Since Fred has had problems thinking that I am advertising here, which in a way I am and a way I'm not because there is nothing to gain, and I am a match director, I would think that, if I didn't know his love and respect for me, he may be aiming that at me.
I will say this on behalf of any match director out there. If you're given the chance to help, and I always offer anybody the job of plugging or rough scoring, and you don't take it, don't complain. Also, there's always a two minute review period. So, it's really on you.
Hi Wilbur,
i hope that you are ok with me doing a review on the Forum as i think this would be a good way of promoting Target Shooting Forums like yours, there are always new shooters coming online and its good for them to know were to go for the best info.
So sorry that Y'all are struggling with that kind of evil. Our hopes and prayers are that your wife comes out a winner again. Call me if you need a friendly voice or anything else.
Yes, that would certainly change many of our perspectives, respectives, collectives, and all other 'ectives.