Email scam

Dave Tooley

Active member
Has anyone else gotten an email from Bill Gebhardt? The poor guy's stuck in Istanbul Turkey. He's been robbed and is being held hostage by the hotel he's staying in. The thieves have taken everything but his passport. I know of one guy in Australia that got the same email.

I did get an email a while ago from a friend at the club that was stuck in Nigeria and needed money. 'Cept he was at home at the time. ?
I got the same Email "IT IS A SCAM" but it is amazing how many people believe this crap. If it is sent to a 1000 and 1 person responds, who is the dummy? the $100,000.00 a year wrestler, or the guy that pays $10.00 to see him.
actually i am stuck in aurora and could use funds to get out......
email me and i will furnish an address to mail funds to...
I received a similar email months back claiming to be Joel Kendrick, in a similar bind. He was robbed, no phone or contact information but somehow he had memorised email addresses!
People are not as bad as they used to be, but it still amazes me how little analysis people do when they look at something they receive on the internet whether that is an email or website. A great example of that is the scam that was going around about if you forwarded this email to microsoft they would send you $100. I was told by about 6 people that I was stupid to not take advantage of that great opportunity. I think people would have been far less susceptible to that type of campaign if it came through snail mail. This works great for the scammers because they can send out millions of emails without very little cost and have a greater success rate than if they put stamps on them and mailed them.

At least all of the shooters connected on the web are honest and would never stretch the truth. No one would exaggerate their prowess with a gun so when they say their AK can shoot a one inch group at 1,000 yards they are telling the truth and we should just be happy they never show up to a match to show the rest of the world how it is done.
Tommy mckee was stuck in cuba a few years ago. I asked him what billys dogs name was and id send him $10k. I cant believe he didnt need that money. Im guessing he must still be there because i havent seen him in 15yrs?
Boy i can only imagine their surprise when tommy showed em my response. Im sure it was good for a few chuckles. Now that i think about it im sure they woulda paid me to come get him.
And as soon as I get those millions from that Nigerian prince, I'll run away with that russian woman that really loves me!
as long as you have money, she will love will her three sons, a cousin, father in law.etc
And as soon as I get those millions from that Nigerian prince, I'll run away with that russian woman that really loves me!
No worries butch. I gave my bank acct no to the IRS last week. Seems i had a large tax refund coming i didnt know about

Hi all , I,m stuck here in Australia.. Right here on the Great Barrier Reef with a temp of only 85deg.. Only seafood to eat ,you know ,scrimp,reef fish , crab,scallops.. Beer is now down to the lowest price in 20 years ,they only sell it to you real cold like .. Please help.. JR.. Jeff Rogers.. thanks Dave T