Elictrinic scales


New member
Are Electronic scales accurate enough to weigh guns? They can't be calibrated and moved and be calibrated. Is two tenths of a ounce enough to dq. a gun? Most Electronic scales are plus or minus a half ounce at the factory. How old are the batteries in the scale? Having been in the lumber business for 30 years. A wood Sporter stock could gain two tenths of a ounce in a month in the North East this year. There should be some consideration with this issue. A couple tenths of a ounce is a very light amount.
Most of the Bench Rest Orgs

Have a + one ounce consideration for such error. Question: Why would anyone build a rifle that weighed exactly on the limit if the stock was susceptible to moisture gain? I have never seen any reason not to make rifles well under the maximum weight. When my rifles are weighed I want them to weigh under the limit WITH scope caps and bolt holster. Human nature, to push the limits is a "False Economy", IMHO. Better be safe than sorry and always mindful of any changes to a rifle when they are that close to the limit.

It is obvious that you haven't built many Sporters. I suggest you try and make some. A little secret. It is tough to make weight. Please Don't tell me how to do it. Two Tenths is a minute amount. I would like to see more shooters not less. DQ. them over two tenths of a ounce on a un calibrated scale might just have them not come back. How could the Refs. Make that call. No check weights. Some one putting their gun on the scale and saying what it weighs and that calibrates the scale? This needs to be fixed.
Don't know how often this even comes up but i suspect if it is the kind of issue that Gordon suspects why not male sure a club has a couple test weights. Not much $ to be absolutely sure.
To Gordons point, I had a maple sporter stock several years back that picked up 6 oz. in a little more than a year.
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My Sporter has a Carlo stock

Hall action and the rifle weighs 7.2 or 7.4, with scope caps, lens protectors and a nylon bolt holster over the bolt. From what I know of maple, it is a sponge. Isn't that the tree they make the syrup out of the sap every spring? Yes, it's pretty, no question - - - . At what price glory though? Lighter actions perhaps?

Your stack that is not a "Sponge" verses Tim's that can make Maple Syrup. Lets get back to 2 tenths of a ounce with a DQ. How can it be fair? The scale was not calibrated. This need to be fixed. Not side stepped.
Mixed Feelings

As the owner/ operator of the mentioned rifle I had mixed feelings. I had a good day shooting & to have it all taken away for 2/10ths seemed like a shame.
A few months ago I had weighed the gun on the exact same scales with the scope caps on & it weighed exactly 7.8 lbs. I figured I'd be fine by simply removing them. I also made weight a the NY state shoot a couple weeks ago. I saw no need to check the weight before this match.
The referees did the only thing they could do & DQ the rifle & the scores. I can respect that but it was a hard pill to swallow.
I learned something yesterday so it was a good day.
No mixed feelings here

Was it the SCALES or the moisture? Was your stock made from "Maple Syrup" wood.
Now Keith Was There a Set of Certified Weights to check that Scale? Lets not "Tip Toe Through Any Tulips" with this one either.
I don't have a dog in this hunt,but to me it would appear an error was made by the officiating team by not weighing the rifles before the match. After all we all know lead builds up inside the bore when shooting. How many grains/grams of lead can build up in a match ? Is it possible to build up 2/10ths of an ounce of lead in the bore after shooting it in a match. Like I said no dog in the hunt but seems as though the match operators made an error in judgement concerning when to weigh a rifle and then to disqualify it for a extremely light difference in weight seems to be plain ole dumb,but that's just me. If I was in the hunt for a win I would file an official to the ruling body that oversee's all match's at that range.JMHO

1 Ounce = 437.5 Grains

1 Ounce = 28.3495231 Grams
Was it the SCALES or the moisture? Was your stock made from "Maple Syrup" wood.
Now Keith Was There a Set of Certified Weights to check that Scale? Lets not "Tip Toe Through Any Tulips" with this one either.

The stock is curly maple I believe. I don't know enough about it to say it collected moisture or not. It seems sealed well to me.
Pete I believe checked the scales this morning although I did not see it.
I put a set of single screw rings on the rifle this morning & it makes weight now.
Was there a set of certified weights for the scale at the match? If they were not there. All the refs. in the world should not Dq. Your Scores. Why should your scores not count because some one didn't follow the rules.

Hot humid areas and anything near the ocean can make a real difference. That said, it's a damned shame to work your butt off at a shoot and get wacked by something like that, just gotta try and come up with a little margin for error.

Hot humid areas and anything near the ocean can make a real difference. That said, it's a damned shame to work your butt off at a shoot and get wacked by something like that, just gotta try and come up with a little margin for error.

I should have done that Tim & this was the consequence. Lesson learned!
As the owner/ operator of the mentioned rifle I had mixed feelings. I had a good day shooting & to have it all taken away for 2/10ths seemed like a shame.
A few months ago I had weighed the gun on the exact same scales with the scope caps on & it weighed exactly 7.8 lbs. I figured I'd be fine by simply removing them. I also made weight a the NY state shoot a couple weeks ago. I saw no need to check the weight before this match.
The referees did the only thing they could do & DQ the rifle & the scores. I can respect that but it was a hard pill to swallow.
I learned something yesterday so it was a good day.

You are a class act and a gentleman!
There were no weights at the match yesterday. Pete left them at home.

IR 50/50 Rules state :


Scales must be available to all shooters to determine class. Each club should have a 7.5 lb. weight, a 10.5 lb. weight, and a 13.5 lb. weight to check scale accuracy. Weights may be checked for accuracy at any United States Post Office.

Sounds like the DQ wasn't valid ,if the Match Director and Referee's did not follow the rules. Leaving the weights at home is a poor excuse.

If this is the case the Match Director should reinstate yours score. It was an error on his part and it is not the shooters responsibility,
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If this was a State shoot then it is required to have weights on site to check scales. The shooter should not have been DQ'ed if the shoot wasn't run per the rules. The records would be in question! If your going to run a match run it by the rules and be fair to all shooters for your mistake.

The rifle was weighed 3 times, on its side, turned over to the other side, and with the rifle laid across the scales. A weight of 7.8.4 plus was consistently indicated. The shooter was allowed to remove the lens caps and the weight 7.8.2 plus mentioned above was obtained after two more weighing attempts. His and the other shooters bolt holsters were not required to be weighed. A second shooters rifle was also DQ for weight issues, that has not been mentioned in this tread. Common equation, both shooters had recently admitted to changing out their scope rings, to heavier ones just prior to this weekend and do a self check of their rifles. All other rifles weighed, were well under specified weight limits. William contacted Wayne Wills later that evening on this issue. Bottom line, Wayne did not over ride the refs judgement on the information given to him. So IAW the rules the issue is now in his hands and his rules committee. Yes no type of calibrated weight to verify The US Postal Certified Postal scale was present. Klayton Hayes, Bob Hill, and Mike Luce, assigned referees, after listening to a very lengthy discussion by all shooters, as to how to get around the weight issue, based on the totality of the facts before us, made our VERY HARD, unanimous call, to DQ both shooters. Thank you Kieth for your honest input to this unfortunate issue.
Thank you Wayne for your backing of our very hard call. I look forward to working with you and the others on the rules committee to come to a reasonable standard by which rifles can be weighed. Klayton Hayes
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What does Class Act have to do with the rules of ir 50/50?

Most people abide by the rules. When you,Me,Keith or anybody else show up to a match we should have a fair chance to win. People should not tayler the rules for their match. At a State or Regional match the certified weights should have been there. The refs. should have thought about that. Being fair has nothing to do with class act.
The rifle was weighed 3 times, on its side, turned over to the other side, and with the rifle laid across the scales. A weight of 7.8.4 plus was consistently indicated. The shooter was allowed to remove the lens caps and the weight 7.8.2 mentioned above was obtained after two more weighing attempts. His and the other shooters bolt holsters were not required to be weighed. A second shooters rifle was also DQ for weight issues, that has not been mentioned in this tread. Common equation, both shooters had recently admitted to changing out their scope rings, to heavier ones just prior to this weekend. All other rifles weighed, were well under specified weight limits. William contacted Wayne Wills later that evening on this issue. Bottom line, Wayne did not over ride the refs judgement on the information given to him. So IAW the rules the issue is now in his hands and his rules committee. Yes no type of calibrated weight to verify The US Postal Certified Postal scale was present. Klayton Hayes, Bob Hill, and Mike Luce, assigned referees, after listening to a very lengthy discussion by all shooters, as to how to get around the weight issue, based on the totality of the facts before us, made our VERY HARD, unanimous call, to DQ both shooters. Thank you Kieth for your honest input to this unfortunate issue.
Thank you Wayne for your backing of our very hard call. I look forward to working with you and the others on the rules committee to come to a reasonable standard by which rifles can be weighed. Klayton Hayes

And if the scale was off 2 or 3/10's of an oz , what would the point be to keep reweighing it ? It is mandatory to have a set of weights at a State Match. That wasn't done and now all the records are in question. I am sure Wayne Willis, was not told that no calibration weights were on hand. The shooters may have changed scope rings but it is the Match Director responsibility to make sure the scale is correct. It was not done.