Cost of Ammo


Big Shurl

Right now a box of Eley Match Black cost me about 10.50. It's bull. The raw materials in a box of fifty run about 2 bucks. Now I understand manufacturing and the cost associated with consistency but 16.00 for a box of Tennex is ridiculous. Feel free to tell me what a bad idea this is but I believe that if the all the rimfire disciplines imposed a price restriction on a box of fifty shells that the market would find a way to meet the demand. Let's say a rule stating that you could pay no more than 6 bucks per fifty for ammo. What would happen. Scores would fall at first for certain but I believe within 6 months Eley Black would be 6 dollars a box. I've said it before I'll say it again nothing is more discouraging to me in rimfire than trying to make a box of Eley Club shoot while sitting next to a guy firing 15 dollar a box Tennex. How much market share do us American rimfire competitors command of Eleys business. I don't mind a flyer if I know the next guys going to have one too. A lot of it is the shooter but a lot of the rimfire scores are bought with money. 6 dollars I believe would level the field. Like I said feel free to rip into this one, I'm sure theirs something I'm not thinking of. Don't say how do you prove what someone paid though because that could be done.
It's a noble idea, BUT, most of the "profit" is going to import taxes and shipping/handling.
Instead of dropping the price, it might just be they would stop shipping to the US.
Depending on our market share which I have no idea what it is. Maybe they would open shop in N.America or Mexico.
Big Shurl,

Stop being a Big Girl :D...we pay $19 a box for Black box Eley and $35 a box for Red box Eley...even with the exchange rate we are paying nearly 50% more then you do over there.

Market share wise I think you blokes shoot more in a weekend then we do all year but God only knows what amount is shot in Britain and Europe.

Do you guys think it would be less fun if you and everyone were required to shoot cheaper ammo? Keeping in mind that the guy next to you is dealing with the same cheaper ammo.
Big Shurl,

Stop being a Big Girl :D...we pay $19 a box for Black box Eley and $35 a box for Red box Eley...even with the exchange rate we are paying nearly 50% more then you do over there.

Market share wise I think you blokes shoot more in a weekend then we do all year but God only knows what amount is shot in Britain and Europe.


I don't know much about Aussie laws but I would think your extra cost are tariffs. I didn't even know you could own anything more than a .410 shotgun loaded with 9 shot. :)
Big Shurl

There was a time when one went to a match, the club that held the match, provided the ammo.

You got your targets and ammo when you paid your admission. You had to shoot the club ammo. Thought was, it equaled everything out, and it did.

Most clubs bought cheap ammo. But we got away from that when we started trying to make our equipment more accurate. The BR 50 days!

Try holding a match where you provide the ammo and see how popular it is.

Can't blame the ammo companies for charging the going rate for their product.

As far as market share, I would think more ammo is shot in Germany each year than the U.S.. I can't prove it, but when I was there nearly every village had a shooting club and it was always packed with rimfire shooters.
Cheap Ammo

Then you are back to the tedious tasks of weight sorting and rim thickness sorting. This renders a lot of the cheap ammo unusable. If it takes 2 boxes of $5 ammo to get 50 good cartridges what $ savings have you gained to offset the time you spent sorting?

Having the organizer supply the ammo is one idea but even that comes with the downsides of liability and investment of money up front.

I started shooting a long range BR silhouette match last year. At first I was shooting left over Match EPS from test lots. Still, it's $12 a box with shipping and I might shoot 4 boxes over 2 or 3 classes. OUCH. Last match I fired SK Std Plus at $4.50 a box and had my typical score [ missed one ram at 188 meters ] so that makes me happy as this is just a low key, no prestige, club match and there is no way to justify $12 22 lr ammo. Now if you want to shoot the 17 class you are stuck with $12 + ammo.

I guess what I am saying is that if $12 a box ammo is a deal killer for a competitor then maybe RF BR in it's current form is the wrong game to be considering. Changing this situation will be extremely difficult.
cheaper ammo

why dont they change the rules and let you can be done.i know a guy that has all the dies to make bullets and load cases. be a lot cheaper in long run and from what he has told me a lot better ammo.
Paying the Tenex price is just not my cup of tea. I can buy an ounce of Silver Bullion for that price at the present time. I love to shoot with the best but ! The value of the dollar/uro and and other currencies is on the way out. If you don't have gold or silver in the future you will not be able to buy any ammo even if you can still own a gun. Paper money is going away. Think I'm nuts just wait. Paper money is an IOU not based on anything. Take a look at China they are mining more Gold than anyone else and they are buying gold like crazy. No wonder they are now the number one car mfg.
Food for thought folks
Fred K

why dont they change the rules and let you can be done.i know a guy that has all the dies to make bullets and load cases. be a lot cheaper in long run and from what he has told me a lot better ammo.

Where does your friend get his new unfired/unloaded cases? I don't think you can reuse the old cases without reforming them. A die will not take out the firing pin strike. Please explain!
i think he pulls the bullets from live ammo and uses the primed cases.
There was an ad for primed cases, I believe, on Rimfire central the other day,
at the bottom of the page.
Big Shurl : I feel for you man. I have been bitching about this very same thing for well over 2 years , and I am not a big girl blok! Import taxes shipping and the value of the dollar is what I hear is the cause. A friend of mine and I were talking about the very same thing just the other day. It is kinda funny that American manufacturers are not producing anything that is competitive at all -Why? I think that Eley and other ammo makers are pricing themselves out of the business. You have folks who will pay anything for Eley because they have deep pockets. It kinda reminds me of what our history books taught us when we were kids. You can't depend on any foreign country to supply goods at a fair price for long before they increase their prices as often as they can. Unless there are some changes made this sport is gone .I don't mind paying a fair price but I hate to be gouged. garrisone
I have shot in one AGBR match and really enjoyed it. I just couldn't get the Field Target guys to come out and that one match is the only one where anybody [ other than me ] showed up. A good air rifle will shoot some great scores and they don't seem to be tempermental at all.

A good rifle plus support equipment is not cheap but after that the cost is low. $15 buys 500 of the best pellets in the world.