Electronic Scoring

Does anyone have any idea how much deformation a tapered cylinder with a maximum diameter of .224 could inflict upon a hole in paper that has been made by another object of .220 diameter?

I've never been real sharp with mathematics, so any help would be appreciated.

"you should find a way to make your software perfect."

Not a snowball's chance in Florida. All software is created by people. When the function of the software is finding a theoretical center of an imperfect hole, there is no chance that it will be perfect. Better than old guys with bad eyes, shaking hands and that need a nap? Every hour, every day, absolutely.


Let's see, .224 - .220 = .004. Don't bother to thank me.
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.004 of an inch!!!!!! That's +/-.05mm after metric conversion.

Holy cow......that's less than half of what the Orion system claims it can do with properly fired wadcutter pellets.....and 4 times better than it's "claimed" accuracy on round headed pellets. That's totally amazing! That kind of superior accuracy even conforms to the ISSF standard.....and we didn't even have to consult with them.

If someone could invent some sort of revolutionary tool like a tapered cylinder for use when scoring targets.....we would be making serious strides!

"If someone could invent some sort of revolutionary tool like a tapered cylinder for use when scoring targets.....we would be making serious strides!"

If my mind is still working, I think that tool is refered to as "a plug". And then its inventor even went one step further by adding a magnifier so us old guys with bad eyes could see what we're looking at all the better..

Hey, somebody had to say it?


If your tapered cylinder were being placed in the theoretical center of the imperfect hole by a robotic arm capable of the requisite precision, we would be making serious strides.

Otherwise we are stuck with those old guys with all the identified problems plus, by the way, some are in your 25% category. Goodness, maybe the serious strides are over.

Hey, someone had to say that, too.
Follow up Orion

Zac, no disrespect intended but you got to get in touch with the real world. You stated at the BB gun Nationals you only had 6 protests/ errors. Hate to tell you this but a fifth grader could figure out the reason why.....................99% of the shooters knew nothing about the accuracy of the system....and I bet you never told them either. If enlightened shooters had shot that match you would have seen the same degree of concern we show here.

Do not defend it............make it better!

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