Chasing leade



Have any of you guys benefited from setting a barrel back?
Have any of you guys benefited from setting a barrel back?

The question is appropriate for this Forum. You did not ask, ....."how do you set a barrel back"? You asked if anyone thought there was any benefit to it.

I do it all the time. I even chamber my barrels in a specific way that makes them very easy to set back up.

I just set my originol 30BR barrel back the entire length of the chamber. It is down to 20 3/4 inches. It shot very well at The Lousianna State VFS this past Sunday. (The shooter made a few mistakes).

With a 6PPC, I will set a new barrel back .025 after about 300 rounds, again after the next 300. After that, I will chop at least the straight part of the chamber off, and treat it like a ne blank.

I would rather keep that throat fresh than start chasing seating depth.
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The question is appropriate for this Forum. You did not ask, ....."how do you set a barrel back"? You asked if anyone thought there was any benefit to it.

I do it all the time. I even chamber my barrels in a specific way that makes them very easy to set back up.

I just set my originol 30BR barrel back the entire length of the chamber. It is down to 20 3/4 inches. It shot very well at The Lousianna State VFS this past Sunday. (The shooter made a few mistakes).

With a 6PPC, I will set a new barrel back .025 after about 300 rounds, again after the next 300. After that, I will chop at least the straight part of the chamber off, and treat it like a ne blank.

I would rather keep that throat fresh than start chasing seating depth.

Thank you Jackie. You are very helpful.
If it has been a really

great bbl, then yes, it's worth doing. The only thing I don't like about doing set backs, is it can be a little tough on the reamer. ( If the bbl has alot of rounds through it )

Richard Brensing
I have a 25-06 I'm pretty sure the lead is burned out. Used to be a tack driver but now accuracy suffers. When I remove the barrel I can see a definite ring where the case mouth would be. I really wasn't sure it 25-06 is overbore enough to cause that much erosion. The gun has been shot A LOT! I have checked crown, bedding, bolt lugs, scope, you name it. I asked another gun guy (supposedly 30+ years in the business) where I'm from about setting the barrel back and he laughed and said its not worth it.
I have a 25-06 I'm pretty sure the lead is burned out. Used to be a tack driver but now accuracy suffers. When I remove the barrel I can see a definite ring where the case mouth would be. I really wasn't sure it 25-06 is overbore enough to cause that much erosion. The gun has been shot A LOT! I have checked crown, bedding, bolt lugs, scope, you name it. I asked another gun guy (supposedly 30+ years in the business) where I'm from about setting the barrel back and he laughed and said its not worth it.

If it is any type of a Factory Barrel, especially a Chrome Moly, don't waste your time. A 25/06 that has been fired a lot as you say will be ate away considerably more than you could hope to clean up with a setback, unless you chopped the entire chamber off. Then barrel length gets to be a big consideration, as well as the contour up by the chamber end.

In my initial post, I was referring to barrels used exclusively in Benchrest, in a suitable Benchrest Chamberring.
If you have to pay someone to set it back, it probably isn't worthwhile. If you do your own or have a buddy that will do it for free or at least cheap it is worthwhile.
To remain on the cutting edge of accuracy, how many rounds of 6Dasher at 32-32.5 gn would you shoot before setting the barrel back or changing barrels?
i am going to take a WAG( WILD AZZ GUESS) and use Jackies guide...250.
Start with a long bbl and quit when the velocity was gone.
i was going to build a short bbl for 600 and not rethinking.

To remain on the cutting edge of accuracy, how many rounds of 6Dasher at 32-32.5 gn would you shoot before setting the barrel back or changing barrels?
chasing the leade

It depends on how far the barrel is washed. If there.s enough good metal ahead of of the chamber past the washed out part then yes It's worth doing.
I went thru some of my old PPC barrels last week I cut off the threads and turned new shanks on the barrels , then threaded and re chambered.
I got quite a surprise most of the barrels came back and shot very well .
Did you do the same with your 30br bench rifle ??
If the barrel is exceptional yes, Set my wife's back twice and it still kicked butt! But with the same reamer and gunsmith.

Joe Salt