Constant bickering and "score keeping"

I'm sure this will all be in the book? last evening we saw the chapter titled, revelations.
well if there is a movie, Francis Wupperman will be brought back as??????

This IS fun!! Some of the stuff goes over the top, but maybe not as much as one might think initially. I work at the Toyota Motors Manufacturing plant in Kentucky. I worked in one assembly group for about 12 1/2 years. It really did become sort of a band of brothers. We all had periodic squabbles, we all got over them. We had several MEMORABLE:D:D:D characters in the group over the years, each of whom left an imprint in each other and the "ambiance" of the group. As a matter of fact, when different people came in to the group, one of the first things commented on when they got comfortable enough to comment, was the way it was a close group of guys. We could kid around and not hurt each others feelings, if something were said or done that was taken wrong, it was generally apologized for and there were no hard feelings.

One of the first things several of us told new guys was, NEVER REVEAL A WEAKNESS!!! Or an annoyance, or an OCD issue etc. The look was usually predictable. When they understood that this group of folks expected to work hard, but have as much fun kidding each other as possible, they relaxed, opened up and joined in whole heartedly. EVERY ONE COULD COUNT ON BEING THE BUTT OF A JOKE!! And most of the time, before the laughter was over from the first joke, the retort would bring down the house. And then some other innocent bysitter would get dragged in. EVERYBODY GOT HIT!

I hurt my back at work a long time ago. The time came last year that I simply was struggling to do some of the jobs. If I had bad days, guys would change rotations with me til I could move well enough to do different jobs. It got to the point that I had to transfer for concern of making things worse. I am young, and reasonably healthy, and I cannot put into words the frustration of not being able to do some things at the level that I want.

I transferred into a good group of folks, the work is not quite as hard as it was before. I like the people that I work with.

But I miss the guys that I worked with for such a long time. Everyone that ever left that group always stopped by to say that there was something special about it that was not quite there in the area they transferred to.

There is something about this place that reminds me of my old group. There are squabbles, and arguments, and HILARIOUS retorts. Much knowledge gets passed around and debated freely.

And I am pretty sure most of you would help each other out if the need arose.

I enjoy, immensely, this place. There is something special about it. Don't change too much. You might just find that you miss it.

Y'all have a good night now!
Nope, no such thing as "automatic worthiness". Then I sent a fax. I finally did establish contact through His mouthpiece. Then I got a snail-mail from Him. :eek:

See the way it goes Wilbur? It just can't be avoided unless that big DELEAT button is used by the chief deleter. :D

Madrox said:
Could be if you weren't just over here bitchin' about the business practices of a gunsmith. He did answer you. Did you get the answer you wanted?
Reply With


I'm curious too. I think you told me that you were asking Bill to barrel a rifle for you. Did he agree to do it? I can't imagine him not re-barreling one of his own guns. I'm sure I could ask him but I didn't get involved in your business when you were e-mailing back and forth, so I would just like to hear it from you. Matter of fact, tell the whole story because I know this was kinda a long process.
i've been in crews like that. they have your back and you have theirs.
awful to work where some just watch out for theirselves. i retired a
couple of years back and all the retirees go to breakfast once a month.
it's pretty nice seeing them all. always some good stories to hear and tell.
now brother beau he's like my older brother, always correcting and me
never listening.
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I know you were kidding. I know he won't talk to me ONLY because he reads this forum. That is only reason. He knows I question plenty of his ideas. But thank the Lord I didn't live in Germany some 60-70 years ago.... would tortured and killed by Calfee supporters. Otherwise let's not beat around the bush anymore about who Bill Calfee really wants to help or not.


Today, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Al Hadfield
Nope, no such thing as "automatic worthiness". Then I sent a fax. I finally did establish contact through His mouthpiece. Then I got a snail-mail from Him.

See the way it goes Wilbur? It just can't be avoided unless that big DELEAT button is used by the chief deleter.
Originally Posted by Madrox
Could be if you weren't just over here bitchin' about the business practices of a gunsmith. He did answer you. Did you get the answer you wanted?
Reply With

I'm curious too. I think you told me that you were asking Bill to barrel a rifle for you. Did he agree to do it? I can't imagine him not re-barreling one of his own guns. I'm sure I could ask him but I didn't get involved in your business when you were e-mailing back and forth, so I would just like to hear it from you. Matter of fact, tell the whole story because I know this was kinda a long process.
Easy there Carp. Don't go smearing the Germans in all of this. Don't assume they'd be on board with any of this bunk.

i've been in crews like that. they have your back and you have theirs.
awful to work where some just watch out for theirselves. i retired a
couple of years back and all the retirees go to breakfast once a month.
it's pretty nice seeing them all. always some good stories to hear and tell.
now brother beau he's like my older brother, always correcting and me
never listening.

What did you retire from Tom. You act like it's related to mining.
Steve B.
If you notice my last name Carper is very, very Germanic. But the gist of this whole deal is Bill Calfee doesn't like anyone who questions or denies any of his so-called ideas or wholesale inventions. This world has been filled with smart people that have done way better things but Bill simply hates engineers. God forbid the engineers didn't devise the manufacture of lathes and milling machines. Otherwise they wouldn't have been perfected until around 1990 or so.:D:D:D:D:D:D


p.s. Wilbur, you see that the stuff with this man whether he answers himself or in proxy just doesn't change. I am sorry for that. I say let him post and deal with long threads as a torture to him. Let him post and deal with questions about what he is talking about. Let him post and live with his own words as testament to a "free world" called The U.S.A.. This stuff is crazy.
I know you were kidding. I know he won't talk to me ONLY because he reads this forum. That is only reason. He knows I question plenty of his ideas. But thank the Lord I didn't live in Germany some 60-70 years ago.... would tortured and killed by Calfee supporters.

You know, I never noticed the little black mustache. Carp, from what I've talked to you in person, you seem to be a pretty good guy. But you seem to have a Calfee thorn under your saddle. I don't think you shoot a Calfee rifle and I believe you said at one time you wouldn't shoot one. So, seriously, what has Calfee done to upset you so badly. I've known Bill a long time and he used to walk right by me on the range and never say a word. I never took it personal because it wasn't personal. You've probably never seen him come on a range other than Indiana. I can assure you that he is inundated with questions and always gathers a little entourage whether he wants them or not. I don't think he means to ignore you if that's what bothers you. But you could be right. Maybe he won't talk to you because he reads this forum and you're certainly a detractor. If that's the case, you chose it, so it must have been what you wanted. Every action has a consequence. I don't mean this in a bad way, but you made the choice and you got what you wanted. So, what's to complain about?
You know, I never noticed the little black mustache. Carp, from what I've talked to you in person, you seem to be a pretty good guy. But you seem to have a Calfee thorn under your saddle. I don't think you shoot a Calfee rifle and I believe you said at one time you wouldn't shoot one. So, seriously, what has Calfee done to upset you so badly. I've known Bill a long time and he used to walk right by me on the range and never say a word. I never took it personal because it wasn't personal. You've probably never seen him come on a range other than Indiana. I can assure you that he is inundated with questions and always gathers a little entourage whether he wants them or not. I don't think he means to ignore you if that's what bothers you. But you could be right. Maybe he won't talk to you because he reads this forum and you're certainly a detractor. If that's the case, you chose it, so it must have been what you wanted. Every action has a consequence. I don't mean this in a bad way, but you made the choice and you got what you wanted. So, what's to complain about?

I've seen him in Indiana everytime I've seen him and have never seen a pile of people, or even one or two, following him asking questions. That is fact. I have however seen one interaction with another shooter that I thought funny and he took offence and left the match. That shooter seemed to be all in good fun like most other interactions I've seen at matches before and after that incident. Apparently Bill doesn't want to part of that "good-ole-boy" part of the social parts of rifle competition. Let's let him decide or declare or state what he's about.

Fine with me Carp, but the Indiana bunch knows him, knows where he lives and don't really need to talk to him on the range. When he used to come to Bluegrass, he couldn't move for the people around him.

My experience with Bill is he's willing to joke around, quite a bit more than you probably think, does not want to offend anyone, but might anyway. But I've seen him come to tournaments ready to shoot and give a new shooter his gun and ammo to shoot and not even shoot himself. He coached one guy there at Washington County one time and I just listened and did pretty good myself.

You know Bill doesn't claim to know much or anything about you. I think it's mutual, you just don't realize it.
Steve B.
If you notice my last name Carper is very, very Germanic. But the gist of this whole deal is Bill Calfee doesn't like anyone who questions or denies any of his so-called ideas or wholesale inventions. This world has been filled with smart people that have done way better things but Bill simply hates engineers. God forbid the engineers didn't devise the manufacture of lathes and milling machines. Otherwise they wouldn't have been perfected until around 1990 or so.:D:D:D:D:D:D



Carper doesn't sound German to me. Could be a lineage from Crapper. You know like Thomas Crapper who invented the flush toilet. The Egyptians who invented the lathe were not engineers. Probably just thinkers who thought something might work and made it happen.
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I'm curious too. I think you told me that you were asking Bill to barrel a rifle for you. Did he agree to do it? I can't imagine him not re-barreling one of his own guns. I'm sure I could ask him but I didn't get involved in your business when you were e-mailing back and forth, so I would just like to hear it from you. Matter of fact, tell the whole story because I know this was kinda a long process.


My part in this smoke'n thread was when I saw Tom C's posting in response to your statement... "You know you could probably call Bill Calfee and he would talk to you...if you're deemed worthy." My response was said half in jest, in effect saying to Tom that he was not alone in feeling "unworthy".

I am not going to get into explaining the details, but in a nut shell it's about communication. The long drawn out way one has to communicate, or try to communicate, with BC is to say the least, ridiculous. Not to be able to have a phone conversation with one's 'smith is ridiculous. Perhaps as I get older my patience runs a bit thin at times?

So, what were the results of this long protracted "communication"? After a couple of emails from you and a couple of snail-mail letters from BC he did agree to do my barrel. Perhaps after he sees this post he will change his mind. In fact, I have pretty much decided to shelve this project.

I hadn't intended to get into this thing in public but so be it. Maybe others that try to talk to BC will have better luck than I, if not they will know that this is just the way he does business. So be it.

Beau, thanks for your time and effort in being the "middleman".


Whatever, the issue between you and Bill is like Las Vegas. It can stay between you and Bill. I have no dog in this fight but I made the statement,"You know you could probably call Bill Calfee and he would talk to you...if you're deemed worthy.", totally in jest. Bill has done business that way a long time. When I initially contacted him about the Shilen barrel it was by fax. I didn't have an issue with it because I know Bill is not always in his house, doesn't carry a cell phone or a cordless phone. So, fax was always an easy and reliable method for him to get a message. I sent the fax and waited on a reply, just like everybody else. I thought nothing of it, nor did I think Bill was sitting at fax trying to determine if I was worthy or not. He had always responded in the past and he did that time. The two things I expected from him was an answer and his honest opinion. I got both, by fax. When he agreed to do my rifle, I was fine with the agreement already made, but I also received a follow up letter. Just the way he does business; I don't think it's a snub to anybody.
Where you been George, asleep? That post was made three days ago. Did you have to think about it that long, or couldn't decide which side to come down on. What does :( mean anyway? Besides what did I post that's so bad?