Ed Hosier showed the way!!!

Salem had a double sporter match yesterday 5/22/16 and Ed showed us how to do it by starting out with
a 248 then cleaned up the next 5 targets with 250's the rest of the way!!!
The best part He built his own rifle making it that much better!!!
Congratulations Ed very nice shooting!!!!!
Way To Go Ed,!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GREAT shooting my friend. That is getting it done!!!
That's crazy good! That's got to be a record. Great going Ed.

The season is just starting and yet, it looks like Ed has sewned up the Sporter Scoreline. He'll be near impossible to catch. Again, outstanding!!!
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Ed did a FANTASTIC job

I was fortunate enough to be there to shoot with Ed and watch this great accomplishment. HE FLAT OUT GOT IT DONE.......... GREAT JOB ED.

Thanks guys …. I guess it was just my day…. conditions were to my liking and I had just a bit of luck

That is some great sporter shooting.If I am not wrong I think that is the first 750 shot with a sporter and I do believe the second match will be a yards sporter match record, I hope you sent your targets in for that record, great shooting.:cool:
That is actually the second 750 sporter score. Last year Chris Peterson shot a 750-42X. Interestingly, at the Wallkill match last week I was speaking with Chris and said that I thought his record would last awhile. He predicted that he didn't think it would last that long because his X count was not that high. Little did we expect it to get beat a week later with Ed's 750-53X. Yeah, I hope those targets were collected and sent in. His Sporter Scoreline now stands at 1750-110X with 6 months to go in the season. Yowza!!! Who would have thunk that the first Scoreline to reach 1750 this season would be in the Sporter Class?

ps, I just have to add; I wonder just how well he would have shot if his action had that superior PAS ignition. I heard somewhere where one had to have a 3 lug PAS action now in order to sit at the top of the rimfire BR heap. How can this impressive sporter score be shot by a two lug SAP 2500X?
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Great shooting

That would put you on the top of the heap in a rush, I would think. Way to get er done. Great machining work as well.

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great shooting

That is some great shooting!!!!!
Keep it up. Danny Keeney:cool: