Here we go...
We are in the process of compiling raw data to release. This information will be both good and bad for both electronic, AND plug scoring. Neither system is perfect. They are different. You WILL get different results with both. That is a FACT. Plugging has MANY pitfalls despite how simple it seems. Electronic has pitfalls despite how mysterious it seems.
The most important thing we have discovered after scoring over HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of bulls, is that there is NO WAY to compare the two. Yes, it's that simple. Really? Yes. Clearly different results will occur with each, AND BOTH WILL BE RIGHT! How you ask? The easiest answer, plugging rips the paper, but electronic chooses the best center of shadow, which CAN easily be different than the plug. The best shadow may not be the correct center, where as the plug can push itself into a position that is totally incorrect depending on where the tears are weakest.
The worst possible scenario is comparing the two. That was our mistake. We released the targets for transparency. And in doing so people did exactly the worst possible thing... Plugging and comparing. Doing so without thorough understanding of each system created doubt. Doubt undermines the trust. And trust is the foundation and pillar of officiating.
Unfortunately, the outcome to this discussion will not be won by any side if you compare one vs the other. Any system can only be validated by the accuracy seen within each system.
Read that again.
Yes that is hard to swallow. So what needs to be done, is for objective information validating a hole to represent exactly what it is. A hole, it's inner edge,and it's distance from the line. Yes that is hard to do when a plug is your only means of doing so. And yes, it is even harder when that is all you know. Just as in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. No condescending meant.
The system was ready for a national venue, the big question is... At what point will the shooters be ready for a new scoring system?
The electronic scoring system will NEVER provide the SAME results as plugging. That is the first step one must accept before moving forward. Yes there will be errors. From our experience, less on the electronic side. There are advantages to each. Find what works for your group, and use it.
It's like the age old debate on Chevys vs Fords. Nikons vs Cannons. College football vs the Pros. Each has their purpose, find it, use it, and be happy.