OK Guys,
After the match on Saturday I received a call about the DQ issues. At that time I was told about what had happened. As most of you know, I answer my phone or return a call almost Immediately. Had I been called during the discussion about the gun weight I would have had the option of issuing a variance on the gun weight based on the weighing of the gun at Salem a week or so before. I am not saying I would have allowed the score, but I would have had the option.
After the fact, I have no option but to support the decision of the referees. Keith has been the gentleman I have known and has been gracious in accepting what happened. Thank you Keith. Everyone was upset about the DQ's. I am upset about the DQ's. I can't however, second guess every decision made at every range. I have to accept decisions made by the referees at the time or I will be asked to change scores. rescore targets, Change results etc. That would be total chaos.
The scales were checked on Sunday with weights , the gun was weighed again and was still overweight. Keith changed scopes at that time and continued the match.
I have opened the discussion with my Match Directors about how to avoid this same thing happening in the future. Is anyone happy about what happened? The answer is no, but we can work to see that something like this does not occur again.
I am sure the entire shooting world is going to weigh in on this, but it is what it is. I have heard from several shooters that attended the Match and they have been very positive about the match, the referees and the Match Director.
I have answered about 10 phone calls so far and discussed the issue at length. It is time to put it to rest and get on to seeing what we can do to avoid this happening again.
Again, the people who were most effected by the issue have handled it most properly and I thank them for that.
Wayne Wills