like 3 bickerin' threads and you're outta here?
where would you go beau?
I don't bicker. I take the high road.
like 3 bickerin' threads and you're outta here?
where would you go beau?
Nope, no such thing as "automatic worthiness". Then I sent a fax. I finally did establish contact through His mouthpiece. Then I got a snail-mail from Him.
See the way it goes Wilbur? It just can't be avoided unless that big DELEAT button is used by the chief deleter.![]()
Madrox said:Could be if you weren't just over here bitchin' about the business practices of a gunsmith. He did answer you. Did you get the answer you wanted?
Reply With
i've been in crews like that. they have your back and you have theirs.
awful to work where some just watch out for theirselves. i retired a
couple of years back and all the retirees go to breakfast once a month.
it's pretty nice seeing them all. always some good stories to hear and tell.
now brother beau he's like my older brother, always correcting and me
never listening.
I know you were kidding. I know he won't talk to me ONLY because he reads this forum. That is only reason. He knows I question plenty of his ideas. But thank the Lord I didn't live in Germany some 60-70 years ago.... would tortured and killed by Calfee supporters.
You know, I never noticed the little black mustache. Carp, from what I've talked to you in person, you seem to be a pretty good guy. But you seem to have a Calfee thorn under your saddle. I don't think you shoot a Calfee rifle and I believe you said at one time you wouldn't shoot one. So, seriously, what has Calfee done to upset you so badly. I've known Bill a long time and he used to walk right by me on the range and never say a word. I never took it personal because it wasn't personal. You've probably never seen him come on a range other than Indiana. I can assure you that he is inundated with questions and always gathers a little entourage whether he wants them or not. I don't think he means to ignore you if that's what bothers you. But you could be right. Maybe he won't talk to you because he reads this forum and you're certainly a detractor. If that's the case, you chose it, so it must have been what you wanted. Every action has a consequence. I don't mean this in a bad way, but you made the choice and you got what you wanted. So, what's to complain about?
Steve B.
If you notice my last name Carper is very, very Germanic. But the gist of this whole deal is Bill Calfee doesn't like anyone who questions or denies any of his so-called ideas or wholesale inventions. This world has been filled with smart people that have done way better things but Bill simply hates engineers. God forbid the engineers didn't devise the manufacture of lathes and milling machines. Otherwise they wouldn't have been perfected until around 1990 or so.
I'm curious too. I think you told me that you were asking Bill to barrel a rifle for you. Did he agree to do it? I can't imagine him not re-barreling one of his own guns. I'm sure I could ask him but I didn't get involved in your business when you were e-mailing back and forth, so I would just like to hear it from you. Matter of fact, tell the whole story because I know this was kinda a long process.