Elbert County Gun Club, long range score state champ.

roger avery

New member
A great day of shooting at 200 @ 300yds. We started at 300 with Henry Rivers in 1st./ 250-9x Jim Wooten 2nd 250-4x and Wayne France 3rd. 249-2x. At 200yds Wayne France 1st. 250-11x Henry Rivers 2nd.250-10x and Jim wooten 3rd 250-9x In the Grand it was Henry 1st. 500-19x Jim 2nd. 500-13 wayne 3rd. 499-13 . These 3 shot extremely well to stay ahead of the feild. Congradulations to each of them, and thanks to all who shot and made it a great match.
Roger Avery
Longe Range States Georgia

Would like to thank everyone at Elberton gun club for a well run match, all the hard work and sweat paid off, thanks again!!! Also glad to see the guys from up north come down to shoot with us.

Shooting a 500 Agg

at 300-200 is "GIETTIN ER DONE" Good shooting youse guys! 499 ain't real shabby either ;)
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Full results are listed on the IBS Webpage, I am afraid to say my good friend Herbie LLewellyn did not fare well .

Longe Range States Georgia

'Das alright Herbie, I didn't fare so well either!!! Let's git'm at the Pryor!

Good shooting guys. All around a very well run match. I don't recall a single shot being protested. Even David Apple provided some merriment.
I am formally throwing down the Gauntlet and challenge the Humble one to show up at the Bud Pryor in 11 days . I am not saying I am up to beating him but there will be plenty of other people wanting the chance to Humble him there.

Dick, I've been trying to get him to go because otherwise I can't deal with that drive alone. Keep the pressure on him, maybe he'll come around. He's been shootin' too well not to give it a go.
the bare nekkid truth

Let it be know that the Humble one has a new Cobra :eek::eek::eek: and has taken to going around doing 120 topless.:eek:
David, Wayne, and Herbie,

Good to see you guys at Elberton. Hope to see all of you soon at the Bud.

Now, if we can figure out how to slow Humble Henry down, maybe some of us "roster-fillers" will have a chance. Of course, the same can be said about how hot some of you other "big boys" have been as well. Guess I'll just try to stay out of the way :).

Looks like I missed a good shoot. Congrats Henry, Jim and Wayne, that is some good shooting. I would like to have been there, but I stayed home and watched some of the best rimfire shooters in the country battle it out for the Ky state ARA championship. When you think you are getting good, give the little lead bullet guns a try, they will humble you in a hurry. Jackie
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