Pete Wass
Well-known member
If the bullet is being pushed by the wind it enters at an angle and when the plug is put into the hole it will follow the angle of the bullet hole and does not go straight in. The only way it will go in straight is if it is pushed into the target. That said in a green wing a bullet short of the bull gets pulled by the plug towards the bull while a bullet past the bull is pulled away from the bull. This is why the reticle was adopted.
All of that is pretty much out the window when those scoring turn the target over and push the frayed paper in and flatten it out. This is a common practice when using the Reticle. People use to fret over pushing the plug exactly in, etc, etc, etc , and all for naught. Flatten the hole and use a plug and see where the hole is as with the reticle.
The two biggest problems I have observed with the use of the reticle is many of the people using it don't do as the directions say and look through the magnifier 1" above it and look straight down.. I have seen a number of folks a lot farther away than an inch and some looking at various angles, etc. That ain't what the directions say. Anonter issue is oval shaped holes that exceed the margins of the center ring. It becomes somewhat subjective as to where the circle centers up and this isn't the only instance of where circumstances are not cut and dried. Give me a plug anytime and I believe a better decision will be reached.