Custom FL Die



Looks like I'm going to have to FL size my 6BR Lapua brass. I don't want the neck touched, as I have a bushing die for that. Who should I go to for a custom die? Only want the best.
Harrell's bushing die

Twud, there are quite a few die vendors listed under categories at the home page. I bought a Harrell's and have no complaints.
Just send 3-4 fired cases to Linwood and he will send you the correct die for your rifle. :) You will be able to adjust the die so you can bump the amount you want. I received a brass thingy with my die that you use with a 6" dial caliper so when you bump you can measure the amount of bump that has taken place. You can add neck bushings from Wilson or Redding if you want.
Lynwood Harrell is a good option. Also, Redding makes a body die that is a little cheaper but I would full length and size the neck at the same time. I believe you will get more consistant rounds that way. You can more than likely have the gunsmith that did your barrel make you a die but it will be about twice what Lynwood charges.

Send Lynwood a couple of pieces of tight brass, and order a FL die. If you want a body die, just leave the bushing out when you use it. What is interesting about bushing FL dies is that used as a body die, the runout on the neck after sizing is about perfect.
I've got a .265 tight neck hence the desire to use a bushing.
I assume you mean an e-mail address, I don't think so. They have an ad on the homepage of BRcentral that list phone number and mailing address. Steve
Yes I mean an e-mail. I guess I have to give him a call, it will be interesting.....
Do you guys think it is possible to send my reamerprint or do I have to send a couple of brass to Harrells? It can be some trouble to send brass TO us....
Do you guys think it is possible to send my reamerprint or do I have to send a couple of brass to Harrells? It can be some trouble to send brass TO us....

If you give them precise measurements of the fired case body and tell them how much resizing you want then they can provide a die. Give them a call.

Harrell's dies are hardened. I've found this to be important. MOST dies made by the gunsmith aren't hardened, in fact it's getting downright wicked to find ANY gunsmith who'll cut a good die and have it properly hardened.


I would not ever recommend that you just buy an off-the-shelf die of any sort...... your chance of achieving a proper fit is nearly zero.

I agree with Pendergraft...BUT


I also agree that you calling Lynnwood Harrell would be "interesting" :D:D I'm a Finn, know a ton of Swedes, Harrell's are South'n Gen'mens of the First Water..... If you DO call, please record the conversation for posterity.


Jackie S and his chronies (including myself) use modified "off the self "Redding 6ppc F/L custom dies with great success. Jackie runs a reamer thru the neck and opens them up to .265 for a .269 chamber.

I know for a fact that this die produce rounds with less than .001 run out
and cost around $40 or so. :)

Jackie has been using this setup for years with sum degree of sucess.:D:D:D
I believe that Jackie used a boring bar to open the neck of his die (after cutting down the top of the die to leave 3 internal threads). He also thinned the base of the die and pressed on a ring to decrease the ID in that area.

I have a Hornady one piece die that produces very straight brass, about the right amount of sizing near the case head and neck, and a little more than I like at the shoulder. For the latest PPC project, I ordered a chamber reamer to match the die. I have done this several times before, for tight necked projects, and it works very well, saving a lot of money, and producing custom die fit without the expense. BTW, with flat base bullets, the other half of the equation is a seater die that really holds the case in alignment as the bullet is inserted in the case neck. If you check the fit of production seaters, you will see that they are pretty much all deficient in this area. They have to be to allow for differences in chambers.
Looks like I'm going to have to FL size my 6BR Lapua brass. I don't want the neck touched, as I have a bushing die for that. Who should I go to for a custom die? Only want the best.

I have both Redding and Harrell, the latter costs about twice as much but imho it is a better mousetrap. Mine has three different sizes of body bushings which screw in, addition to the neck bushing, which allows you to size all or a portion of the neck. The die came with my gun so I can't be of much help with dealing with Mr. Harrell. I have the invoice from '04 and his address and number. If you would like it e-mail me at and I will get it to you...