Considering a change....

Just by looking at you I must be at least 9 months younger than you. ;) I was born 09/20/38. I could pass for 69 easily.
I have a sleeved XP that I got from Claude Smith a long time ago and it's a very competitive rifle. I'll keep that at the very least. I won't be completely out of the business and may not sell anything. I'll have a better idea of what I want to do after the Super Shoot.
I understand wanting to stay at home more. After I have been around the house for a few months and I have fixed or broken everything I can then I feel like I need to go back out, but as soon as I get there I start to get home sick and I worry about my heard of cats.
We have six of them now and they are quite a hand full but when some one drops one off or calls we can't seem to turn them down.
I think my wife rescued me about 2 years before I became known as the crazy cat man down the street.
I am getting rready to build them an outdoor habitat so they can go outside and roll around in the grass and more importantly poop and pee without risk getting caught up with coyotes.
I understand wanting to stay at home more. After I have been around the house for a few months and I have fixed or broken everything I can then I feel like I need to go back out, but as soon as I get there I start to get home sick and I worry about my heard of cats.
We have six of them now and they are quite a hand full but when some one drops one off or calls we can't seem to turn them down.
I think my wife rescued me about 2 years before I became known as the crazy cat man down the street.
I am getting rready to build them an outdoor habitat so they can go outside and roll around in the grass and more importantly poop and pee without risk getting caught up with coyotes.

WOW, six cats? You've got enough for a big batch of tamales now. Makes my mouth water thinking of it!

Why feed the lousy coyotes, when you can eat them first?
I did a similar thing Mickey

I fished for Atlantic Salmon for over 20 years. In the beginning, Maine had pretty good fishing but as humans will, I started traveling to places where "Bigger Ones" were supposedly available to catch. I spent over 20 years trying to be there when the fish were.

There came a point where I looked at my life and decided that if I wanted to have anything else in my life except fishing I had to quit it. I walked away from it totally; still have all the equipment but walked. I had a good bird dog then and use to look forward to the Bird season, which overlaped the best of the Salmon season. My dog had a short life and passes at a young age.

I then discovered Benchrest shooting. It has captivated me and eats my summers the same way Salmon fishing did. Can I see the day I will walk away from BR shooting? I think so. There comes a time - - - -
Have you considered having monthly club matches at Rachel's Glen ? This would allow you to enjoy the social part of BR matches without the travel. I know at Riverbend most everybody pitches in to make the events run smoothly and avoid having one guy do all the work. Alternating between group and score keeps it from becoming stale. Not having moving backers dramatically simplifies putting on a match.

Part 2. You should try a nice BR airgun. No noise, cheap ammo [$15 for 500!! ], no brass-powder-primers-reloading dies-presses-etc,no tune issues, fewer windflags [ 25 yds ]. Just you and the conditions.

Good luck

sent another e-mail. Didn't have any issue with spammarrest the first time. If this one does not come through send me a message back with your phone number to Thanks. Bro.D
Have you considered having monthly club matches at Rachel's Glen ? This would allow you to enjoy the social part of BR matches without the travel. I know at Riverbend most everybody pitches in to make the events run smoothly and avoid having one guy do all the work. Alternating between group and score keeps it from becoming stale. Not having moving backers dramatically simplifies putting on a match.

Part 2. You should try a nice BR airgun. No noise, cheap ammo [$15 for 500!! ], no brass-powder-primers-reloading dies-presses-etc,no tune issues, fewer windflags [ 25 yds ]. Just you and the conditions.

Good luck
I can't hold 100 yard matches because my target line is permanently set at 200 yards and shooting at 100 yards would probably destroy them eventually. The only possibility is if everybody used the 30 BR.

I'm not hurting for the money but don't take that to mean I'm wealthy. I'm not but I don't owe any money and have a modest income. I'm truly rich in the sense that all of my needs are met and almost all of my 'wants' are met. What else do I need? I wouldn't be holding matches to produce income at all but to give shooters something to do.

I tried rimfire and spent a good deal building target frames and putting in the 50 yard firing line. One Saturday we had 4 shooters to show up. I had free lunches at the matches and one shooter wanted four barbecue sandwiches. That really irked me. Airgun is not even debatable with me.

I guess I'll just keep things like they are. I may not sell all my stuff. I'll have a better idea of how I truly feel after the Super Shoot.
Heck, just have 5 target 200 yd score matches or a combined 200 yd 5 target score and 5 target group matches. No lunch. No plaques [ wellllll, you have to have 5x pins !!!!!! :) ]. 50% payback. No big production. Low effort. Emphasis on the enjoyable aspects of BR without all the travel time and expense.

Our Riverbend monthly club matches are as much a social event as they are a shooting match. I think if you had something similar going on you would have a different outlook and see all the positives instead of the few negatives that are currently coloring your perception.

Of course the great December match I had is currently coloring my perception !!!! :D I just fitted a 30PPC bbl to my drop port Viper and I hope it shoots as good as my Laser Beam [ 30BR, non drop port ] that I shot in the Dec match.

WWCCA has been running 200yd score matches now for 4 or 5 years. No frames to carry out or put back. 5 targets and a point system for the year. It works!
WWCCA has been running 200yd score matches now for 4 or 5 years. No frames to carry out or put back. 5 targets and a point system for the year. It works!
I might give that a try for the summer just to see if anybody shows up. I've tried to stir up local interest in benchrest for years and nobody is willing to put their rifles where their mouth is. We have a lot of good shooters in the coffee shop but they won't show us.
WWCCA has 7 matches for the year, you have to attend at least 5 of them to qualify for the overall yearly points. Cost about $12.00 and they do get something for winning a match, give them their money back for an example. It starts at 10:00am and normally stops at about 12:00 or 1:00pm, everyone then goes to the clubhouse for lunch and refreshments and home by 3:00pm, wives are happy, the shooter had a good day of shooting, just a win win situation. Just my 2¢ worth.
I might give that a try for the summer just to see if anybody shows up. I've tried to stir up local interest in benchrest for years and nobody is willing to put their rifles where their mouth is. We have a lot of good shooters in the coffee shop but they won't show us.


When your right....your right.

You have Brady, Billy Stevens and Tom Dulaney that are 'locals'. 2 or 3 more shooters plus yourself and you have a decent sized club match. Add in some occasional GA shooters from Dublin or Riverbend and you really start to have a good number.

In my 2 years of shooting at Riverbend the fewest competitors was 6 and I think the most was 15 or 16. The same names end up at the top of the list no matter the number of entrants so the competition is always pretty tight.

I suggest the 4th Saturday of the month !!
You have Brady, Billy Stevens and Tom Dulaney that are 'locals'. 2 or 3 more shooters plus yourself and you have a decent sized club match. Add in some occasional GA shooters from Dublin or Riverbend and you really start to have a good number.

In my 2 years of shooting at Riverbend the fewest competitors was 6 and I think the most was 15 or 16. The same names end up at the top of the list no matter the number of entrants so the competition is always pretty tight.

I suggest the 4th Saturday of the month !!
That might be doable. I'll mull it over. Seems like I do a lot of 'mulling' these days.