East Coast Regional Championship at Salem, NY Aug. 4-5

Have motel room in Cambridge for Fri and Sat night. If I get to Salem early will stop by the range after I check in.

Great to hear it, guys! Kevin, you won't be alone at the club. Tom will be there in his bus and I plan on hauling my camper over to the range for the weekend. I think we're going to have some Field Targets to set up by match time, so we can have a fun shoot after the BR matches for anyone that wants to stick around....if there's any energy left in us after 6 BR targets and a belly full of pig:D
Sorry I have a CF shoot to run in Augusta on the 5th. I am thinking about trying to get someone to run it for me and come over. I'll let you know for sure.
I'm leaving for a nine day vacation tomorrow and will have limited internet access for that period. I can check my e-mail from my phone and respond briefly if I have to , but if anyone has any questions about the match, please feel free to call me at 518-796-0768. If I'm "under the weather" at the time, I'll call back as soon as I'm able;)
Even though I had originally planned on shooting both days, something has come up so I'll only be able to attend Part 1 - Saturday. Sorry 'bout that.

See you then, and looking forward to it!

I will be there! Gordon sent my Dawson but I am going to wait for a titanium tube so I will have beg and borrow a rifle again. I can bring other stuff like flags, rest, and bags.
Really looking forward to it.
Sorry to hear you can't stay for the World Postal and Open class matches on Sunday!
It'll be great to shoot with you again! Glad you could find a room on such short notice, too!
Hi All To you that are planing on arriving on Fri . I well be there around noon seating up the range . I am looking forward to seeing old friends and new faces . Rick