Custom barrel - accuracy expectations



I am thinking about getting a custom barrel for my hunting rifle to improve accuracy. Currently shooting between 2-3 MOA at distance...desiring consistent 1MOA max at 300+ yards. What range of accuracy improvement might I expect with a custom barrel? I don't want to spend $750 on a custom barrel install only to later spend $4000 on a custom gun. Thoughts appreciated. More detail below if needed.

If a custom barrel can make a big difference, what brands are recommended? If not, any suggestions on a custom, long-distance hunting rifle.


I have a Remington 700 XCR (300 WSM). It has a Jewel trigger and has been glass bedded. I am using a Leo Scope. I reload for this gun and have tried many bullets, powders and seating depth combos. Occasionally, I have acheived three-four shot groups around 1MOA at 200 yards, but not consistently.
300 for a krieger barrel plus 150 chamber and thread. all of my krieger barrels on rem actions shoot less than .5 at one hundred yards. one is a very heavy barrel; the rest are a sendero contour. i do not have a sporter contour. my m-1 garand has a heavy m-1 garand contour it will do the same. i have not shot much at 200 and 300 but i compete in f-class at 500, 600 and 1000 . i have shot plenty of 5 shot groups less than .5 moa at 500 and 600 . the wind really gets tough at 1000. the money i spend on kriegers is worth it. for long range i use my senderos which are slightly heavier than an xcr. i have a 7mm mag adl that consistently shoots 140 accubond into 1 moa at 200, it has a factory barrel. i would expect more from your xcr, factory barrels are a gamble.
Before we get into a big how to, are you reloading for the rifle? What kind of rest and sand bags are you using? Are you using something to see what the wind is doing while you are shooting? Has the action been bedded and the barrel floated? If it has been bedded, what method was used? What kind of 100 yd. accuracy are you getting? The reason for all of this is that medium range accuracy is produced by a multitude of factors, not just a custom barrel. Also, if and when you rebarrel, you should pay some attention to chamber design and how the dies coordinate with the chamber and brass dimensions, if you want to maximize the potential of your new barrel.
I agree with Jackie. The reason that I asked all the questions was that every single Remington 700 that I have ever owned , and for that matter 722 and 788, would, when properly bedded, with tuned handloads easily beat 1 MOA, which would translate into roughly 1" at 100, 2" at 200, 3"at 300 under perfect conditions. Big HOWEVER, most shooters will never get to their rifles' potentials, particularly as the range increases, typically because of factors that have nothing to do with the rifle or load.
Thanks to all. I agree Boyd its strange that this gun won't shoot better at distance. However, other than squaring the action, most other work has already been done (trigger, bedding, crown...). And yes, I can shoot less than 1MOA at distance with other guns, and I avoid windy conditions. I am using adjustable front bag rest with v-bag rear support.

I have reloaded for two other guns to less than 1MOA, and its frustrating to not find a load worth really vetting. Right now I am using typical magnum powders (4831, RL17, RL19...) and have tried five bullets so far with close seating (0.005 off lands). Some are better than others, but none consitently shows dramatic improvement.

If I can't find a load that gets close soon, I will probably suck it up and buy a new barrel. I heard one vote for Krieger. I would appreciate any other votes and recommendations on good smiths near West Houston.

Thanks, Kenn
If I remember correctly, a friend that has a .270 WSM found that IMR 4350 gave the best accuracy, after trying several slower powders. Have you checked your bedding with a dial indicator and magnetic base? They can look good and still be wrong. Good luck with your project.
The single most important item you can add to a Rifle to improve accuracy is a good custom barrel..........jackie

Roger that.

A whole bunch of custom work to a non shooting rifle without replacing the barrel is polishing a turd.

I primarily use Kriegers and Broughtons, but also have chambered a few Harts and Shilens. All of them will shoot an X, a few of them will shoot several in a row.

I'll say something else too.

For a hunting rifle, that you want to shoot well, but not break the bank...look at the Adam's and bennet barrels.

One saturday, Mike and I put a heavy contour one 35 Whelen (F54) one on a BDL. He watched me drop a moose with mine, at 280 yards, so he figured he wanted one.

We opened up the stock, bedded it, blued the barrel and went to the bench Sunday. He got the blank on sale for $69 +s&h

I could not believe how well it shot. He was tearing a single hole the size of a quarter at 100 yards with Norma bullets, The group was the size of a silver dollar at 200.

The barrel was coppering up, so we worked it with lapping compound and fine wool. Groups are even better and no copper now.

300 for a krieger barrel plus 150 chamber and thread. all of my krieger barrels on rem actions shoot less than .5 at one hundred yards. one is a very heavy barrel; the rest are a sendero contour. i do not have a sporter contour. my m-1 garand has a heavy m-1 garand contour it will do the same. i have not shot much at 200 and 300 but i compete in f-class at 500, 600 and 1000 . i have shot plenty of 5 shot groups less than .5 moa at 500 and 600 . the wind really gets tough at 1000. the money i spend on kriegers is worth it. for long range i use my senderos which are slightly heavier than an xcr. i have a 7mm mag adl that consistently shoots 140 accubond into 1 moa at 200, it has a factory barrel. i would expect more from your xcr, factory barrels are a gamble.

Where are you getting your price figures ? I was qouated over the phone a price in the $650 range for bbl and all needed work ?
When considering barrel brands, asking here, you're going to hear a lot of barrels used in BR. Kreiger being one of them. Some have differing "grades" if you will, and even the barrel makers themselves are not willing to say one is any better than the next. They might be closer to the tolerances for diameters lets say, but, does that actually improve accuracy or life? Who knows. The sure thing is they are more money.

Shilen makes different grades at significantly different pricing. Douglas makes barrels costing less than most all other manufacturers, though the one mentioned above is certainly less yet. Can you expect any custom barrel to hands down outperform any factory barrel? Without beating up gun mfgrs too much, I think the answer is yes. When someone gets a factory rifle and barrel that shoots real well, it is noteworty. In the same situation with a custom barrel... it is noteworthy that it is not noteworthy. It is noteworthy when someone gets one that does not shoot lights-out. In fact, it is almost assumed that something else is wrong. Consider that when looking for your first custom barrel.

For that matter, a good used barrel off a 1K light gun would work awesome for a hunting rifle. Many of mine ended up on hunting rifles. I have none left I don't think. Lost of folks have spare 30 cal barrels, some even chambered in 300WSM just laying around. And in the case of some actions, you might be able to have the smith just cut a new tenon and threads, and screw it on. (Action threads are larger on custom actions). That would really be a great way to go. And what someone in BR wasn't willing to live with, would MORE than make you happy. And at a great price. I could hook you up with some names of folks to ask if you're interested. PM me if so.
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