Congrat's Danny Hepler, Calfee



Friend Danny:

Congratulations on your 2008, ARA, Indoor Nationals Championship.

Your friend,

Bill Calfee

"Duke Of Earl"
Congratulations Danny! Well done! See you in the Spring, some where shooting. Congrats to DJ and Craig as well!
Congratulations Danny Job well done,you shot scores hard too shoot in that house.D.J. and Craig y'all shot well too!!!!!! Oh yeah Chipper, good job calling the line.............

I don't know what the scores are but I know that you three did well. Congratulations Danny, DJ and Craig. You boys are great.
Down Under Praise

Well done to our close American friends DJ & Craig of Team Calfee, I also look forward to meeting Dad at World Champs in 2011 :)
Jim, Danny agged 2350, DJ 2341, I had 2331 for the first three places . Polly wiil have to post the total scores.
Bill, Dave could not make it up to shoot , he was working on his new shop .
Team Calfee had a banner weekend to say the least, thanks in large part to Bill and his latest creation, "Duke of Earl" which was awesome!

Great to see you guys doing good, for those of us out of the loop what number Calfee Spec rifle is the Duke of Earl.

Peter glad to see you "on the net", the Duke is No. 6 , what is kicking in Aussie land? Have you heard anything out of Ol' Nick?

I wasn’t that well and sat out the RBA nationals, but Nick did kick some butt in the wind, we were getting strong wind with gust over 50mph all weekend. Nobody enjoys himself more than uncle Nick he’s planning on going to Keetlefoot in 2011 too.

Congrats Danny and Dj. Craig you did well ol boy I hope to see you fellas in Febuary.Jerry
Hi Craig.

Peter glad to see you "on the net", the Duke is No. 6 , what is kicking in Aussie land? Have you heard anything out of Ol' Nick?

Hi Craig, As Peter said our Nationals were not fun in 50MPH wind it was a lottery, of the Italian Mob I came 4th & Grant came 5th, Nick had one exceptional target but then blew away with the rest.

The young guy that won (Clinton Sondergold) is a prone shooter that does benchrest for fun. He had an old rusty scissor car jack as his front rest & home made material saggy bags he squeezed at the back, so no Fudd Rest, no Calfee Rifle & I dont think he had flags either...Go Figure :confused:
OK Bill now you have spilled the beans, I told these guys over here that you Aussies had only the best, top notch equipment, and we got lucky and won over the best from down under. Now you tell that big whopper , bald face lie about that rusty car jack and the saggy bags , and the factory guns with bent barrels, you take it back!
Don't believe a word he says Craig, he's just trying to lull us all into a false sense of security for the next time we all get together - :)
Think you got me mixed up with someone else Bill, don't remember saying on this forum, or any other, that the UK beat Australia at the WC'ships.

Addition: would appreciate a link to forum/thread where you claim I made this statement.

Friend Brian, You are correct, I read it wrong it was Craig & they obviously did kick our butt. All in fun anyway, i will delete the post my error.
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Way to go Danny; finally learned how to learned the wind.
Friend Brian, You are correct, I read it wrong it was Craig & they obviously did kick our butt. All in fun anyway, i will delete the post my error.

No problem Bill, I do joke on a lot and often worry my comments may not travel well. But I would not write something I new to be untrue - unless of course I was joking :p

Anyway this thread was to congratulate Danny, who I haven't met but his son is a good 'un - so well done.
Duke of Earl

Congratulations to Danny, DJ, Craig, Frank, & Gene for their top 5 finishes. There was some fantastic shooting going on this past weekend.

The "Duke of Earl" finished 1st & 3rd this past weekend. Does everyone remember the song by Gene Chandler in 1962 "The Duke of Earl"? The first line of the song is "As I walk through this world, nothing can stop the Duke of Earl". This line sums up the tournament this weekend, Danny & Craig were on their game for sure. Danny had 3 cards of 2450 back to back to back.....Man that's hard to make up ground when that happens....And Craig had 2 cards of 2450 & another of 2400.....that's 6 cards out of 16 of 2400 or above in the presence of super competition....

Everyone was on top of their game....There were many scores of 2400 & above by at least 24 different competitors. Congratulations to everyone who competed, it was an excellent tournament.

A special congratulations to DJ Hepler and Dawn Killough for their 2500 cards.

Mike Sherrill
Congratulations to Danny

Danny you stuck it out and shot really good.Glad to see you win.It's something when you can shoot aginst 78 shooters and come out on TOP.Congratulations to all the other shooters also.LARRY COOK.