daisy wheels ?

Are the 10 petal yellow daisy wheels still available ??

If so, where ?

Thanks much.


Hi Pat

Such a question from you is a good sign you're going to come shoot with us again. I for one have missed seeing you at the matches.

Keep in touch

Gene Beggs

Are the 10 petal yellow daisy wheels still available ??

If so, where ?

Thanks much.


scuttlebutt is that Art Line sold molds to some Chinese company. Not sure if that means we will see ChiCom daisy wheels in the future or not. Supposedly Sinclairs had a small supply. You may try there. Otherwise they seem to be hard to get, but that isn't out of the ordinary with anything shooting related right now. --Greg

scuttlebutt is that Art Line sold molds to some Chinese company. Not sure if that means we will see ChiCom daisy wheels in the future or not. Supposedly Sinclairs had a small supply. You may try there. Otherwise they seem to be hard to get, but that isn't out of the ordinary with anything shooting related right now. --Greg

the molds have been in China all along. ArtLine, as a company, no longer exists. And the company that bought their assets is currently unwilling to have anymore daisies molded. I have been speaking w/ them by phone over the last 2 months. Next trip to the Chicago area I will appear on the doorstep in person and try waving C-notes under their nose directly. Maybe then they will get the picture that this is serious
I have a few

I bought 24 a couple years ago and have a half dozen or so left over if anyone needs them i'll part with them for $5.00 ea plus shipping.

I would like to buy 5 of your 10 petal daisys.

4422 Weiskopf Lane
Corpus Christi, Texas 78413

I was looking through the Grainger catalogue, and they sell light weight aluminum fan blades that at 10 inch diameter only weigh .2 pound. That is not much heavier than plastic.

Of course, it woukld have to have a small attchment mounted for a small bearing, but the things would probably be very durable.

I am looking at the 4C4 type C series in my latest catalogue.........jackie

From the way I shoot, you know I don't watch them. I just set them up so they are in the way of those who do.

Could one use one or two RC model props and glue on a white/brown/whatever disk in front???

Greg J.

Greg, I thought about the same thing, just the other day. Went and bought some at a RC shop, and they don't work well at all. Not enough pitch or surface, or something. Just didnt spin for me unless the wind was really blowing. I'm looking at plastic fan blades as an option. ---Mike Ezell
If you need something to tell you something instantly and not after the fact, make yourself some pinwheels. They start instantly on a pickup and stop like they have brakes in a letup.

Mike: It's been a long time since I did RC flying, but I'd think that the props come in different lengths, pitches, number of blades, etc.

Edit: Here is a link to different props: http://www.hobby-lobby.com/elecprop.htm .

I've thought about the pinwheels. I just don't have a visual on how they would show me angle, which is what I understand the central part of the daisy is for.

Greg J.
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Do you have extra pinwheels? If so, what's the cost with the shafts/bushing. If not, what type of material to use and deminsions.

The great thing with our pinwheels are that they are in 3 colors. The back side is red. It is great for picking up angles. Kevin, I do not sell parts. I import the flags complete from Australia. These are what the World Champion Aussies used.
One of the things to

Greg, I thought about the same thing, just the other day. Went and bought some at a RC shop, and they don't work well at all. Not enough pitch or surface, or something. Just didnt spin for me unless the wind was really blowing. I'm looking at plastic fan blades as an option. ---Mike Ezell

be aware of w/ propellors is..........there a number of different pitch diameters and and lot of different materials. All based on what they are going to be used for. What we need is a high attack (large pitch number), very light weight prop. Something in the 8"-10" pitch range s/b about right. And Very light weight, such as what is used for electric R/C airplanes.

RC props

I've been working with some RC props on my flags for a while now...I like 'em.

Initially, I fitted them with some Delrin bushings but changed to brass for the bushing material. With the pitch angle and the different surfaces of the blades, flipping them changes how quick they pick up and slow down.
What length and pitch?

Mike: It's been a long time since I did RC flying, but I'd think that the props come in different lengths, pitches, number of blades, etc.

Edit: Here is a link to different props: http://www.hobby-lobby.com/elecprop.htm .

I've thought about the pinwheels. I just don't have a visual on how they would show me angle, which is what I understand the central part of the daisy is for.

Greg J.

Hi Greg,
What length and pitch seem to work the best in the 0-10MPH range wind?
---Bill Sumers
Hi Bill,

Corresponding via email to avoid bogging down the thread.

In brief for the folks here: as David said above, from an aerodynamic perspective, the prop needs a lot of pitch. If they're long, I think that would be better, too, but that doesn't work for your specific application, so more blades might be the ticket.

Greg J.