"The results being posted here have nothing to do with being limited to the USARB as this is an open forum and not run by them. Anyone can post anything here."
Thank you Dave...I Understand that when you say "This is an open forum" you are talking about USARB and not Benchrest Central...If indeed USARB is an open forum, then there is my confusion as I assumed that site was exclusively for USARB and other USARB sanctioned events...Thank you once again for the clarification.
I am aware of the rules for rotating benches and how they are applied, nothing I can suggest or add there. These rules are well thought and when applied by the book everyone seems to be happy...It would be good that these or similar rules were applied in ALL shooting events, but as ED implies: "There are some events that are done for promoting "X" or "Y" brand or special interests" and in those cases unique rules have to be accepted by anyone wanting to participate...Anyhow, I am glad that we are seeing more events and that the sport of airgunning is growing and not the opposite.