Falcon Actions


Well-known member
There has been quite a bit of information over on Wallace's forum related to Falcon's by several folks, testing evaluating etc. It now appears that they've made substantial revisions to the whole thing relative to tennon, tang, bolt handle. What gives? Why?

It was before my time, but were the first 50 Turbos exactly like the last 50 Turbos?
Thanks to Kent Owens, all his testing has been a great help to Leonard Baity on the improvements to the Falcon. Can't wait to get mine. Now there are others over on that site want to take all the credit for this action. No way.
Why did Falcon/Mr. Baity re-call some actions that were already on finished rifles?

Why wasn't it made clear that the replacement action would require re-inletting of the stock and re-fitting the barrels and that the shooter would have to bear this cost?
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Give Leonard a call and ask him why he replaced "one" action. If it's your action he replaced you should know the reason why.
Contrary to whats being circulated on the web, there is no recall on the Falcon actions. That I do know for certain. I also know that the action he chose to replace to satisfy the customer was a second owner action. He replaced it for the second owner, and not the original purchaser. The original owner never complained about it at all?
He offered to give the guy a brand new second generation model, and the guy apparrently accepted. I don't know what more a fellow could do.
Try buying any used brand XXX action and sending it back and getting a new one.
Would someone please give the link to Wallace's site ? Thanks, Pete
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Good lord, everything evolves. You people think somebody makes something perfect the first time or even the second? Why not jump on these phone companies for coming out with XG every few months.


Did you get a Falcon with Owens01 or Kent01. If you didn't, according to what FredJ is saying, you probably should.