Define "Crazy"

I haven't read every post in this thread, I have my own theory on why there have been so many shootings by relatively young people in recent times.
It's not about "crazy" per se or the availability of guns. It's about every issue in our society that feeds into a polarizing narrative. The press falls into lockstep with the party politics to feed the public the side of the issue that they want the public to see.
In my opinion, on this issue in particular, the root cause is the proliferation in the use of marijuana. Government sponsored sale and use of marijuana.
I'm not going to cite all the studies on marijuana psychosis. It's all out there if you want to read about it. Alex Berenson is a good source if you want to check it out.
It's like the Covid vaccine. The government and the press are still pushing it for everyone. If anyone bothers to look, they will see that overall mortality (all cause) in this country is up 40%. Also, something you won't see in the news. 17 million have died because of the vax. You have to ask yourself, what is their plan?
Dear JWV, It is my opinion that humans will actively seek out pleasurable substances or actions be it Fentanyl, love, religion, marijuana, ethyl alcohol etc. From a medical standpoint I think marijuana is probably less harmful then many other drugs such as alcohol and certainly less harmful than the abuse of opiates, amphetamines and some designer drugs such as "bath salts". Hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, Mescaline, DMT and others are now being touted as maybe having therapeutic effects but the jury is still out on this claim. Phycological dependence is most likely more common than physical addiction or aberrant behavior with marijuana use. The later two do occur in a certain percentages of individuals given the widespread use of the drug. It may act as a so called gateway drug which leads to the use of "hard drugs" Still I favor its legalization. I strongly disagree with blanket legalization of all drugs such as what Oregon is doing. When you allow stronger substances free rein bad things happen both to the individual and society in general. Use of these drugs should be, if not eliminated, then strongly suppressed. Their association with mental illness is well known. Their use as a cause of mental illness to me is a little less clear. They certainly don't help and usually potentiate the decline in both physical and mental health of the user. Now what to do about this. This is what to do: suppress the mental illness, get the individual off of illicit drugs and go from there. The money, resources and sometimes the will to accomplish this are simply unavailable. Don't forget the individual will many times be very resistant to any treatment. Sometimes you are successful with certain individuals. With many you are wasting money and effort. Those individuals who are crazier then a shit house rat should not have firearms. With those who are not then a very difficult decision must be made. Who decides which ones of the second group should have no legal restrictions on firearm ownership, some restrictions or total restriction? Untying that Gordian knot is maybe not possible.