Constant bickering and "score keeping"


cook and bottle washer
We're not gonna do it here much longer. Please use email or the PM feature to match wits.
Well said Wilbur,
i dont think all the bickering is doing the site any favours and always seem to cover old stuff or the same people.

Lets get back to the sport and not the poeple that have differences with each other.

I dont know,

its kind of fun to watch in a sick way. Like watching a wreck on the freeway when you go by. You know better, wanna get on your way etc, but just cant stand to not look and gawk like everyone else. That is what keeps half the reality shows on TV as far as I can tell.
And the advertising that goes with them. Only so many ways to clean a gun and that will cause an argument. Want to stop the bickering? Shut down the site.
I don't read the vast majority of the 'stuff' that gets posted.

Judging by some of the stuff that gets posted you would think that most RF BR shooters are absolute jerks but if you actually go to matches you would discover that the majority of [ or possibly ALL ] RF BR shooters are super nice people. So are the jerks [ trolls ? ] just posting here and never going to matches or what ???? :confused:

A long term ban from the site for derogatory personal attacks is one idea. I am often astounded by the things that people will hit the 'Submit Reply' button on but then I don't understand the whole troll mentality.
I think the thing that I find disappointing is people picking on one person i.e. Mr C. In some ways it’s almost like bullying, this wouldn’t be put up with on other forums, he may be a good gun smith and may be not, I don’t know as I live here in the UK but I know people that have his rifles and very pleased with them.
The idea of a forum is to share news and ideas, not to scream at someone, I run a very small forum that is to do with benchrest and never a big and Benchrest Central but I would not accept this kind of behaviour on there.

How this is dealt with I don’t know as it has been left to run for a long time now, with a big forum like this spending time editing what people have said is not easy and would take hours, people need to get back to what a forum is about, sharing info and talking about shooting in general.

Just a point of view, AndyD
Probably the most strict forum I have ever seen is As you may expect it is a University of Kentucky sports forum. They have several moderators and I mean several more than are here, and the people are generally like minded (can't say anything bad about the Wildcats now). Arguments are allowed as long as they don't deteriorate to personal attacks and then they are quickly quelled and deleted. Even posts from opposing fans are allowed so long as there are no personal attacks going either way. Rumors are gone in a heartbeat as is any demeaning comment about anything. Now could you do this here? You could but you would have to have many more moderators and people here are not like minded. This site has been somewhat controversial ever since I can remember, but there was one benchmark moment that defined what would be allowed and that goes back to the moderators and super moderators.

I don't go over to the CF site much but when I do, I see some fairly heated arguments and those people are more like minded. So, what's allowed? Personal attacks? I think no. Arguments (heated discussion if you will)? You about have to allow that otherwise what do you have. So, what are the rules. No defined rules and the site will continue to be as it is and the only choice if Wilbur does not want to fool with it is pull the plug. I don't say that as a challenge for him to do it, but it's gonna take a lot to police this site. That's already been proven. It's not the people, you can replace every personality here and assuming they were replaced with the same type of people of a competitive (imaginary or really on the line) nature, it will evolve to virtually the same point. Without the people of competitive nature, you have a site equivalent to an old ladies knitting circle and I'll bet every now and then one of them sticks another with a knitting needle.
Nothing wrong with the site. You can count on one hand the one's who cause most of the fuss, and they could be deleted/erased/banned very easily and not missed.
You must not read too much on the CF and Competition Only Forums. You must not read too much of anything.

10-07-2009, 10:11 PM
cook and bottle washer

Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 2,099
I don't mind for now
But at some point you need to consider accepting those long threads as just the way it is. Speaking of nonsense, having Beau post for you is nonsense.

Bill Calfee.........are you lazy or something? You get Wally to do all your correspondence now. You used to be very proud of doing all of your correspondence. You had the power and STILL do to use this site, as it sounds. But You got to quit crying about what you don't like. Believe me, not everyone will like what you say. Not everyone will like what you believe. But saying you are taking your marbles and going home is childish and not very professional. You have had good things and ideas to say. You have had bad things. No different than a lot of us. A quitter is not a good thing. To quit is unhonorable. But to quit and use a proxy is incomprehensible. Either sign back up on this forum or let yourself die on this issue.

I take your word on this issue. You know that it won't stop on folks disagreeing with BC. That is fine with me. I never believed in plenty of things. I do however believe that if you want to do something, you had better well do it yourself or see that it is done by someone else or you are just unable to to it by yourself.

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There's no problem with heated discussion

When it comes to long runs of matching wits and words like "take your meds" I believe that's a problem...just my opinion.

I read a lot of things but it's true I don't read the CF board unless I think they have information on something I need. Again, I don't understand the gist of what you're saying. I think they are more like minded than the RF side, but at the same time I see heated arguments. It may evolve to name calling etc., but I've never really seen it.

So, you're either saying it's just as bad or it's very civil. Which is it?
But Wilbur,

Considering some of our member's health, "Take your meds" is sound medical advice. So would be trying to drop 10, 15, or even 150 lbs for some.

Maybe a little more time at the gym and less time on the keyboard?

Maybe a salad rather than a third chicken fried steak sammich?


Oh, and Madrox just reminded me: checking and your blood sugar. That's an important one for behavorial issues.

Thanks..! :p
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Never could the written word be more true. I don't think that would be bickering at all. Saying something to you like it's unacceptable for you to be racist, white supremest, homophobic, etc is politically incorrect so I'm so glad you've found another outlet for your hatred and anger and a way to make you feel better about your inferiority complex would be bickering and keeping score. So, aren't you glad we've quit doing that?

If you pull this off you might be in line for the Nobel Peace Prize next year.
I suppose I could do like Obama when he played the race card and it got trumped...invite you all for a beer. Except it's the poor house instead of the White House.
Hi All,
I seem to be the only one here who learns a little from the longish arguments. I have no problem at all, I just skim the posts and stop at anything that is of interest. Live and let and let post. Just keep the ideas flowing.
I used to think that Bill got a bad rap, until I read that he has too much work and is thinking about scaling down...then I remembered the old adage "there is no such thing as bad publicity". Personally, I like the guy and wouldn't mind having a Turbo to play around with.
JMHO, tim