Confederate Memorial

I'm sorry and I know this is going to piss a lot of peope off but I believe a war memorial in arlington for southern soldiers is a slap in the face of the nation. What next. War memorial for the Indians, what about one for the mexicans, french and british. Oh heck, while were at it.....lets have one for the towel heads who flew planes in our buildings. The south was being crapped on....that's a fact...but hell....a lot of people have been crapped on in this nation/land. I had family who went to fight and died for no other reason than to perserve the U.S.A. so I am kind of insulted.

I spent 24yrs in the Army, five years in combat zones and am disabled for life because of it so yeah, build a memorial here for my enemy. Sure gives me a warm and fuzzy.

The south started a bad war for a bad cause and lost.....they were enemies of the U.S. was their decision.

Sorry....just my opinion.

How in the hell did the south start the war when they were invaded by the north to force them to return to the union they had seceded from. If they had allowed the secession to stand there wouldn't be a memorial to a bunch of dead southerners in (your countries) cemetary. Damn Pete, I guess you are right, the war ain't over for some folks. Steve
I'm sorry and I know this is going to piss a lot of peope off but I believe a war memorial in arlington for southern soldiers is a slap in the face of the nation.
Sorry....just my opinion.


Hovis, You need to grow some more.

Concho Bill
Damn Hovis

I'm sorry and I know this is going to piss a lot of peope off but I believe a war memorial in arlington for southern soldiers is a slap in the face of the nation. What next. War memorial for the Indians, what about one for the mexicans, french and british. Oh heck, while were at it.....lets have one for the towel heads who flew planes in our buildings. The south was being crapped on....that's a fact...but hell....a lot of people have been crapped on in this nation/land. I had family who went to fight and died for no other reason than to perserve the U.S.A. so I am kind of insulted.

I spent 24yrs in the Army, five years in combat zones and am disabled for life because of it so yeah, build a memorial here for my enemy. Sure gives me a warm and fuzzy.

The south started a bad war for a bad cause and lost.....they were enemies of the U.S. was their decision.

Sorry....just my opinion.


I did not realize we were still your enemy. All those years in the Army there were probably a couple of "southern boys" who served beside you.
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One thing you always have to think about is what sort of World would we have if the Confederacy would have managed to "win" the war. Would Slavery still be an institution. Would 95 percent of everything be owned by a wealthy few, and where a "Middle Class" was non existant.

By all accounts, the Southern States had a right to leave the Union, with one minor catch. They had to fight a War in order to make the break away permanent.

I am a citizen of The United States of America. My mothers familly are all from Mississipi, so on my Maternal side, I am Southern. But I am more or less second generation German on my Fathers side. I have no lost liove for Gemany at all.

In the movie Gettysburg, General Longstreet said, "the South should have freed the Slaves, and THEN fired on Fort Sumpter. They would have then had moral authority on their side.......jackie
Sorry, after the Southern senators refused to "sit" in congress after lincoln was elected in 1861, the United states of America was dissolved. This is when we lost the Republic, which is why we now have a democracy. As far as the wealthy few, the form of government known as a Republic, where only the property owners vote is one impetus for others, with a desire to become an elector, to succeed and become a property owner, instead of sitting around, waiting to get their "cut" of YOUR property. Remember, the Constitution was written by a bunch of radical old white guys who didn't like TAXES, (they'd had ENOUGH of that!!) so they wrote that "archaic document" in such a way that there would be no tax on anyone just because they were living. The Constitution clearly states that tariffs and duties were to be collected from countries and companies wishing to do business here. And no, slavery would not still be an institution, as many felt for some time that slavery was not in the best interests of the country, or their personal spirit at all. As a matter of fact, General Lee freed his slaves before he left for the war, I never knew that until about a year ago. As far as the US-USA thing, look when those inspirational presidents get up to address us know-nothings on how they'll save us, look at the front of the podium where their, speeches are read from, it doesn't say ANYTHING about AMERICA it only says, "seal of the president of the united states". Thats ALL. Hey, when the news comes on, and someone's being interviewed, the lable under the interviewee says something like "Millie Wombat, resident" not citizen, NEVER citizen. And, the press is in on it, too, every year, all the media get a copy of the "Comprehensive Annual Financial Report" (CAFR) you can have one too, if you call up and ask for it; but the first question they'll ask you is, "Who are you with??" Try it sometime, you'll see.
It all boiled down to States rights. Which from what I can tell from the Arizona “Illegal Alien Law”, that is what it will boil down to again.
I love the Sleeping Lion on the Battle Flag Statue!!!!!!!!!!
G,Great Grandson of Pvt. Elbert D. Graham Company F 8th Mississippi Infantry CSA
Baron Graham
I cannot imagine map of the United States without the South. I cannot imagine the United States without a Dallas or an Atlanta any more than a United States without a New York or Chicago. I believe it is fair to say that the United States would not be a great nation if the southern states had been allowed to be a separate nation and the Confederate States would have bickered and fractured more. The whole Union might have disintegrated and, in their weakness, been taken over by European nations. Instead, together we built a railroad across the continent and a greater nation across North America.

As proud as I am of my southern roots, I am more proud to be an American.

Concho Bill,
Texan by birth, American by the grace of God
I knew, as I said in my post that I would probably upset some, my point wasn't to do so. But to point something "In my opinion" out.

I love the southern states, I go visit all the time. I have no hard feeling over some of my family dieing fighting against the south.

Also, I believe that it is perfectly fine for states to fly what they want on their flag, put whatever memorials they wish on their state, local or private land. I also have no problem with confederate soldiers being buried in national cemetaries....I commend it and think of it as a healing process to the nation. General Lee made the decision to allow his property to become what is known as Arlington National Cemetary. I have been there many time. Many confederate soldiers are buried there, as they should be.

I just have a issue with a Confederate War Memorial in a National Cemetary, that's all...right or's my opinion. At the time of the war....the confederacy was in fact another nation, not part of the United States of America. It was a sad thing.

Some of my best friends were southerners from North Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida & Texas. And with my additional duty being graves registration at my FOB in Iraqi, I prepped and drapped the U.S. flag on many American Soldiers from the south for their final trip home.

All I have left to say is: God Bless America
