Constant bickering and "score keeping"


Hi All,
I seem to be the only one here who learns a little from the longish arguments. I have no problem at all, I just skim the posts and stop at anything that is of interest. Live and let and let post. Just keep the ideas flowing.
I used to think that Bill got a bad rap, until I read that he has too much work and is thinking about scaling down...then I remembered the old adage "there is no such thing as bad publicity". Personally, I like the guy and wouldn't mind having a Turbo to play around with.
JMHO, tim

I think Wilbur's point is, he is tired of being "keeper of the asylum". That is how I took it, I might be wrong.
When it comes to long runs of matching wits and words like "take your meds" I believe that's a problem...just my opinion.

Wilbur, as the possible, origionator of the "meds" series of posts I pledge to try and do better. In my defense it was more a "change of meds" as opposed to an initiation of same which I assumed to be a given. I do, however go to the gym a minimum of 3 times a week to play racquetteball and have a comprehensive array of orthopedic scars to verify.
This is all, by the way, dependent on your ongoing ability to make sure a couple of these guys do not miss a dose.
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I think if everybody would just use you and me as an example for proper behavior things would be better.


I think if everybody would just use you and me as an example for proper behavior things would be better.

Beau, do you suppose you could convince Wilbur of that?

We're not gonna do it here much longer. Please use email or the PM feature to match wits.

Beau and I are curious, how long is " much longer"? I was curious if I could get in one last round before the hammer falls. I don't know if I am ahead or behind in the "score".
If it matters who "The Scorer" is then you must be either completely nieve or just (in the words from "Forrest Gump") plain stupid. But I know you're not. I just don't know if life will give BC enough gumption to speak for himself. I'd ask him myself but he'd talk through you. That would be no nevermind (kind of like a Wilbur double negative:D. But I can make my own mistakes and blame myself. I can also make my own mistakes and everyone blame me (been there done that). But If I had a proxy voice then they blame he or she who spoke for me. Goodness, I promise to never, ever, ever let my wife speak for me on this forum. It would get us all in a triffle that would end in eternity......literally......we'd all be dead in a lively vat of acid and buried in a bed of baking soda for a big departure:D:D:D

I may have used the Take Your Meds line a couple times myself but I can assure you I meant it in the nicest of ways.
Waterboy Aka Lynn

I may have used the Take Your Meds line a couple times myself but I can assure you I meant it in the nicest of ways.
Waterboy Aka Lynn

Lynn, that's how I always took it. I would think ,"Damn, how does Lynn know it is time for me to take my medicine"?
If it matters who "The Scorer" is then you must be either completely nieve or just (in the words from "Forrest Gump") plain stupid. But I know you're not. I just don't know if life will give BC enough gumption to speak for himself. I'd ask him myself but he'd talk through you. That would be no nevermind (kind of like a Wilbur double negative:D. But I can make my own mistakes and blame myself. I can also make my own mistakes and everyone blame me (been there done that). But If I had a proxy voice then they blame he or she who spoke for me. Goodness, I promise to never, ever, ever let my wife speak for me on this forum. It would get us all in a triffle that would end in eternity......literally......we'd all be dead in a lively vat of acid and buried in a bed of baking soda for a big departure:D:D:D



I ask you, if score is kept in a battle of wits and there's no real rules, Who wins? Both sides because they both claim victory. So, "the scorer" does matter. You know you could probably call Bill Calfee and he would talk to you...if you're deemed worthy.
Beau and I are curious, how long is " much longer"? I was curious if I could get in one last round before the hammer falls. I don't know if I am ahead or behind in the "score".

Now that's funny right there!:D:D

I am not a betting man, but I would nearly be willing to bet that Wilbur snickered on that one!:D:D


I ask you, if score is kept in a battle of wits and there's no real rules, Who wins? Both sides because they both claim victory. So, "the scorer" does matter. You know you could probably call Bill Calfee and he would talk to you...if you're deemed worthy.

I discussions of rimfire accuracy and a few other topics on rimfire competition and if it's wits or guile would "the scorer" be necessary? I do have one problem in the past that I can guarantee you that should be addressed (maybe a "rimfire competition only" website.... predictions of a win. That just is directly disrespectful of any other competitors that do not have set 'smiths equipment. I don't care how many times said 'smith has been right. In a sport that sometimes requires shooters to be scorers...any pre-concieved idea of any outcome can and possibly will maybe determine an outcome. Other that that, why will Bill Calfee not re-join this website? Why do you state that if I called him he would talk to me...if I were worthy? If I were worthy and he wanted to talk to me my number is on his second favorite website. I have spoken to Bill maybe twice, once for sure. He congratulated me for my scores at Wood Twp. in 2006 in November. It was a tough day and my 6th match with a benchgun. Felt pretty good to have him do it. But I've seen him at least 3 or 4 times since when I did pretty well and never heard so much as hello.


He probably didn't know you. He's senile.

You know you're pretty good ole' boy but man you're confusing sometimes. Take a good look at this:

'any pre-concieved idea of any outcome can and possibly will maybe determine an outcome."

Now that's major waffling or just saying "I just write to read myself". But it is funny.

You know Carp, I've always said the reason this board is so contentious is because writing is imprrsonal. You don't see the eyes, hear the inflection, whatever, so you can either think "he has to be joking" or "he's serious". Some people always choose "serious". And see I refuse to use the emoticons for that very reason. Let somebody guess what I mean. So, there's two things to take away from that. I never use emoticons. When I said he would talk to you if you're worthy, I was joking. You should have known I was joking. Of course, he wouldn't talk to you.:D
when science shows your wrong, what's left but to lash out. just like the chunky school kid that places the toad in the girls desk. the butterball has no idea what the girl is afraid of, but he's afraid of everything so he thinks the girl will be afraid of toads. so it's pretty obvious who has what fears just look at who posts the darts and you pretty much can tell those that live in constant fear. must be hell to live like that.
Amazingly enough Martin, science is arguable. I love to watch the conspiracy theory stories behind the Kennedy shooting. Now the people on these panels are not nuts; they're leaders in their fields, forensics, medicine, etc. yet they disagree on what happened and they have basis for it. Each and every one of them uses science to prove that they are correct. Each and every on of them can use science to prove the other is wrong. So, even science is not black and white. Everything is a gray area.
Good science is black and white. Bad science is like global warming, follow the money.

I would like to start by saying ,"I think we are all a little bit crazy".
I have lurked around this Forum for awhile now, and the reason I visit here is to learn and further my knowledge of this wonderful sport of shooting.
I believe that in a sport like shooting ,facts ,and results are what really matter in the end.Opinions are just opinions, discussion 's are just discussion's and you guy's who always disagree with each other are just banging your head against a brick wall.Do you really think and believe your posts will suddenly and permanently change your opponents thinking and point of view.
If I may use Bill Calfee as an example, from my limited knowledge, he seems to be a different sort of character but his actions seem to speak louder than words.
He seems to be always thinking and experimenting trying to achieve a result better than was attained yesterday.He then makes most of this information available ( in a sometimes hard to understand way) to all who wish to listen.Why would anyone be critical of free good advice.
If someone disagrees with this free educated advice a logical educated course of action would be to discredit it ,with evidence of their own experiments and achievements( of which I have seen little evidence of).
I suppose I am saying let facts and achievements be the main topic of discussion and unsubstantiated opinion and hearsay shown the back door.

Thankyou for your time


I don't often agree with Aussies having worked with them many years in another life, but I've got to admit you hit the nail on the head. I really believe most people do just as you suggested.

But this site offers more than just information about shooting, it is also entertaining.

As someone said, it may be a little sick but many of us enjoy reading the post that are nothing more than bickering. We all know, or at lest should know, it is a total waste of time. But we read it just the same. If we didn't these threads would not get so many hits.

Have a G'day down under!