East Coast Regional Air Rifle BR Match Results


New member
We had a great time this past weekend at Salem shooting 4 matches in 2 days. 9 shooters from 5 different States, (NY, MA, ME, NH and CA) competed in LV and HV on Sat. and US Open Class (35fp, 20lb weight limit) and a 50 Yard Challenge on Sunday. Conditions for both days were muggy, mid 80's with just about every wind condition you could imagine. Steve Brookhouse, a Hall of Fame IR50/50 rimfire br shooter, joined us for his first ever air rifle br match shooting a variety of borrowed rifles and you'll see a little farther down just how well he did. Matt Lababedy, the newest addition to Team USA headed to Plzen for the European/World Cup Championships, flew in from California to pick up his TM-1000 from Dan Brown it looks like Dan's put a darn good rifle in his hands for the trip!

Here are the results:
1)Mark Normandin (TM-1000) - 244-4X, 248-5X, 248-10X=740-19X
2)Dan Brown (EV-2)- 246-11X, 244-11X, 248-12X= 738-34X
3)Todd Banks (EV-2)- 245-14X, 247-8X, 244-6X= 736-26X
4)Pete Wass( EV-2)- 241-8X, 241-9X, 249-10X= 731-27X
5)Brad Niese (Dawson)- 244-9X, 239-6X, 245-3X= 728-18X
6)Paul Bendix- 240-5X, 242-5X, 245-3X= 722-19X
7)Steve Brookhouse (EV-2)- 235-4X, 237-3X, 246-7X=718-14X
8)Dave Shattuck (AA MPR400)- 237-2X, 236-6X, 236-8X= 709-18X
Matt shot his HV TM-1000, scores DNC

1)Dan Brown (Sumo .177)- 250-10X. 248-11X, 250-14X= 748-35X
2)Steve Brookhouse (Dawson .22)- 245-4X, 248-11X, 247-10X= 740-25X
3)Mark Normandin (BM-500)- 245-11X, 245-11X, 248-13X= 738-35X
4)Todd Banks (TM-1000 .22)- 245-6X, 239-5X, 250-12X= 734-23X
5)Matt Lababedy (TM-1000 .177)- 244-8X, 237-6X, 247-13X= 728-27X
6)Dave Shattuck (Rapid .177)- 243-5X, 240-8X, 243-6X= 726-22X
7)Pete Wass- 240-8X, 240-3X, 241-9X= 721-20
8)Paul Bendix- 238-5X, 232-3X, 241-5X= 711-13X
9)Brad Niese (Dawson .22) 237-7X, 226-7X, 233-2X= 696-16X

1)Mark Normandin (BM-500)- 249-13X, 249-17X, 250-21X= 748-51X
2)Dan Brown (Sumo)- 250-15X, 249-20X, 249-13X= 748-48X
3)Steve Brookhouse (FX Indy twin tank)- 249-12X, 249-15X, 249-12X= 747-39X
4)Matt Lababedy (TM-1000)- 248-11X, 247-13X, 249-15X= 744-39X
5)Paul Bendix (Sumo)- 249-13X, 250-12X, 245-11X= 744-36X (Paul's first outdoor 250!)
6)Todd Banks (Custom TM-1000)- 248-15X, 248-11X, 244-11X= 740-37X
7)Pete Wass- 244-8X, 247-10X, 243-11X= 734-29X
8)Dave Shattuck (Rapid)- 248-8X, 246-12X, 240-6X= 734-26X
9)Brad Niese (Dawson)- 239-5X, 244-6X, 244-5X= 727-16X

50 Yard Challenge (shot on the IR50/50 Rimfire BR target which is the same size as the World 50m Rimfire target). Maybe we should call this one the Scorers Challenge next year. We sure made Pete and Rick work on these targets!

1)Steve Brookhouse (FX Indy)- 234-7X, 239-11X, 245-9X= 718-27X
2)Mark Normandin (BM-500)- 234-6X, 239-11X, 230-4X= 703-21X
3)Paul Bendix (Sumo)- 232-6X, 235-3X, 226-2X= 693-11X
4)Todd Banks (TM-1000)- 232-4X, 219-2X, 231-2X= 682-7X
5)Dan Brown (Sumo)- 220-3X, 237-3X, 211-4X= 668-10X
6)Brad Niese (Dawson)- 219-3X, 231-3X, 218-4X= 668-10X (first target score tiebreaker)
7)Dave Shattuck (Rapid)- 213-0X, 209-3X, 204-2X= 630-5X
8)Pete Wass (Dawson) 214-1X, 209-1X, 204-2X= 627-4X

A huge thank you to Pete Roberson and Rick Ingram for scoring and running the line for us, Joanna for helping me in the kitchen, Fred Blank for helping pick up the range and especially to all the shooters. You guys are great!

One thing that slipped my mind was an equipment list. It was hard to keep track with everyone swapping rifles between classes! If you shooters will e-mail me what you shot for each class I'll edit this post to include them. I'll add pictures later, too.


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Well done Todd and to the rest of the shooters, some great scores and sounds like you had a good time which is what it’s all about.

A 245 at 50yds with an air rifle, excellent!!!

Looking forward to seeing some pictures when you get the time.

Thanks for holding the shoot Todd and thanks for the good food as well.
Mark was the man at this shoot, good shootin Mark.
Here are a few pics, I apologize for not getting everyone.




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I have higher resolution copies of all of these, if anyone would like them e-mailed let me know.
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Sun came out

Sun came out and looks like you guys had some real fun.

I have a question, Dans name comes up a lot in relation to TM's BM's and handing over some special gear, Dan do you work for RAW or do you just do enhancemnets to rifles people buy ?
Bill, I don't work for any manufacturers. I do most of my work on TMs, Rapids/clones, marauders, EV2s, and Royales. Mostly because most of my clients are benchrest shooters and that is what they shoot.
I lent my Independence to Steve on Sunday and shot my HV Sumo with super barrel instead in open class.

Sun came out and looks like you guys had some real fun.

I have a question, Dans name comes up a lot in relation to TM's BM's and handing over some special gear, Dan do you work for RAW or do you just do enhancemnets to rifles people buy ?
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WOW! some great shooting up there... But 245 at 50 yards on that target, that is some kind of Galactic shooting!
Todd, Rick, Pete THANK YOU!

Todd, Rick, Pete,
What a fun filled weekend of shooting airguns. Also a big thank you to David G for sending up those fine looking and shooting works of art! It was the first time I have shot a .25 and .30 cal. airguns.
The food was GREAT! Enjoyed talking to Matt L and yes Dan did a great job on Matt's TM-1000 with the Super Barrel. Glad I bought one for my SUMO at the last Holbrook shoot.
What a high for me shooting my first 250 outside with my new Chip Smith SUMO! My first target 249 and my second target 250 doesn't get any better.

Mark BM-500, Matt, Rick

Brad's new Dawson stock.

Dan's FX Twin that Steve shot a 245 at 50 yards!!

Rick wasn't up to shooting a match but he sure was grinning after shooting David G's .25 and .30 cal.
Thank you Mark for bringing them for all to shoot.

Todd with a David G

Dan's EV-2 and .177 SUMO with SUPER Barrel HV sub 20 fpe.

Hope Todd Banks, Matt L, and Craig Young bring back a medal from CZ next month.

See you next year for sure!

Paul Bendix
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Had a great time and hope to be there again next year. As always the food was excellent, the weather turned out great, and the trip either way was uneventful. Combine that with spending time with good friends, and what more could we have asked for. Oh, and let's not forget about how impressive the scores were. I mean: several 250's with one having 21x's along side a 245 having been shot @ 50 Yards. Can't wait to see what next year brings.

To All,

2 years and 2 incredible regional matches. The shooters must have missed the weather report, 3 scores of 748 and all 3 hit the record page. Congratulations to all who participated.
It was great to see everyone . It did me a world of good to be out with good people . It was fun to see the matches unfold we'll scoring the target's . Everyone shoot we'll with many doing there personal best . Thank you all , old friends and new for macking the trip and spending the time with us . Hope you all have a goog 4th . Rick
Todd, Rick and Pete

Thank You,

All three of you gents worked constantly through the weekend to put on a Great Match!

Todd you are not only a World Class shooter but a World Class Griller as well. wonderful Eats.

Rick all of our prayers were answered ( great news) can't wait for you to be shooting again

Pete you do a Thankless job with much grace, a true Gentleman.

It was great to see all the usual faces and one or two more new ones welcome Matt and Steve(this boy can shoot wow)

The constant work of DanB was on full display this past weekend, you might be at a disadvantage not talking to Dan about any kind of upgrade to your equipment!

Looking forward to next year already!

We had a great time!

Joanna and I had a great time at the shoot. Why she has a great time is a mystery to me however. I found out my EV2 is a lot better than I thought it was so have decided to keep it. I can see though, one gives up a lot to the .22's in the higher powered classes. it was fun all the same, even though I didn't shoot all that well and pulled another of my Boneheaded tricks; shooting a pellet backwards, resulting in a -6 :(. I hope Airgun Benchrest will continue to grow and hope more folks come forward soon. Thanks to Todd, Rick and Pete for their hard work. Good Luck to Team USA in Plzn.
Hi Airgun Folks,
I wanted to thank you all for a wonderful weekend, and a bunch of memoriable experiences at the Salem shoot last weekend. A quick question: In the wind why does the pellet always go the wrong way? I mean really? I would like to thank Paul for the use of the EV, Rick for the loan of the Dawson and Dan Brown for the use of the FX Independence on Sunday. I really learned a lot and and had a bunch of fun along the way. Thanks to Todd and Pete for putting up with the newbie. I just told my wife I was going to need a scuba tank and she said we dont live near the ocean... bet you all expect me to show up with my own guns next time too... Only if Dan or Rick will build um.
I enjoyed meeting you Steve, you are a top notch shot for sure. Here is a link that explains the difference between ag and powder.

Hi Airgun Folks,
I wanted to thank you all for a wonderful weekend, and a bunch of memoriable experiences at the Salem shoot last weekend. A quick question: In the wind why does the pellet always go the wrong way? I mean really? I would like to thank Paul for the use of the EV, Rick for the loan of the Dawson and Dan Brown for the use of the FX Independence on Sunday. I really learned a lot and and had a bunch of fun along the way. Thanks to Todd and Pete for putting up with the newbie. I just told my wife I was going to need a scuba tank and she said we dont live near the ocean... bet you all expect me to show up with my own guns next time too... Only if Dan or Rick will build um.