Congratulations Mr. Boyer Super Shoot win #7 Still the man at 78..

It was impressive to watch. Just in case you haven't heard Tony laid a teen agg 2-Gun down on around 200 shooters to win the 2018 Super Shoot. In the process of this beat down he broke four (4) Super Shoot records. Records included the 13.5 lb 200 with a .1509, both 10.5 and 13.5 grands with .1999 and .1771 respectively and shattered the 2-Gun with the .1885. I guess every once in a while the great ones just have to throw a butt whipping out just to let you know they are still around. Clay Spencer said it best many years ago. "Tony can beat you with a broom stick as long as it is an honest one".

Congratulations again to my friend and major mentor on quite an accomplishment. Many competitive shooters in the game today are better shooters because of you. You are still the man!!!

He has forgotten more about this game than most of us will ever know....
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Everything what Wayne said. Congratulations to the best shooter and tuner in the world. The last sentence in your post says it all. Also, I think Jeff Summers did a great job shooting all week and I believe his 2nd place finish in the 2 gun was also a new SS record.
Nice save for Tony on that one group Wayne.
I'm also proud to call The Man my friend.
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Tony is not human!

Went as a spectator (definitely plan on competing next year!) and it was exciting to see all the big names.


I was watching Boyer in what I think was the 2nd or 3rd relay during the HV 100yd match and I saw you stop Tony and give him another rifle (yours?) and a box of ammo? Meant to ask you later but I didnt want to bother anyone during the match... what happened there?

to tony. Great bench rest shooter and holding on at 78! us youngsters and still getting lessons from the "great one"
It was impressive to watch. Just in case you haven't heard Tony laid a teen agg 2-Gun down on around 200 shooters to win the 2018 Super Shoot. In the process of this beat down he broke four (4) Super Shoot records. Records included the 13.5 lb 200 with a .1509, both 10.5 and 13.5 grands with .1999 and .1771 respectively and shattered the 2-Gun with the .1885. I guess every once in a while the great ones just have to throw a butt whipping out just to let you know they are still around. Clay Spencer said it best many years ago. "Tony can beat you with a broom stick as long as it is an honest one".

Congratulations again to my friend and major mentor on quite an accomplishment. Many competitive shooters in the game today are better shooters because of you. You are still the man!!!

He has forgotten more about this game than most of us will ever know....

Commanding performance there... absolute spanking. WOW
Congratulations Tony, A remarkable feat at any age but especially at 78!

Jeff, also is a southern gentleman deserving of a win, but you never have to hang your head if it was Tony who was the one that beat you. Great shooting Jeff!

John VM
Simply Amazing

What else can be said about the man who has seen it all, done it all and accomplished more in the sport of benchrest then anyone else ever will! Watch him shoot and you will most times just walk away, shake your head and ask yourself, how in the hell did he do that. And he makes it look so simple! Ask him how he did it and he will tell you, honestly, I don't know, it’s automatic. His drive and determination to win has not faltered in 39 years of competitive benchrest and you can rest assured that each and every time he sits down to shoot, his main goal is to beat you. If you truly enjoy seeing accurate rifles performing at their ultimate best, you simply must appreciate seeing the skill and precision that comes from watching Tony shoot. I have always said, finishing second to Tony, is the same as winning, but it will be him who drives home with the first place trophy. Congratulations Mr. Boyer and I feel safe in saying, your still not done!

For those of you who don’t know this little piece of history: In his first registered benchrest match, Tony Boyer finished dead last!!!!!!

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Great Shooting Pops! You’re the Man! Always have been the Man! Always will be THE MAN! Incredible shooting!


I know I’m Mom’s Favorite and Andy is a huge disappointment!!!!

It pains me terribly to crash this thread about the amazing accomplishment that we recently witnessed from Mr TB, but under the circumstances, I feel sure he wouldn’t mind!

Shamrock 2018 2-gun

Super Shoot 2018 2-gun.

Nuff said!!!
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What else can be said about the man who has seen it all, done it all and accomplished more in the sport of benchrest then anyone else ever will! Watch him shoot and you will most times just walk away, shake your head and ask yourself, how in the hell did he do that. And he makes it look so simple! Ask him how he did it and he will tell you, honestly, I don't know, it’s automatic. His drive and determination to win has not faltered in 39 years of competitive benchrest and you can rest assured that each and every time he sits down to shoot, his main goal is to beat you. If you truly enjoy seeing accurate rifles performing at their ultimate best, you simply must appreciate seeing the skill and precision that comes from watching Tony shoot. I have always said, finishing second to Tony, is the same as winning, but it will be him who drives home with the first place trophy. Congratulations Mr. Boyer and I feel safe in saying, your still not done!

For those of you who don’t know this little piece of history: In his first registered benchrest match, Tony Boyer finished dead last!!!!!!


Gotta be photographic memory....and lots of shooting........
Could not agree

A True Living Legend.

Any more than that.

As a Canadian, in my mind he is the likes of Wayne Gretzky. The greatest to have ever played the sport they both love and have loved.

I doubt his accomplishments will ever be surpassed.

I will never forget my first meeting of him at the last Nationals in Kansas City. He was with Faye in the golf cart. Myself and Rick Pollock approached them and introduced ourselfs and shook hands. He then looked at my rifle. Reached with closed hand and tapped the rear of the stock. Needless to say his expression said it all......that then and there proved that I did not have the right stock for the job......maybe even more so rifle. ??

I had read and heard a lot about the man. That shoot I gave Faye my shirt so her and Tony could sign it for me. I framed it.......

In my mind Tony is thebest there ever is and the best there ever will be.

You are the man Tony.

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Tony Boyer

While I was at the Super Shoot I took a few images of the competitors. While back home I looked them over and decided to chang one of them to black and white. This image is of Tony Boyer and when I changed the image to B/W the reflection on the hat on Tony's head is funny.Tony Boyer-1.jpg