohibit such use of residential property actually have a class of home business that is exempt from zoning requirements as long as the business meets certain conditions. It can be handy, allow a tax write off, make a little money, etc.

Having said all that, it may also become more of a headache than it is worth and having your residence and business address the same has some disadvantages, especially if you have a large collection. You just have to decide what is right for you.

This link will take you there:


Things may have changed and IL may be different than MO but when I had my FFL you had to have a 'business' ie you had to collect taxes and file every year, or else when they find out-- big no no.
Check into if you have to get your business liscense, maybe you already have one with the farming.
This would be for the State, and possibly a local tax authority.

First, you need to be able to read. The BATF prints manuals and instructional sheets for every form. Don't take advise from folks on the internet. If you have a question put it in writing and send it to the appropriate section of the BATF. Don't call and ask because you might get the wrong answer and without written documentation they can and will hang you out to dry.

As for Incorporating contact your states Secretary of State Corporations Division. Again if you can read, you can fill out the proper forms and do it your self. A lawyer will charge you a couple of hundred dollars.

You will need an approval from your county zoning to operate a business where you plan to operate.

You will have to submit copies of your application to your local Sheriff.

As for "Being Certified as a Gunsmith" that is like being a legion in your own mind".

If you are competent, honest, communicate well, and have the desire you can take on being a Gunsmith Business. Competent does not just mean you can chamber barrels. A gunsmith is a carpenter, mechanic, welder, machinist, painter, plumber, electrician, artist, businessman, and many more hats.

I would suggest you apprentice with someone already in the business or go to a trade school.
Nat Lambeth