
you are afraid of something better than a bolt gun...
both sanctioning bodies claim the sport of better rifle does not say bolt gun only accuracy.
be open to change.
most of you scoff at ar rifle accuracy...but are too scared to let them in your class.
mike in co

Mike, the IBS stepped up and offered an AR class to accomodate the people that said they wanted a BR venue for AR guns.

They've stayed away in droves.

You're the biggest proponent of these guns in registered BR competition. How many of these matches have you participated in?

Theme from 'Jeopardy' playing softly in the background.......
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I know of only one (1) competitor who shot in the AR class for several IBS score matches last year here in PA. This year he's moved up to Hunter Class...... and getting better scores. If they truly could compete you would think they'd come enmasse for the bragging rights.
Mike, Most things don't scare me. My point being is if you want to change a sport why not start a new one with rules custom made to what you want. Leave my sport alone, I'm just fine with the way it is.

BTW.. I'll put up my bolt gun against anything you have. 5/5 shot groups @ 100, Winner takes home both rifles. Put or shut up!!!!
i have shot years worth of CLUB score matches with my ar's.( an ar10 308 win br, and a 223 ar15, worked on a 6ppc, but changed to a 6beggs..still in work)
i have never won a match...but have placed well and beat lots of 6ppc bolt guns.

but the rules put forward in ibs pretty much exclude my rifles in the ar class.
i am an ibs member, and have considered shooting one of the rifles......
but honestly i am broke and there are no short range matches nearby.
i did not know that they were shooting 600 ar's north of me,
i actually have a stock 308 win ar10t...
we will just have to wait and see how the money works out this year.
i just finished my 1000 yd br bolt gun and can't even afford br bullets for it.
i think that if two changes were made to the rules...that would make shooting similar to bolt guns,
maybe more would show up.
one) no one limits the number of rounds a bolt gunner can have on the bench, so why limit the number of mags a gas gunner can have ?
two) no one limits the fired cases of a bolt gun to stay on the shooters bench, so why do it to gas gunners ?
fix the mag limit, and change the brass on the bench to" not on another bench , nor on another shooter"...on the ground is fine....just like a bolt gun.
yes i just proposed the two changes to jeff.......ibs pres......
not much i can do here in the middle of colorado.
mike in co
If I remember correctly the rule from NBRSA came about because of a simuliar devise Lester Bruno was using alot of years ago.
Real world, we build the car to the rule book, unless we know a lot of other fellows that have the same car, and want to race.
you made the statement...
tell me what is not stable about an ar platform ??
how many have you built ??
i have posted my details many this time you justify your remarks.
mike in co
mike your beating a dead horse trying to make a AR compete with custom action bolt gun...the platform is just not stable.
thats why the AR CLASS. powers at be (thought) it mite get a few more shooters.
i have built three ars to benchrest specs and every time i mention it the whinning starts.
single shot, no mag, remove the bolt/insert bolt not an issue.
someday when i have time and money i will finish up but for now i have to shoot club score matches and 1000yd with my bolt gun.
mike in co
Real world, we build the car to the rule book, unless we know a lot of other fellows that have the same car, and want to race.
So, on what basis have you been prevented from participating from registered benchrest competition? What was the rule(s) that kept you out?
first..none in my area( no funds to travel)
second...the requirement for "semi-auto " . my guns are single shot, tho one does have a gas system, and it is possible it might work in the class.
third,....brass on the table means something stopping the brass...which in turn means single feed is nearly impossible as the brass catcher would be in the way.
and currently i work alot of weekends....just to pay the lots of little things in the way at this time.
mike in co

So, on what basis have you been prevented from participating from registered benchrest competition? What was the rule(s) that kept you out?
I understand time and money, but if you can't go to matches, why worry about the rules? It seems pointless.

A long time back, when I was the president of a large rifle and pistol club, a fellow told me that he wanted the range to put on bullseye pistol matches. I told me that if he put together a group of shooters that would participate, that I would help him with the politics of getting some range time. That ended that.

If you can find some shooters that have an interest in shooting benchrest, on weekdays, under rules that would include manually operated ARs, perhaps you can find a place to shoot, and write your own rule book...for the newly formed IAMOARWS (International Association of Manually Operated AR Weekday Shooters). Seriously, put together a club shoot, and go have some fun. Your really don't need a national organization.

On a more practical note, perhaps you could fabricate a brass catcher that has a large opening and is not attached to the rifle.
i currently shoot club br score with my rifles...when time permits
i joined ibs because if the local 1000yd matches.
the ar class was sorta nice, but no clubs near me are shooting short range, and honestly a 308 at 600yds with only a 24 in bbl is sorta a lost cause before one starts.
lets see what happens in the future...tho it dont look good.
mike in co
as far as worrying about the rules...well i am a member. my opinon was asked when the rules were drawn up. i continue to voice my opinon as i believe some of the rules are drawbacks to the class and honestly, appear to have been put in place to make the class fail before it started....again just my opinion.
(see my earlier posts on the rules).

mike in co
BUT.....The HBR rifle STILL must be single cartridge loaded by the shooter. NEVER has sanctioned HBR competition been conducted from a magazine.
David Halblom- I can't find anything in the IBS rules to confirm that. For that matter, I can't find any single shot requirement....even for group shooting.
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Smith, I as well would like to know what section it is in.

I used the rule book search function, putting in the words , 'clip', 'one at a time', 'by hand', etc, and nothing came up.. Magazine comes up as saying one is required to hold two rounds.

To check the search engine, I typed in Heavy Bench, and it went right to that section........jackie
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Davids post piqued my interest in that in the beginning days of Hunter BR ( wasn't involved in it back that far) I would have thought cycling rounds through a mag would have been allowed. I was surprised when I could not find any wording such as "loaded by hand, one round at a time." Apparently this is a non-issue as I don't recall a competitor loading a magazine at the benches during a match. Not sure about those shooting Factory Class, perhaps they load one at a time because the RM instructs them to do so.
I guess I just cannot find it. The NBRSA is quite clear in it's wording requiring Rifles to be loaded single shot, by hand. But, I cannot seem to find the wording in the IBS rule book that we have here on line on I am sure it's in there, but for some reason, I cannot find it........jackie
I can see it now. Shooter stands up and loudly announces "Brain F---", whereupon the referee comes to his bench, looks through his scope, nods sagely in agreement, noting the errant shot special attention by the scorer, and the shooter continues on, adding an additional shot.

Hell...half the field would be standing up every group! Including yours truly! Think of football with EVERY play reviewed by the refs! 8^O